I am sick of wearing only ae and abercrombie tee shirts. I am not in any school sports. I want a cool shirt that is like sponsored, or some that you buy that go to different charities like sids or cancer research?
Where can I get tee shirts for different charities?
Most really big charities have t-shirts on their websites! For example PETA has t-shirts at https://www.petacatalog.org/products.asp...
And if you go to cafepress.com you can search for charity shirts, there are usually TONS from smaller charities that don't have their own web stores. (I tried SIDS for example, and got http://www.cafepress.com/buy/sids/-/pv_d...
Reply:american apparel
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Where would be a good place to hold a benefit concert?
I'm thinking of holding a benefit concert, where all the proceeds would go to breast cancer research, but I'm stumped as to where to hold it.
Keep in mind I'm on a tight budget.
Where would be a good place to hold a benefit concert?
1. A park
2. Rent a Hall
3. The beach
4. A resort
5. In the fields like Woodstock or Coachella does
6. The mountains?
Just a few good spots
Keep in mind I'm on a tight budget.
Where would be a good place to hold a benefit concert?
1. A park
2. Rent a Hall
3. The beach
4. A resort
5. In the fields like Woodstock or Coachella does
6. The mountains?
Just a few good spots
Do you know of any sites that have interviews or testimonials about Blacks who have skin cancer?
I am working on a project about African Americans who have skin cancer, and I am looking for testimonials about people who have endured this disease. I realize that many people are unaware of this topic, but it is a growing issue that I am researching. I will appreciate any help I can receive on this topic.
Do you know of any sites that have interviews or testimonials about Blacks who have skin cancer?
Reply:Skin cancer is the most common type of malignancy in the United States. Incidence within the African American population remains relatively low, but data is limited for this racial group, making accurate determination of incidence and mortality difficult. Factors implicated as causative in the pathogenesis of cutaneous malignancy in African Americans include, but are by no means limited to, sunlight, albinism, burn scars, X-rays, preexisting pigmented lesions, chronic inflammation, and chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. Anatomic distribution of lesions may be similar to that seen in whites for basal cell carcinoma but not for other skin cancers. For squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, African Americans do not as well in terms of mortality as do whites. This difference probably is due either to the fact that African Americans have more advanced stages of disease at diagnosis than do whites or, in some cases, because the course of the disease is more aggressive in African Americans for reasons yet unknown. There is a need for heightened awareness of skin cancer in African Americans by patients and physicians. Emphasis should be on education and early diagnosis with the primary goal in mind being the reduction of incidence of and mortality due to skin cancer in African Americans. In addition, because of environmental factors, African Americans will be exposed to more solar ultraviolet radiation in the future. Strategies should be developed for public education to keep this exposure to low levels in this racial group.
Do you know of any sites that have interviews or testimonials about Blacks who have skin cancer?
Reply:Skin cancer is the most common type of malignancy in the United States. Incidence within the African American population remains relatively low, but data is limited for this racial group, making accurate determination of incidence and mortality difficult. Factors implicated as causative in the pathogenesis of cutaneous malignancy in African Americans include, but are by no means limited to, sunlight, albinism, burn scars, X-rays, preexisting pigmented lesions, chronic inflammation, and chronic discoid lupus erythematosus. Anatomic distribution of lesions may be similar to that seen in whites for basal cell carcinoma but not for other skin cancers. For squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, African Americans do not as well in terms of mortality as do whites. This difference probably is due either to the fact that African Americans have more advanced stages of disease at diagnosis than do whites or, in some cases, because the course of the disease is more aggressive in African Americans for reasons yet unknown. There is a need for heightened awareness of skin cancer in African Americans by patients and physicians. Emphasis should be on education and early diagnosis with the primary goal in mind being the reduction of incidence of and mortality due to skin cancer in African Americans. In addition, because of environmental factors, African Americans will be exposed to more solar ultraviolet radiation in the future. Strategies should be developed for public education to keep this exposure to low levels in this racial group.
I want to be a research doctor and study disease and viruses?
I will soon get a high school diploma and I want to know what should I study in school,
my main focus in research will be hiv/aids and cancer so what courses should i focus on
I want to be a research doctor and study disease and viruses?
When you go to your undergraduate university major in either biology, biological sciences, genetics, or mircobiology, and take physiology courses. Then get to know your professors and do well in class so you can participate in research with them. Also if you want to become a research doctor you probably should go medical school too.
Reply:Microbiology. I just went to a lecture by a professor that studies the AIDS virus. She is a virulogist in the department of microbiology and she teaches microbiology classes.
super nanny
my main focus in research will be hiv/aids and cancer so what courses should i focus on
I want to be a research doctor and study disease and viruses?
When you go to your undergraduate university major in either biology, biological sciences, genetics, or mircobiology, and take physiology courses. Then get to know your professors and do well in class so you can participate in research with them. Also if you want to become a research doctor you probably should go medical school too.
Reply:Microbiology. I just went to a lecture by a professor that studies the AIDS virus. She is a virulogist in the department of microbiology and she teaches microbiology classes.
super nanny
Are you afraid of getting cancer, do you do anything hoping to prevent it?
my mother has cancer, her mother had cancer.... I wonder if I will get cancer. curious if there is anyone out there that has history of cancer in their family and if they are active in doing anything such as eating better, taking supplements or anything else they may have researched.... and do you get regular checkups to see that you are cancer free, in the area that your family has a history of cancer?
Are you afraid of getting cancer, do you do anything hoping to prevent it?
My mother and brother died from cancer when I was very young and I was afraid of also dying from it for many years. However, one day my husband said to me, "If you stand looking out of the window long enough, you will see it rain." That was day I really understood that my fear was causing me to miss out on all the joys of living, and that if I was going to be any good for my husband and my children, I had to live each day with joy instead of worrying about the future and when and how I was going to die. We are all going to die eventually, and all any of us have is this particular moment in time--no one is guaranteed tomorrow let alone next week, next month, or next year.
The point is, God will walk with us through every step of our lives and He will give us the grace to face whatever we are challenged with WHEN we are challenged with it. In the meantime, the way I see it, our "job" is to LIVE JOYOUSLY and to try to make this world a better and happier place for those we come in contact with.
Having said that, I also try to make wise decisions for myself as far as my health goes. I exercise regularly, eat nutritiously and moderately, see my doctor for annual physicals, and follow through with whatever cancer screening tests she thinks are appropriate. For example, my mother had breast cancer and later died from ovarian cancer. I do monthly self breast exams, have a yearly mammogram, and see my doctor immediately if I find any suspicious lumps. I also have an annual CA125 blood test to screen for ovarian cancer. Other than that, I try to live one day at a time as well as I can to the honor and glory of my God.
Good luck--I am praying that you will put your faith and trust in God,--take your fears and worries to Him and leave them with Him--make wise health choices for yourself, and go out there and LIVE LIFE UNAFRAID AND TO THE FULLEST :-).
Reply:Go ahead and buy a cancer insurance policy just in case. My wife has similar history in her family and we have a policy for her that would help with the medical bills if she ever gets cancer.
Reply:In my family there is a strong history of all kinds of cancer. All that you have to do to prevent it is eat right!!! My GREAT-GRAND MOTHER is still very energetic today, and cancer-free, and she is a vegetarian.
Reply:We have a lot of different types of cancers in our family history. I use to be so afraid of it until I had kidney failure (Along with diabetes, blindness etc etc etc..) and now I'm on dialysis. I sit next to a women during dialysis that goes for cancer treatments on Wednesday %26amp; Fridays and the other days to dialysis. NOW I don't concern myself with cancer or anything else I just thank God Im alive and get to have time with my family on my non-dialysis days.
Enjoy what ever you have now, take care of yourself the best you can and what will be will be.
Reply:Ok I will help you. You can turn this around but you will have to have the courage strength and desire.
Start on these steps right away!!!
First 1. Call 877-teach-me. And order the free tape and book!!!
2. Order Sam Biser's Book Resurrection at http://www.sambiser.com
3. This one is tough but start on a juice fast for 30 days. Just buy the juice man jr for about $50 bucks. Or go here for more info https://www.asseenontvnetwork.com/vcc/ko...
4. Watch this movie trailer!
Then buy it
5. If you need a coach with the steps to help guide you along the way, order the Sam Biser videos on ebay!!! -12 Videos- it’s called (save your life course). Order these tapes and watch them.
7. JUST DO IT !!!
And remember I have seen people with 90% bone cancer Survive!!!
Read this
In our life’s we see people go through alot of pain, where they did not seem to really know where there going, so we searched for answers in health, relationships, and long life success. We went to the depth of the earth for cold hard facts. We care for all people and I want them to know the truth. Well all I can say is Kevin Trudeau is right on track with his books. My research does come from years of looking into the health field and I will say there our many others like Kevin Trudeau that have not come out of the closet maybe because of fear? Here are a few websites for you to look at. I will not give the websites out here but what I will do is give the name of the website and you can go to a search engine and find them right on top.
(The homeostasis protocol), (Sam Biser), (Dr Richard Schultz), (sanoviv) (hippocratesinst)
The success stories of these people are just amazing.
I believe one thing!!! All of these masters on health agree on one thing DO NOT CHASE A DISEASE!!! Because you’ll lose like millions have done already (Death). The way to knock out the disease is to give it an environment that it can’t stand to live in, like a fish out of water. Take care of your self and remember to pass this information on to the people you love and see in pain. Please take care of your self and your love ones. This time on earth is very short for all of us.
Contact me by email when you completed these steps...
God Bless
Have a Wonderful Day... Keep your head up and don’t quit!!!!!!
Reply:It all depends on what type of cancer. Most likely, you are predisposed to the same type of cancer as your mother but that doesn't imply you're going to get it. If I were you, I'd look at the type of cancer online and find out the recommendations on diet to minimize your risk.
If you really need to know, genetic testing is something of an option. It will tell you whether you had a predisposition to that type of cancer.
Reply:sorry to hear that about your mother hope all will be well will pray for your family and yes skin cancer runs on both sides of my family dad has it keeps getting it burnt off or cut out his dad died from it and his mom lost half an ear from it his sister has got some took off her face and my grandpa and aunt on my mothers side have had it very scary try to stay out of the sun or sun block all the time
Reply:The answer to curing cancer has been found in preventing it in the first place. U.S. law 103-417 has shown that over 20,000 studies conclude we can prevent disease such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis, 2 of the 3 biggies, by proper healthful diets. Here is a link to the FDA's website and law http://www.fda.gov/opacom/laws/dshea.htm...
The problem is, who's going to advertise it? Not the pharmaceutical industry as that will put them out of business. Not the disease associations, Cancer Inst. Diabetes Assoc... as that will put them out of business. Of course we keep supporting them because we want "the cure". Diabetes magazine, a national publication, wrote an article how drug companies are not looking to create cures, they are looking for more ways to treat symptoms. In fact, they are looking forward to the next block buster disease. Diabetes has lancetes, glucose monitors, shoes, socks, insulins, boots, several drugs for circulation, glucose monitoring... and more. The are waiting for a similar disease to create more products and profits. This is why I don't support the "Race for the Cure" or any other like organization.
We all know that eating properly is key but, did you know the FDA raised the servings amount of fruits and vegetables to 9-11 servings everyday? Why? Because our foods do not have the nutritional value they had 50 years ago and we need to eat more to get the same previous value. Who even eats the 3-5? That is why we need to supplement our diets with whole foods nutrition.
This is also why I became a wellness consultant and although I know the task ahead of me is daunting, the reward will be great. I could sure use your help in spreading the word. Thanks.
All I know is that if I had cancer, I would start taking all natural antioxidants, lacctoferrin and eat alkaline foods. I will continue to use my infrared comforter to help me stay alkaline and keep checking my ph level. I'll give it a place it won't like to live!
Reply:If Cancer runs in your family you need to get examined every year
especially colon and ovarian, its a silent cancer.
You need to supply your cells with Oxygen. Drink Oxygenated
water, take blue-green Algae or spirulina supplement.
Eat lots of Veggies, any Veggies and Fruits. Also Fiber is important, if you don't get enough, take fiber disolved in a glass of water, take a 1200 mg. calcium supplement, eat less red meat, increase Fish, if you don't like Fish, take an Omega supplement. Watch your weight, walk walk walk, don't smoke, limit your sugar intake, maybe have a yeast cleanse, and drink 1-2 liter of Water a day.
I go every year for a colonoscopy for colon cancer and a mammogram followed by an ultra sound, plus I have a good yearly check up top to bottom.
Good Luck
Reply:Just be healthy. If it is Skin cancer, Use plenty of sunblock! And If you have odd looking moles, get them removed.
Are you afraid of getting cancer, do you do anything hoping to prevent it?
My mother and brother died from cancer when I was very young and I was afraid of also dying from it for many years. However, one day my husband said to me, "If you stand looking out of the window long enough, you will see it rain." That was day I really understood that my fear was causing me to miss out on all the joys of living, and that if I was going to be any good for my husband and my children, I had to live each day with joy instead of worrying about the future and when and how I was going to die. We are all going to die eventually, and all any of us have is this particular moment in time--no one is guaranteed tomorrow let alone next week, next month, or next year.
The point is, God will walk with us through every step of our lives and He will give us the grace to face whatever we are challenged with WHEN we are challenged with it. In the meantime, the way I see it, our "job" is to LIVE JOYOUSLY and to try to make this world a better and happier place for those we come in contact with.
Having said that, I also try to make wise decisions for myself as far as my health goes. I exercise regularly, eat nutritiously and moderately, see my doctor for annual physicals, and follow through with whatever cancer screening tests she thinks are appropriate. For example, my mother had breast cancer and later died from ovarian cancer. I do monthly self breast exams, have a yearly mammogram, and see my doctor immediately if I find any suspicious lumps. I also have an annual CA125 blood test to screen for ovarian cancer. Other than that, I try to live one day at a time as well as I can to the honor and glory of my God.
Good luck--I am praying that you will put your faith and trust in God,--take your fears and worries to Him and leave them with Him--make wise health choices for yourself, and go out there and LIVE LIFE UNAFRAID AND TO THE FULLEST :-).
Reply:Go ahead and buy a cancer insurance policy just in case. My wife has similar history in her family and we have a policy for her that would help with the medical bills if she ever gets cancer.
Reply:In my family there is a strong history of all kinds of cancer. All that you have to do to prevent it is eat right!!! My GREAT-GRAND MOTHER is still very energetic today, and cancer-free, and she is a vegetarian.
Reply:We have a lot of different types of cancers in our family history. I use to be so afraid of it until I had kidney failure (Along with diabetes, blindness etc etc etc..) and now I'm on dialysis. I sit next to a women during dialysis that goes for cancer treatments on Wednesday %26amp; Fridays and the other days to dialysis. NOW I don't concern myself with cancer or anything else I just thank God Im alive and get to have time with my family on my non-dialysis days.
Enjoy what ever you have now, take care of yourself the best you can and what will be will be.
Reply:Ok I will help you. You can turn this around but you will have to have the courage strength and desire.
Start on these steps right away!!!
First 1. Call 877-teach-me. And order the free tape and book!!!
2. Order Sam Biser's Book Resurrection at http://www.sambiser.com
3. This one is tough but start on a juice fast for 30 days. Just buy the juice man jr for about $50 bucks. Or go here for more info https://www.asseenontvnetwork.com/vcc/ko...
4. Watch this movie trailer!
Then buy it
5. If you need a coach with the steps to help guide you along the way, order the Sam Biser videos on ebay!!! -12 Videos- it’s called (save your life course). Order these tapes and watch them.
7. JUST DO IT !!!
And remember I have seen people with 90% bone cancer Survive!!!
Read this
In our life’s we see people go through alot of pain, where they did not seem to really know where there going, so we searched for answers in health, relationships, and long life success. We went to the depth of the earth for cold hard facts. We care for all people and I want them to know the truth. Well all I can say is Kevin Trudeau is right on track with his books. My research does come from years of looking into the health field and I will say there our many others like Kevin Trudeau that have not come out of the closet maybe because of fear? Here are a few websites for you to look at. I will not give the websites out here but what I will do is give the name of the website and you can go to a search engine and find them right on top.
(The homeostasis protocol), (Sam Biser), (Dr Richard Schultz), (sanoviv) (hippocratesinst)
The success stories of these people are just amazing.
I believe one thing!!! All of these masters on health agree on one thing DO NOT CHASE A DISEASE!!! Because you’ll lose like millions have done already (Death). The way to knock out the disease is to give it an environment that it can’t stand to live in, like a fish out of water. Take care of your self and remember to pass this information on to the people you love and see in pain. Please take care of your self and your love ones. This time on earth is very short for all of us.
Contact me by email when you completed these steps...
God Bless
Have a Wonderful Day... Keep your head up and don’t quit!!!!!!
Reply:It all depends on what type of cancer. Most likely, you are predisposed to the same type of cancer as your mother but that doesn't imply you're going to get it. If I were you, I'd look at the type of cancer online and find out the recommendations on diet to minimize your risk.
If you really need to know, genetic testing is something of an option. It will tell you whether you had a predisposition to that type of cancer.
Reply:sorry to hear that about your mother hope all will be well will pray for your family and yes skin cancer runs on both sides of my family dad has it keeps getting it burnt off or cut out his dad died from it and his mom lost half an ear from it his sister has got some took off her face and my grandpa and aunt on my mothers side have had it very scary try to stay out of the sun or sun block all the time
Reply:The answer to curing cancer has been found in preventing it in the first place. U.S. law 103-417 has shown that over 20,000 studies conclude we can prevent disease such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis, 2 of the 3 biggies, by proper healthful diets. Here is a link to the FDA's website and law http://www.fda.gov/opacom/laws/dshea.htm...
The problem is, who's going to advertise it? Not the pharmaceutical industry as that will put them out of business. Not the disease associations, Cancer Inst. Diabetes Assoc... as that will put them out of business. Of course we keep supporting them because we want "the cure". Diabetes magazine, a national publication, wrote an article how drug companies are not looking to create cures, they are looking for more ways to treat symptoms. In fact, they are looking forward to the next block buster disease. Diabetes has lancetes, glucose monitors, shoes, socks, insulins, boots, several drugs for circulation, glucose monitoring... and more. The are waiting for a similar disease to create more products and profits. This is why I don't support the "Race for the Cure" or any other like organization.
We all know that eating properly is key but, did you know the FDA raised the servings amount of fruits and vegetables to 9-11 servings everyday? Why? Because our foods do not have the nutritional value they had 50 years ago and we need to eat more to get the same previous value. Who even eats the 3-5? That is why we need to supplement our diets with whole foods nutrition.
This is also why I became a wellness consultant and although I know the task ahead of me is daunting, the reward will be great. I could sure use your help in spreading the word. Thanks.
All I know is that if I had cancer, I would start taking all natural antioxidants, lacctoferrin and eat alkaline foods. I will continue to use my infrared comforter to help me stay alkaline and keep checking my ph level. I'll give it a place it won't like to live!
Reply:If Cancer runs in your family you need to get examined every year
especially colon and ovarian, its a silent cancer.
You need to supply your cells with Oxygen. Drink Oxygenated
water, take blue-green Algae or spirulina supplement.
Eat lots of Veggies, any Veggies and Fruits. Also Fiber is important, if you don't get enough, take fiber disolved in a glass of water, take a 1200 mg. calcium supplement, eat less red meat, increase Fish, if you don't like Fish, take an Omega supplement. Watch your weight, walk walk walk, don't smoke, limit your sugar intake, maybe have a yeast cleanse, and drink 1-2 liter of Water a day.
I go every year for a colonoscopy for colon cancer and a mammogram followed by an ultra sound, plus I have a good yearly check up top to bottom.
Good Luck
Reply:Just be healthy. If it is Skin cancer, Use plenty of sunblock! And If you have odd looking moles, get them removed.
Why do peaple have to die of cancer, for all the year we have research it??
Even though our understanding of cancer has made leaps and bounds, we have still yet to find a sure-fire treatment. This has to do with the number of cancers out there, as well as the complexity of the problem. Cancer is the result of a number of factors, including a cells ability to ignore death signals, anti-growth signals, as well as telling itself to continuously grow. With all these problems compounded, cancer is a harsh nemesis.
Why do peaple have to die of cancer, for all the year we have research it??
There are too many types of cancer. Some are more wicked than others, and it will take a long time to figure them all out.
Also, sometimes they get to it too late.
Reply:Oxalic acid is a natural cure for cancer. Col. Joe's book "Hart Dietary Procedure Plan - Cancer The Cure is in Food - God's Natural Chemotherapy" is a good source for anyone with cancer. If the government recognized the cures that are presently out there, they would have to give up their huge houses and boats and they would go broke...
Reply:We're human and we just don't know everything we'd like to know. Plus, the cost for the research is staggering, which is why there are so many fund raisers and celebrity endorsements for cancer research. Someday, if we all do our part to help, I think we will find a cure. Bur for now, there are millions of dedicated scientist working tooth and nail to find a cure. All we can do is keep contributing what funds we can to help cover the expense of the research and further public awareness.
Reply:We have been researching automobile saftey for many years also. However car accidents remain one of the leading causes of death.
Reply:The sadness of cancer is that some cancer has to be care one way and another a differnt way. I loss my Grandfather in 2000. We still think that they had a cure but never told us. The Cancer Treatment cost a lot. Sadly most family go in to deat or lose their homes,cars,you get it. I would hope they have a cure somewhere out there. We did get over the "smallpox" and they said the illness was unstopable but we did.
Why do peaple have to die of cancer, for all the year we have research it??
There are too many types of cancer. Some are more wicked than others, and it will take a long time to figure them all out.
Also, sometimes they get to it too late.
Reply:Oxalic acid is a natural cure for cancer. Col. Joe's book "Hart Dietary Procedure Plan - Cancer The Cure is in Food - God's Natural Chemotherapy" is a good source for anyone with cancer. If the government recognized the cures that are presently out there, they would have to give up their huge houses and boats and they would go broke...
Reply:We're human and we just don't know everything we'd like to know. Plus, the cost for the research is staggering, which is why there are so many fund raisers and celebrity endorsements for cancer research. Someday, if we all do our part to help, I think we will find a cure. Bur for now, there are millions of dedicated scientist working tooth and nail to find a cure. All we can do is keep contributing what funds we can to help cover the expense of the research and further public awareness.
Reply:We have been researching automobile saftey for many years also. However car accidents remain one of the leading causes of death.
Reply:The sadness of cancer is that some cancer has to be care one way and another a differnt way. I loss my Grandfather in 2000. We still think that they had a cure but never told us. The Cancer Treatment cost a lot. Sadly most family go in to deat or lose their homes,cars,you get it. I would hope they have a cure somewhere out there. We did get over the "smallpox" and they said the illness was unstopable but we did.
What degree would best provide for a job in HIV/AIDS research?
I believe it is a degree in molecular biology, but I could be wrong. Please let me know. Also, if you know what degree would be best for cancer / alzheimer's research, please let me know that, too.
What degree would best provide for a job in HIV/AIDS research?
i'm doing a degree in biomedical science. its a mixture of every ting . molecular biology,pathology, biochemistry,histology,virology many more..... we all do researches in AIDS/HIV.
since this is not specified in a particular subject . company's who do researches on this subject are interested in our degree.
hope it helps.
Reply:Microbiology, Anatomy/Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Cellular biology, Neurobiology, Virology/Immunology, Immunocytochemistry, Human development
Reply:mircobiology ( masters), human anatomy, Genetics for HIV/AIDS. microbio, genetics, neurology for cancer/alzheimers.
Reply:I would say that a degree in Biochemistry at an institution that puts a lot of emphasis on research. Go Stony Brook!
Reply:Get your undergrad degree and training in molecular biology. In grad school, try to be placed in a virologist's lab.
Kutma above has a better answer. I totally missed "immunology."
Reply:Probably, yes, although I would guess any undergraduate training in biology could prepare you for advanced study (I assume that any career in scientific research requires an advanced degree, at least a Master's). Depends upon what options your college offers for undergraduates. Things used to be much simpler: you would just major in biology and then do some kind of specialization in graduate school, but nowadays different schools have different kinds of options.
What degree would best provide for a job in HIV/AIDS research?
i'm doing a degree in biomedical science. its a mixture of every ting . molecular biology,pathology, biochemistry,histology,virology many more..... we all do researches in AIDS/HIV.
since this is not specified in a particular subject . company's who do researches on this subject are interested in our degree.
hope it helps.
Reply:Microbiology, Anatomy/Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Cellular biology, Neurobiology, Virology/Immunology, Immunocytochemistry, Human development
Reply:mircobiology ( masters), human anatomy, Genetics for HIV/AIDS. microbio, genetics, neurology for cancer/alzheimers.
Reply:I would say that a degree in Biochemistry at an institution that puts a lot of emphasis on research. Go Stony Brook!
Reply:Get your undergrad degree and training in molecular biology. In grad school, try to be placed in a virologist's lab.
Kutma above has a better answer. I totally missed "immunology."
Reply:Probably, yes, although I would guess any undergraduate training in biology could prepare you for advanced study (I assume that any career in scientific research requires an advanced degree, at least a Master's). Depends upon what options your college offers for undergraduates. Things used to be much simpler: you would just major in biology and then do some kind of specialization in graduate school, but nowadays different schools have different kinds of options.
After so many years of research and funds donated, why isn't cancer or AIDS curable?
Let's see I would say that cancer is curable now, if detected early. The problem is that many people don't go to the doctor for regular check ups. In the case of AIDS is caused by a virus. The scientific community knows little about viruses, and the HIV virus is constantly mutating, making it difficult to find something that would stop it. They might find something that works for a certain strain of a virus but soon that strain will mutate, so the it won't work. I hope that help you a little to understand that even with the resources it is not easy to find cures to things that are constantly changing.
After so many years of research and funds donated, why isn't cancer or AIDS curable?
Both cancer and AIDS are diseases where the cells that are out of control are the body's own cells. Since they are not foreign, it's very difficult to kill the problem cells without killing all of the cells of the affected person.
Reply:they at one time did and come to found out it was to cheap to sell it and the could not make no money so the did not sell it. for ids anyway. as far as cancer there is things out ther that can cure it. but it cost alot.
Reply:Mostly because both of these diseases mutate quite a bit. AIDS for example will mutate from person to person, depending on the immune system of the infected person.
Of course, if you are into conspiracy theories, there is the idea that it is more profitable for the drug companies to NOT find a cure. Pills for years earn LOTS more money than a one-time cure.
Reply:Along with Twalters comment, God is the only answer to the sickness and death. He promises to get rid of it. Revelation 21:4 While we can get better and better cures, we (people) will never get rid of it on our own. In response to another posters comment, you do not HAVE to be sedentary to get cancer, although you are right that it can contribute to it.
Reply:I think it's because the goverment doesn't want these to be cured.. Less money in their pockets.
Reply:Cancer can be prevented by eating a plant based diet, staying physically active, and maintaining a healthy weight. Conversely, if you are fat and sedentary, you are asking to get cancer.
Health is a choice you make.
Reply:Because in the bible it says that man will destroy its self and that there would be sickness that no man could find a cure to..
wisdom teeth
After so many years of research and funds donated, why isn't cancer or AIDS curable?
Both cancer and AIDS are diseases where the cells that are out of control are the body's own cells. Since they are not foreign, it's very difficult to kill the problem cells without killing all of the cells of the affected person.
Reply:they at one time did and come to found out it was to cheap to sell it and the could not make no money so the did not sell it. for ids anyway. as far as cancer there is things out ther that can cure it. but it cost alot.
Reply:Mostly because both of these diseases mutate quite a bit. AIDS for example will mutate from person to person, depending on the immune system of the infected person.
Of course, if you are into conspiracy theories, there is the idea that it is more profitable for the drug companies to NOT find a cure. Pills for years earn LOTS more money than a one-time cure.
Reply:Along with Twalters comment, God is the only answer to the sickness and death. He promises to get rid of it. Revelation 21:4 While we can get better and better cures, we (people) will never get rid of it on our own. In response to another posters comment, you do not HAVE to be sedentary to get cancer, although you are right that it can contribute to it.
Reply:I think it's because the goverment doesn't want these to be cured.. Less money in their pockets.
Reply:Cancer can be prevented by eating a plant based diet, staying physically active, and maintaining a healthy weight. Conversely, if you are fat and sedentary, you are asking to get cancer.
Health is a choice you make.
Reply:Because in the bible it says that man will destroy its self and that there would be sickness that no man could find a cure to..
wisdom teeth
What control does Congress have over "the Jena 6" and/or stem cell research; what limitations prevent control?
Congress has certain powers over certain things(laws, declaring war, regulation of commerce, etc.). But, what do they have to do with "the Jena 6," stem cell research, and even end-of-life drugs, usually cancer patients will use when they know for sure they are going to die?
What control does Congress have over "the Jena 6" and/or stem cell research; what limitations prevent control?
The Stem Cell project must conform with the laws that were passed by Congress, otherwise, their acts can be subject to civil or criminal prosecution if found violative of laws when there are valid complaints from people against their projects.
Reply:Congress basically has as much control as it wants to through making laws depicting certain things legal or not... unfortunately, it's that simple.
What control does Congress have over "the Jena 6" and/or stem cell research; what limitations prevent control?
The Stem Cell project must conform with the laws that were passed by Congress, otherwise, their acts can be subject to civil or criminal prosecution if found violative of laws when there are valid complaints from people against their projects.
Reply:Congress basically has as much control as it wants to through making laws depicting certain things legal or not... unfortunately, it's that simple.
What college major would the research of new drugs, etc?
what college major would include the research of new drugs or new ways in detroying cancer or viruses, even nanotechnology?
What college major would the research of new drugs, etc?
Many majors would work, depending upon how you want to approach this problem.
Biochemistry would work well for designing drugs and for understanding the mechanisms of how these drugs work.
Molecular biology would be good for working with cell lines to develop new drugs and test them.
Microbiology would look at it from the point of view of bacteria or viruses.
A good mathematics, computer systems, or engineering background would help for nanotechnology.
Reply:I would go into Biochemistry then. I'm a Molecular Biology major and I have learned alot of stuff regarding that. Chemistry is good for the drug aspect. Nanotechnology ..... well that's a different field.
Then you have Material Science Majors.
And also, Genetic Engineering and Bioinformatics.
It sounds like you wanna design drugs. Do Chemistry or Biochemistry!
What college major would the research of new drugs, etc?
Many majors would work, depending upon how you want to approach this problem.
Biochemistry would work well for designing drugs and for understanding the mechanisms of how these drugs work.
Molecular biology would be good for working with cell lines to develop new drugs and test them.
Microbiology would look at it from the point of view of bacteria or viruses.
A good mathematics, computer systems, or engineering background would help for nanotechnology.
Reply:I would go into Biochemistry then. I'm a Molecular Biology major and I have learned alot of stuff regarding that. Chemistry is good for the drug aspect. Nanotechnology ..... well that's a different field.
Then you have Material Science Majors.
And also, Genetic Engineering and Bioinformatics.
It sounds like you wanna design drugs. Do Chemistry or Biochemistry!
A lot of people it seems live in physical pain, after billions of dollars and decades of research, why is this
Also, after all this money and medical research why can't conventional western medicine have a cure for arthritis, or cancer or diabetes or Hiv? What are they doing with all of that research money?
A lot of people it seems live in physical pain, after billions of dollars and decades of research, why is this
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, started at 21 and now I am 49! My theory for what it is worth, they have CURES for many conditions. However, economically what would happen IF they handed over one pill to cure RA? First the Rheumatologists would be fired, followed by Radiologists, PT, Occupational Therapists, Physicians, Nurses, all the way down the line to the Pharmaceutical Companies. Hey that is a lot of people unemployed and a massive cost to the Global Economy! I once read somewhere that Arthritis cost America the same as the entire Vietnam War but every year! Now do you really want to CURE all these people? Arthritis and ill health is now a Business and a nice profit making business, they are no longer interested in pain, disability, but profits!
Reply:Right now they can only treat the symptoms, and not cure the diesase. You can slow down the disease process, but not take it away completly. That is why there is medical research going on, on a daily basis to fix the issue and not just treat the symptoms. You have stright FDA guide lines,, and they may find a drug or treatment that cures you for good, but then inturn it damages the liver, heart, or other vital organs. You have to look at the whole body and not just the HIV, or diabetes, because these have different effects on the bodies natural processes.
Reply:Finally some one else had the same question as me!I have been wondering that for sometime.I ask my parents how come with all the money being collected for research for disease,i understand there wont be cures for all the disease,but how come there arent more cures than there are.
I am not a doctor and this is my opinion,
I think maybe if they could save everyone with treatment the earth would be over populated and more doctors and nurses would be out of jobs.I hope that wouldnot be the reason for holding back cures,that is just a thought as to why there may not be cures for more diseases.Again this is my opinion.Sorry i didnot really answer your question,i just thought i would let you know what i think the reason might be!!
i have read other answers and they say it takes a lot..but finding the cure has been going on for sometime you think the would be more cures then there are.Alot of money has been donated you think there would be something out.Instead of helping the symptoms focus on the cure..Helping the symptoms wont cure it which is what we need.
Reply:Apparently it takes a lot to cure tough diseases......
A lot of people it seems live in physical pain, after billions of dollars and decades of research, why is this
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, started at 21 and now I am 49! My theory for what it is worth, they have CURES for many conditions. However, economically what would happen IF they handed over one pill to cure RA? First the Rheumatologists would be fired, followed by Radiologists, PT, Occupational Therapists, Physicians, Nurses, all the way down the line to the Pharmaceutical Companies. Hey that is a lot of people unemployed and a massive cost to the Global Economy! I once read somewhere that Arthritis cost America the same as the entire Vietnam War but every year! Now do you really want to CURE all these people? Arthritis and ill health is now a Business and a nice profit making business, they are no longer interested in pain, disability, but profits!
Reply:Right now they can only treat the symptoms, and not cure the diesase. You can slow down the disease process, but not take it away completly. That is why there is medical research going on, on a daily basis to fix the issue and not just treat the symptoms. You have stright FDA guide lines,, and they may find a drug or treatment that cures you for good, but then inturn it damages the liver, heart, or other vital organs. You have to look at the whole body and not just the HIV, or diabetes, because these have different effects on the bodies natural processes.
Reply:Finally some one else had the same question as me!I have been wondering that for sometime.I ask my parents how come with all the money being collected for research for disease,i understand there wont be cures for all the disease,but how come there arent more cures than there are.
I am not a doctor and this is my opinion,
I think maybe if they could save everyone with treatment the earth would be over populated and more doctors and nurses would be out of jobs.I hope that wouldnot be the reason for holding back cures,that is just a thought as to why there may not be cures for more diseases.Again this is my opinion.Sorry i didnot really answer your question,i just thought i would let you know what i think the reason might be!!
i have read other answers and they say it takes a lot..but finding the cure has been going on for sometime you think the would be more cures then there are.Alot of money has been donated you think there would be something out.Instead of helping the symptoms focus on the cure..Helping the symptoms wont cure it which is what we need.
Reply:Apparently it takes a lot to cure tough diseases......
Is immunotherapy the cure for cancer?
There are two big research studies that may indicate that cancer can be cured via immunotherapy.
First is the mice cancer SR/CR immunity research at Wake Forest. They have bred mice that are resistant to all cancers, and they transfer their immunity to mice with cancer, by tranferring their white blood cells. The mice were cured completely and lived normal lives.
The second study just came out in JEM, March 26, showing that their is an immune response in MGUS, a precancerous condition. They found that immunity to SOX6 prevents the cancer at the cancer stem cell level.. Lack of immunity meant the cancer occurred.
Now Wake Forest researchers are trying to duplicate their mice immunity study by opening a trial in humans. The researchers want to take wbc's from humans with high levels of cancer immunity and tranfer the wbc's to cancer patients to see if the wbc's will kill the cancer.
Is immunotherapy the cure for cancer?
I was given 0% with less than a month to live and did experimental immunitherapy. I have been in remission for years now. The therapy was done at the National Cancer Institute part of the National Institutes of Health.
They took T cells from my blood, created a vaccine and used it along with interleuken 2. There's a protein that cancer cells carry that no other cells in our body carry. It was designed to attack that protein and kill it. It did the job!!! So, I believe immunitherapy may be the start!
Reply:Some day it may provide the cure. This is still in the research and testing stages.
Reply:I suppose that it would work. I can't tell you 100% sure, but I could tell you that it sounds like it will be a future treatment and a very good one at that. But as of now, I know that the basic and most common cure for cancer is quemotherapy.
Reply:It is not a cure but helps to keep the cancer from spreading.
Eye pencil
First is the mice cancer SR/CR immunity research at Wake Forest. They have bred mice that are resistant to all cancers, and they transfer their immunity to mice with cancer, by tranferring their white blood cells. The mice were cured completely and lived normal lives.
The second study just came out in JEM, March 26, showing that their is an immune response in MGUS, a precancerous condition. They found that immunity to SOX6 prevents the cancer at the cancer stem cell level.. Lack of immunity meant the cancer occurred.
Now Wake Forest researchers are trying to duplicate their mice immunity study by opening a trial in humans. The researchers want to take wbc's from humans with high levels of cancer immunity and tranfer the wbc's to cancer patients to see if the wbc's will kill the cancer.
Is immunotherapy the cure for cancer?
I was given 0% with less than a month to live and did experimental immunitherapy. I have been in remission for years now. The therapy was done at the National Cancer Institute part of the National Institutes of Health.
They took T cells from my blood, created a vaccine and used it along with interleuken 2. There's a protein that cancer cells carry that no other cells in our body carry. It was designed to attack that protein and kill it. It did the job!!! So, I believe immunitherapy may be the start!
Reply:Some day it may provide the cure. This is still in the research and testing stages.
Reply:I suppose that it would work. I can't tell you 100% sure, but I could tell you that it sounds like it will be a future treatment and a very good one at that. But as of now, I know that the basic and most common cure for cancer is quemotherapy.
Reply:It is not a cure but helps to keep the cancer from spreading.
Eye pencil
In Arabic country's why are they drinking yerba mate when i read its causes cancer in lungs?
I read an acticle on yerba mate that it can give you lung cancer , throat and brain cancer as yerba mate has a very large amount of caffeine and toxins that disrupt the body emune system allowing the body to die .Yerba mate keeps the body awake for too long and can cause brain damage as well i read in the article .They supply it to iran ,iraq ,libya and other arabic countrys .It comes from a woody tree in the south america's and there is 4 or 5 different labelled yerba mate product s on the shelves in you drink to much in can keep you awake for days.Choose your natural products carefully as research even saves lives in the plant world.
In Arabic country's why are they drinking yerba mate when i read its causes cancer in lungs?
look at people smoking, that's done all over the world. we know damn well it will kill us but we do it anyway. it's just something people do.
Do people in Arabic countries know that drinking yerba mate is potentially dangerous? If no, then something should be done, obviously.
In Arabic country's why are they drinking yerba mate when i read its causes cancer in lungs?
look at people smoking, that's done all over the world. we know damn well it will kill us but we do it anyway. it's just something people do.
Do people in Arabic countries know that drinking yerba mate is potentially dangerous? If no, then something should be done, obviously.
Does the original Nintendo Zapper Light Gun cause cancer?
A friend of mine is under the impression that the original NES Light gun can give you cancer due to the trigger mechanism. I refuse to believe that. Only thing i can think of that would cause cancer would be a high amount of lead content. Anyone know of any research about this subject?
Does the original Nintendo Zapper Light Gun cause cancer?
no, it zaps.
*zap* *zap*
Reply:There is no scientific documented evidence that the Nintendo zapper light gun has ever caused cancer.
Does the original Nintendo Zapper Light Gun cause cancer?
no, it zaps.
*zap* *zap*
Reply:There is no scientific documented evidence that the Nintendo zapper light gun has ever caused cancer.
What kinds of researches have been made on tonsil cancer pictures?
I bet there have been so many researches done on tonsil cancer pictures. To be sure about what they are, I suggest you visit www.skincancerpictures.org/cancer-pictur... and read all about it there.
What part of the body systems are affected in Breast Cancer?
I'm doing a research project and can't find this info anywhere, I'm supposed to decribe the parts of teh body systems that are affected by breast Cancer, you don't have to type it out I just need the link, but you can type it out if you want to.
What part of the body systems are affected in Breast Cancer?
Cancers are named after the part of the body from which they originate. Breast cancer originates in the breast tissue. Like other cancers, breast cancer can invade and grow into the tissue surrounding the breast. It can also travel to other parts of the body and form new tumors, a process called metastasis.
Reply:your breast of course!
shark tooth
What part of the body systems are affected in Breast Cancer?
Cancers are named after the part of the body from which they originate. Breast cancer originates in the breast tissue. Like other cancers, breast cancer can invade and grow into the tissue surrounding the breast. It can also travel to other parts of the body and form new tumors, a process called metastasis.
Reply:your breast of course!
shark tooth
What to make to support cancer survivors?
My neighbor has cancer and I was wondering can I do to help support cancer survivors. In school I am in a program for smart people and we are making stuff to hang around.
So I was wondering what can I make for my neighbor?
What can we do for school?
How can we raise money for the research?
Please answer. Thank You!
What to make to support cancer survivors?
Relay For Life!!! Just had ours here in Florida and it was great. There are fundraising ideas they sell on Ebay that i did great with. Wear the cancer ribbon of the cancer that your neighbor has in support of her .
Reply:I offer free support to people with CANCER http://atruemillionlittlepiece... if anyone needs it let me know
www.atruemillionlittlepieces... Report Abuse
Reply:http://www.cancersurvive.org/ can provide you with information.
1) For your neighbor, anything that shows that you care about him/her such as bake cookies, make artwork, write a poem etc
2) For school create a club that deals with cancer issues and prevention and try to pass out information. Ask a cancer organization such as American Cancer Association to have persons to come and speak to your school
3) to raise monies you can: have car wash, bake sale, sell candy, shirts, ribbons
Bravo! I am heartened that there still persons whom care and are willing to try to help others. Keep up the good work!!!!
Reply:Go to the American Cancer Society website and look there. In a city or county near you they have a Relay for Life each year that raises money for this.
It's a great organization and well worth the effort. And I applaud you for wanting to get involved!
So I was wondering what can I make for my neighbor?
What can we do for school?
How can we raise money for the research?
Please answer. Thank You!
What to make to support cancer survivors?
Relay For Life!!! Just had ours here in Florida and it was great. There are fundraising ideas they sell on Ebay that i did great with. Wear the cancer ribbon of the cancer that your neighbor has in support of her .
Reply:I offer free support to people with CANCER http://atruemillionlittlepiece... if anyone needs it let me know
www.atruemillionlittlepieces... Report Abuse
Reply:http://www.cancersurvive.org/ can provide you with information.
1) For your neighbor, anything that shows that you care about him/her such as bake cookies, make artwork, write a poem etc
2) For school create a club that deals with cancer issues and prevention and try to pass out information. Ask a cancer organization such as American Cancer Association to have persons to come and speak to your school
3) to raise monies you can: have car wash, bake sale, sell candy, shirts, ribbons
Bravo! I am heartened that there still persons whom care and are willing to try to help others. Keep up the good work!!!!
Reply:Go to the American Cancer Society website and look there. In a city or county near you they have a Relay for Life each year that raises money for this.
It's a great organization and well worth the effort. And I applaud you for wanting to get involved!
Anybody want to donate money to research for to get rid of breast cancer, bird flu,or the american heart?
if yes click here http://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/dono...
Anybody want to donate money to research for to get rid of breast cancer, bird flu,or the american heart?
No, sorry!
Reply:sorry I would if I could but I just spent it all on my bills and gas. I am SO SORRY!
Anybody want to donate money to research for to get rid of breast cancer, bird flu,or the american heart?
No, sorry!
Reply:sorry I would if I could but I just spent it all on my bills and gas. I am SO SORRY!
What to make to support cancer survivors?
My neighbor has cancer and I was wondering can I do to help support cancer survivors. In school I am in a program for smart people and we are making stuff to hang around.
So I was wondering what can I make for my neighbor?
What can we do for school?
How can we raise money for the research?
Please answer. Thank You!
What to make to support cancer survivors?
Relay For Life!!! Just had ours here in Florida and it was great. There are fundraising ideas they sell on Ebay that i did great with. Wear the cancer ribbon of the cancer that your neighbor has in support of her .
Reply:I offer free support to people with CANCER http://atruemillionlittlepiece... if anyone needs it let me know
www.atruemillionlittlepieces... Report Abuse
Reply:http://www.cancersurvive.org/ can provide you with information.
1) For your neighbor, anything that shows that you care about him/her such as bake cookies, make artwork, write a poem etc
2) For school create a club that deals with cancer issues and prevention and try to pass out information. Ask a cancer organization such as American Cancer Association to have persons to come and speak to your school
3) to raise monies you can: have car wash, bake sale, sell candy, shirts, ribbons
Bravo! I am heartened that there still persons whom care and are willing to try to help others. Keep up the good work!!!!
Reply:Go to the American Cancer Society website and look there. In a city or county near you they have a Relay for Life each year that raises money for this.
It's a great organization and well worth the effort. And I applaud you for wanting to get involved!
So I was wondering what can I make for my neighbor?
What can we do for school?
How can we raise money for the research?
Please answer. Thank You!
What to make to support cancer survivors?
Relay For Life!!! Just had ours here in Florida and it was great. There are fundraising ideas they sell on Ebay that i did great with. Wear the cancer ribbon of the cancer that your neighbor has in support of her .
Reply:I offer free support to people with CANCER http://atruemillionlittlepiece... if anyone needs it let me know
www.atruemillionlittlepieces... Report Abuse
Reply:http://www.cancersurvive.org/ can provide you with information.
1) For your neighbor, anything that shows that you care about him/her such as bake cookies, make artwork, write a poem etc
2) For school create a club that deals with cancer issues and prevention and try to pass out information. Ask a cancer organization such as American Cancer Association to have persons to come and speak to your school
3) to raise monies you can: have car wash, bake sale, sell candy, shirts, ribbons
Bravo! I am heartened that there still persons whom care and are willing to try to help others. Keep up the good work!!!!
Reply:Go to the American Cancer Society website and look there. In a city or county near you they have a Relay for Life each year that raises money for this.
It's a great organization and well worth the effort. And I applaud you for wanting to get involved!
About time the goverment started to concentrate on cancer?
with the government talking about spending billions on weapons and space research I think its about time they used that money to provide the scientists with more equipment and facilities to strengthen the battle against cancer. what do you think? there is nothing out there in space but people down here dying
About time the goverment started to concentrate on cancer?
Garry, I agree with you.
Mark, you don't say whether you have/had cancer, but your horse looks pretty lofty from where I'm standing.
I had a healthy diet (vegan, loads of organic fruit and veg), exercised, never smoked and got cancer.
I can't be the only one who gets a wee bit tired of people who usually haven't had cancer coming on this forum to tell us we're somehow to blame for our own cancer.
Reply:You are right, we need to spend some time and money on cancer research. Here is something you can do to help. Call your congressmen. Ask that they co-sponser the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act S 911. This act will alot money to research treatment for approx. 15 types of childhood cancers at 200 different research and hospital facilities.
Reply:hear hear !!!
Reply:Isn't it time the people started concentrating on their own health. The government spend millions (or billions) on research telling us what is healthy and what's going to kill us, and still we keep on smoking, and drinking to excess, and eating fatty foods.
There's be 1/3 fewer cancers if we took care of ourselves...
p.s. I eat (reasonably) well, drink occasionally and I do smoke - so please don't accuse of me of jumping on some high horse!!
Reply:In answer to your question, I think its about time this government butted out of peoples lives. If it breathes we must legislate for it.
As for the waste of money on 'space programmes', I think there is far more waste in the 'war effort'. People are dying on a daily basis from things other than cancer.
I myself am a cancer survivor, only to be diagnosed 4 years later with another serious illness, this time incurable and auto-immune.
I would like to see MY MONEY I pay in taxes being spent on things here AT HOME - - not on just one pet project, but spread around.
The only way to change things is to get to meet the people making the policies. That doesn't mean your MP necessarily, but the civil servants behind him/her.
Perhaps you could start an investigation to find out who those people are and write to them.
Reply:i quite agree with you forget messing about in space who cares whats up there when there is so much suffering down here .I nursed my dad who had throat cancer for 12months. I also watched my mum die of cancer at the age of 58.what does annoy me is its left up to us to help these charities out .There always collecting round here no that i begrudge them but as you say they can fund the money for space but not for the people who's taxes have gone to fund this research
Reply:I find it rather ironic since they still take in revenue from selling tobacco!!!
Reply:I am actually more offended that certain illnesses (cancers) get all the press while others get the "tough luck your going to die" routine.
Reply:yea i definatly agree with the guy that said rather than them spending money on teaching us about cancer how about money to cure it?
It's like why would you waste money telling us and teaching us that smoking is bad, rather than banning smoking, or curing lung cancer.
What causes white spots on teeth
About time the goverment started to concentrate on cancer?
Garry, I agree with you.
Mark, you don't say whether you have/had cancer, but your horse looks pretty lofty from where I'm standing.
I had a healthy diet (vegan, loads of organic fruit and veg), exercised, never smoked and got cancer.
I can't be the only one who gets a wee bit tired of people who usually haven't had cancer coming on this forum to tell us we're somehow to blame for our own cancer.
Reply:You are right, we need to spend some time and money on cancer research. Here is something you can do to help. Call your congressmen. Ask that they co-sponser the Conquer Childhood Cancer Act S 911. This act will alot money to research treatment for approx. 15 types of childhood cancers at 200 different research and hospital facilities.
Reply:hear hear !!!
Reply:Isn't it time the people started concentrating on their own health. The government spend millions (or billions) on research telling us what is healthy and what's going to kill us, and still we keep on smoking, and drinking to excess, and eating fatty foods.
There's be 1/3 fewer cancers if we took care of ourselves...
p.s. I eat (reasonably) well, drink occasionally and I do smoke - so please don't accuse of me of jumping on some high horse!!
Reply:In answer to your question, I think its about time this government butted out of peoples lives. If it breathes we must legislate for it.
As for the waste of money on 'space programmes', I think there is far more waste in the 'war effort'. People are dying on a daily basis from things other than cancer.
I myself am a cancer survivor, only to be diagnosed 4 years later with another serious illness, this time incurable and auto-immune.
I would like to see MY MONEY I pay in taxes being spent on things here AT HOME - - not on just one pet project, but spread around.
The only way to change things is to get to meet the people making the policies. That doesn't mean your MP necessarily, but the civil servants behind him/her.
Perhaps you could start an investigation to find out who those people are and write to them.
Reply:i quite agree with you forget messing about in space who cares whats up there when there is so much suffering down here .I nursed my dad who had throat cancer for 12months. I also watched my mum die of cancer at the age of 58.what does annoy me is its left up to us to help these charities out .There always collecting round here no that i begrudge them but as you say they can fund the money for space but not for the people who's taxes have gone to fund this research
Reply:I find it rather ironic since they still take in revenue from selling tobacco!!!
Reply:I am actually more offended that certain illnesses (cancers) get all the press while others get the "tough luck your going to die" routine.
Reply:yea i definatly agree with the guy that said rather than them spending money on teaching us about cancer how about money to cure it?
It's like why would you waste money telling us and teaching us that smoking is bad, rather than banning smoking, or curing lung cancer.
What causes white spots on teeth
Anybody want to donate money to research for to get rid of breast cancer, bird flu,or the american heart?
if yes click on this please http://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/dono...
Anybody want to donate money to research for to get rid of breast cancer, bird flu,or the american heart?
Yes I would like to donate money if I had some
Reply:I would like to but i am raising money for it also me and two other friends cell home made ribbon things for a dolllar!!!!!!!!!♥
Reply:No thanks - you've already asked this once!
Reply:no thanks
Anybody want to donate money to research for to get rid of breast cancer, bird flu,or the american heart?
Yes I would like to donate money if I had some
Reply:I would like to but i am raising money for it also me and two other friends cell home made ribbon things for a dolllar!!!!!!!!!♥
Reply:No thanks - you've already asked this once!
Reply:no thanks
What's a good way to give someone cancer?
I'm doing research for a story and I'm wondering what would be a good way for someone to give their neighbor cancer.
What's a good way to give someone cancer?
Well dear, give them a cigarette and an unlimited supply of alcohol and IV drugs, sit them in the sun all day next to radioactive material, under a high-voltage power line, and get some prostitute/drug addicts to have sex with them all day.
You're covering all the bases: lung, liver, brain, cervix/anal, kidney, stomach, mouth, skin, esophageal............the only problem is, they may die of something else first.......
Reply:you can't "give" someone cancer
Reply:Cancer is not something you 'give' someone. It's not a contagious disease. You can't give your neighbor cancer.
Reply:There is no one factor as to what causes cancer, but smoking is a risk factor but there are a lot of things that causes it. But you can not just give it to some one. And l would not know anyone that would except it if you could give it to some one.
Reply:Give them a carton of cigarettes. I doubt VERY much that you are doing research for a story.
Reply:Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells so unless you are able to speed up their cellular reproduction then you can not get give them cancer.
Reply:have them have unprotected sex with someone infected with HPV. that is provided the neighbor is a woman. HPV is very infectious so she would probably get it. there is no garuantee that she will develop cancer but it certainly is possible.
Reply:Cancer isnt contageous, And I doubt your doing 'research'...
Reply:There is no way you can give someone cancer... it is made when virus enters the body and makes an inproper response in some tissues and you develop cancer. You can not get it by walking past some one and touching, kissing, being in their area.... you just can't get cancer or give it by doing something... they develop it when their immune system is not working at 100%
Reply:You can't "give " anyone cancer. It's not like an STD. If we new how to give it to someone, we would no how to prevent it.
Reply:If you were doing research - then you already know the answer to your question. I think you just need to deal with the bitterness you have towards your neighbor and forgive them for whatever it is they have done to you. You will have more peace in your life by doing so.
What's a good way to give someone cancer?
Well dear, give them a cigarette and an unlimited supply of alcohol and IV drugs, sit them in the sun all day next to radioactive material, under a high-voltage power line, and get some prostitute/drug addicts to have sex with them all day.
You're covering all the bases: lung, liver, brain, cervix/anal, kidney, stomach, mouth, skin, esophageal............the only problem is, they may die of something else first.......
Reply:you can't "give" someone cancer
Reply:Cancer is not something you 'give' someone. It's not a contagious disease. You can't give your neighbor cancer.
Reply:There is no one factor as to what causes cancer, but smoking is a risk factor but there are a lot of things that causes it. But you can not just give it to some one. And l would not know anyone that would except it if you could give it to some one.
Reply:Give them a carton of cigarettes. I doubt VERY much that you are doing research for a story.
Reply:Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells so unless you are able to speed up their cellular reproduction then you can not get give them cancer.
Reply:have them have unprotected sex with someone infected with HPV. that is provided the neighbor is a woman. HPV is very infectious so she would probably get it. there is no garuantee that she will develop cancer but it certainly is possible.
Reply:Cancer isnt contageous, And I doubt your doing 'research'...
Reply:There is no way you can give someone cancer... it is made when virus enters the body and makes an inproper response in some tissues and you develop cancer. You can not get it by walking past some one and touching, kissing, being in their area.... you just can't get cancer or give it by doing something... they develop it when their immune system is not working at 100%
Reply:You can't "give " anyone cancer. It's not like an STD. If we new how to give it to someone, we would no how to prevent it.
Reply:If you were doing research - then you already know the answer to your question. I think you just need to deal with the bitterness you have towards your neighbor and forgive them for whatever it is they have done to you. You will have more peace in your life by doing so.
Is lung cancer the leading cancer killer in the United States?
According to a recent article : Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in the United States, causing more deaths each year than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined. At the same time, people seem to view the disease differently.
"When you look at National Institutes of Health research dollars spent per diagnosis and per patient death, lung cancer is woefully below breast cancer and AIDS," he added.
Is lung cancer the leading cancer killer in the United States?
Good question and a good point. Of course AIDS is the disease DE hour so of course its going to get all the money and breast cancer supporters have really hit it big in the public relations and more power to them but you are right the funding for lung cancer is inadequate compared to these 2. However, I did hear one doctor talking about this very thing, referring to the funding of breast cancer to others, and he said that a lot of new meds come from people trying to find cures for another disease and he believed that the more research in any field of cancer research the better.
Reply:One of the reasons that the research dollars are lower for Lung Cancer is that we already know how to prevent over 80 percent of cases. Don't smoke
Reply:Hm, that's interesting. I thought colon cancer was the worst.
Reply:There is more hope than many know.
Go to http://www.knowledgeofhealth.com and read all the articles in the archives under the topic headings "cancer" and "chelation" and you will probably be surprised. This could save you life.
"When you look at National Institutes of Health research dollars spent per diagnosis and per patient death, lung cancer is woefully below breast cancer and AIDS," he added.
Is lung cancer the leading cancer killer in the United States?
Good question and a good point. Of course AIDS is the disease DE hour so of course its going to get all the money and breast cancer supporters have really hit it big in the public relations and more power to them but you are right the funding for lung cancer is inadequate compared to these 2. However, I did hear one doctor talking about this very thing, referring to the funding of breast cancer to others, and he said that a lot of new meds come from people trying to find cures for another disease and he believed that the more research in any field of cancer research the better.
Reply:One of the reasons that the research dollars are lower for Lung Cancer is that we already know how to prevent over 80 percent of cases. Don't smoke
Reply:Hm, that's interesting. I thought colon cancer was the worst.
Reply:There is more hope than many know.
Go to http://www.knowledgeofhealth.com and read all the articles in the archives under the topic headings "cancer" and "chelation" and you will probably be surprised. This could save you life.
Does Hillary Laugh While Your Dad/Son Dies of Prostate Cancer?
Breast cancer research gets 10 times as much money as prostate cancer research.
Yet, 1/2 as many men will die from PC as women will die of BC.
Have you heard any female congresswomen fight for the men in their lives? Why NOT?????
Is that a sick sign of our culture?
Does Hillary Laugh While Your Dad/Son Dies of Prostate Cancer?
cancer research is NOT mutually exclusive - a cure in breast cancer will lead to great strides in finding a cure for PC
Please don't politicize cancer in this way
Reply:My dad doesn't have prostate cancer
Reply:No. This is such a stupid argument that I keep seeing get posted. Does this mean you really have nothing good to attack her on you have to make up some stupid argument like the fact that as a women she would have the gall to try to fight breast cancer.
The sick sign of our culture is your question.
Reply:as prostrate cancer is a slow growing cancer that is easily detected and treated,i don't see the correlation.I get a PSA test every year and had a prostrate biopsy done last year.No big deal.Mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer;that was a big deal.
Reply:If you didn't use Hillary's name in your question you bring up a valid point.
Reply:No, but look who she is married to...would YOU fight for that? She probably secretly hopes his thing rots off!
Reply:Hillary doesnt know what she is doing! Hillary is just trying to get the woman vote we are currently 2:1 She wants health insurance for people that commited a felony by entering the country HELLO!
Reply:Wow - this is about the most rabid anti-Hillary post yet. They are getting more and more ridiculous as time goes by. It is both scary and Hillary-ious
at home teeth whitening
Yet, 1/2 as many men will die from PC as women will die of BC.
Have you heard any female congresswomen fight for the men in their lives? Why NOT?????
Is that a sick sign of our culture?
Does Hillary Laugh While Your Dad/Son Dies of Prostate Cancer?
cancer research is NOT mutually exclusive - a cure in breast cancer will lead to great strides in finding a cure for PC
Please don't politicize cancer in this way
Reply:My dad doesn't have prostate cancer
Reply:No. This is such a stupid argument that I keep seeing get posted. Does this mean you really have nothing good to attack her on you have to make up some stupid argument like the fact that as a women she would have the gall to try to fight breast cancer.
The sick sign of our culture is your question.
Reply:as prostrate cancer is a slow growing cancer that is easily detected and treated,i don't see the correlation.I get a PSA test every year and had a prostrate biopsy done last year.No big deal.Mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer;that was a big deal.
Reply:If you didn't use Hillary's name in your question you bring up a valid point.
Reply:No, but look who she is married to...would YOU fight for that? She probably secretly hopes his thing rots off!
Reply:Hillary doesnt know what she is doing! Hillary is just trying to get the woman vote we are currently 2:1 She wants health insurance for people that commited a felony by entering the country HELLO!
Reply:Wow - this is about the most rabid anti-Hillary post yet. They are getting more and more ridiculous as time goes by. It is both scary and Hillary-ious
at home teeth whitening
Does anyone know when we are going to see major breakthroughs with Stem cell research?
For example, does anyone know when the research might lead to cures in disease, cancer, baldness, etc.
Does anyone know when we are going to see major breakthroughs with Stem cell research?
I doubt there are many stem cell researchers reading your question. You would need to checkout recent articles and news stories on the subject.
Reply:Goes to show...that investors are wary of such claims....and people expect the Gov't to pay for it all....the only problem with this is it amounts to pharmaceutical welfare......in other words big private business getting tax dollars to operate.
But there is promise with adult stem cells and zero promise with embryonic cells.
Reply:once bush is voted out of office...........................
Reply:mefdical science has proven that proper glycosylation increases natural stem cells 1000% or more in the body.
Does anyone know when we are going to see major breakthroughs with Stem cell research?
I doubt there are many stem cell researchers reading your question. You would need to checkout recent articles and news stories on the subject.
Reply:Goes to show...that investors are wary of such claims....and people expect the Gov't to pay for it all....the only problem with this is it amounts to pharmaceutical welfare......in other words big private business getting tax dollars to operate.
But there is promise with adult stem cells and zero promise with embryonic cells.
Reply:once bush is voted out of office...........................
Reply:mefdical science has proven that proper glycosylation increases natural stem cells 1000% or more in the body.
What are the importance of studying Mitosis towards cancer treatment?
Can researches on Mitosis provide an idea on how to treat cancer?
What are the importance of studying Mitosis towards cancer treatment?
It could. Cancer is all about cell reproduction.
Of course, there are people smarter than me working on it.
Reply:Cancerous cells often have abnormalities (specific mutations) which interfere with the normal cell cycle. Often they don't stop dividing as a normal cell would because of a mutation in one or more genes which are involved in regulating the cell cycle. Apoptosis is another process known as programmed cell death. Normal cells live for a time then are replaced by new ones when they die. Cancerous cells sometimes do not die but again continue to divide crowding out normal cells. Look up Cdk/cyclins, p53.
Reply:Mitosis is a very important aspect of cancer research, because cancer cells divide pretty fast.
For example, chemo drug will tend to block cancer cells in one stage of mitosis, causing them to die. Blocage to one stage in mitosis is an indication of how the chemo drugs work, which is not necessarily well known at the time of their discovery. And knowing how something works, it is much easier to make it work better.
Another aspect of cell life which is very very important in cancer research is apoptosis, ie programmed cell death. This mechanism of protection of the body is often absent in cancer cells. Restoring this function might be a very good way to cure cancer.
What are the importance of studying Mitosis towards cancer treatment?
It could. Cancer is all about cell reproduction.
Of course, there are people smarter than me working on it.
Reply:Cancerous cells often have abnormalities (specific mutations) which interfere with the normal cell cycle. Often they don't stop dividing as a normal cell would because of a mutation in one or more genes which are involved in regulating the cell cycle. Apoptosis is another process known as programmed cell death. Normal cells live for a time then are replaced by new ones when they die. Cancerous cells sometimes do not die but again continue to divide crowding out normal cells. Look up Cdk/cyclins, p53.
Reply:Mitosis is a very important aspect of cancer research, because cancer cells divide pretty fast.
For example, chemo drug will tend to block cancer cells in one stage of mitosis, causing them to die. Blocage to one stage in mitosis is an indication of how the chemo drugs work, which is not necessarily well known at the time of their discovery. And knowing how something works, it is much easier to make it work better.
Another aspect of cell life which is very very important in cancer research is apoptosis, ie programmed cell death. This mechanism of protection of the body is often absent in cancer cells. Restoring this function might be a very good way to cure cancer.
Im making some invitations for someone with cancer.....?
she would like me to put a little slip in or poem asking for donations to cancer research instead of presents! can anyone help me with what exactly to put?
any help appreciated thanks xxx
Im making some invitations for someone with cancer.....?
Her treating hospital/doctor should have information on how to make donations to their facility.
Donating directly to a facility or hospital is better because there is no middle man taking a cut the way most organizations do.
I always felt like I was doing something that mattered when I donate to my hospital. THey have donation accounts set up already. I know all my money is going to research or other patients to get meds they cant afford.
So, insert the information pamphlet into the invites, and then just say, so and so has requested that you help others in lieu of gifts.
Let us help this world to become a better place,
Think about giving and helping the human race.
Think about the sick, disabled and the poor,
Think about the suffering and do we care anymore.
Think of children with cancer or those totally blind,
Think of those for whom life’s been so unkind.
Think about our children and the future they hold,
Think of the world they’ll live in when they get old.
Think about the innocent deaths, from crime and war,
Think about our lives and what we’re fighting for.
Think of abused children and those with no home,
Think of the elderly and disabled living all alone.
Think of the innocent imprisoned, longing to be freed.
Please! Think about giving and helping those in need.
Reply:my sincere thought go with you and the person you are helping. my daughters boyfriends dad died today with cancer ,no one knew he had it until a few days ago.
you could word the slip something like,
:my dear good friend please give a donation to cancer to help the millions of people who like me have cancer .i have no need of gifts ,just to know you is enough.:thank you.
good luck.
Reply:It's your presence,
Not your presents
That I'd like to have today,
But if you'd like to make a gesture
To show your love and thought,
Please offer a donation
Cancer Research needs support.
any help appreciated thanks xxx
Im making some invitations for someone with cancer.....?
Her treating hospital/doctor should have information on how to make donations to their facility.
Donating directly to a facility or hospital is better because there is no middle man taking a cut the way most organizations do.
I always felt like I was doing something that mattered when I donate to my hospital. THey have donation accounts set up already. I know all my money is going to research or other patients to get meds they cant afford.
So, insert the information pamphlet into the invites, and then just say, so and so has requested that you help others in lieu of gifts.
Let us help this world to become a better place,
Think about giving and helping the human race.
Think about the sick, disabled and the poor,
Think about the suffering and do we care anymore.
Think of children with cancer or those totally blind,
Think of those for whom life’s been so unkind.
Think about our children and the future they hold,
Think of the world they’ll live in when they get old.
Think about the innocent deaths, from crime and war,
Think about our lives and what we’re fighting for.
Think of abused children and those with no home,
Think of the elderly and disabled living all alone.
Think of the innocent imprisoned, longing to be freed.
Please! Think about giving and helping those in need.
Reply:my sincere thought go with you and the person you are helping. my daughters boyfriends dad died today with cancer ,no one knew he had it until a few days ago.
you could word the slip something like,
:my dear good friend please give a donation to cancer to help the millions of people who like me have cancer .i have no need of gifts ,just to know you is enough.:thank you.
good luck.
Reply:It's your presence,
Not your presents
That I'd like to have today,
But if you'd like to make a gesture
To show your love and thought,
Please offer a donation
Cancer Research needs support.
Writing a thesis statement on breast cancer?
The assignment is to write a 3-5 page research paper. I chose to do breast cancer as my topic.
My paper must include and introduction with a thesis statement at the end. I've never been one to write a powerful thesis statement, or really one at all...so your help would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, if this helps with anything, my paper must cover the history, symptoms, causes, prognosis, and support groups for breast cancer.
If you could give me some advice or even write a thesis statement for me [again, I'm a great writer but research papers are just not my forte] Thanks in advance.
Writing a thesis statement on breast cancer?
The thesis statement could be this: "Breast cancer is a multi-dynamic disease".
The reason why is because "Breast cancer affects the breast cancer patient, family, friends, and society in various ways"
A patient is diagnosed with Breast Cancer and goes through breast cancer treatment. Patient relies on family and friends for support in various ways. Family and friends get involved by supporting the patient in various ways that are needed. Society get involved in various ways by marketing of Pink Ribbon products, raising funds for breast cancer research and breast cancer treatment, getting involved in various Breast Cancer awareness events like races and etc.
Primary Teeth
My paper must include and introduction with a thesis statement at the end. I've never been one to write a powerful thesis statement, or really one at all...so your help would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, if this helps with anything, my paper must cover the history, symptoms, causes, prognosis, and support groups for breast cancer.
If you could give me some advice or even write a thesis statement for me [again, I'm a great writer but research papers are just not my forte] Thanks in advance.
Writing a thesis statement on breast cancer?
The thesis statement could be this: "Breast cancer is a multi-dynamic disease".
The reason why is because "Breast cancer affects the breast cancer patient, family, friends, and society in various ways"
A patient is diagnosed with Breast Cancer and goes through breast cancer treatment. Patient relies on family and friends for support in various ways. Family and friends get involved by supporting the patient in various ways that are needed. Society get involved in various ways by marketing of Pink Ribbon products, raising funds for breast cancer research and breast cancer treatment, getting involved in various Breast Cancer awareness events like races and etc.
Primary Teeth
Is there any connection between your blood type and immunity towards cancer?
I read somewhere years ago about a study that showed that not all of us are cancer risk people. Study showed that people with a most popular blood type like A and B are much likely to get type of cancer rather then AB + and especially -. Now i cant find an article. I was doing numbers of researches online and i dont seem to find any connection other then stomach cancer in patients who happened to be Type A. Does anyone know anything about this or heard anything of this study? Websites are welcome!
Is there any connection between your blood type and immunity towards cancer?
There is a book by Peter D'Adamo that addresses these issues - I can't remember the title, but with the authors name, I'm sure you can find it.
Reply:that is a very interesting question, i believe those blood type studies also showed differences in tendency toward disease of all kinds, due to the fact that some blood types were older, that is, were found in populations in older parts of the world.try searching for blood type and disease.
Reply:I doubt it. Besides, there is no such thing as immunity toward cancer. Some people can be more suspectible if they have defective tumor suppressor genes (genes that detect, repair DNA damage and/or commit suicide if the damage is unfixable). Also, a malfunctioning immune system may provide less protection.
Is there any connection between your blood type and immunity towards cancer?
There is a book by Peter D'Adamo that addresses these issues - I can't remember the title, but with the authors name, I'm sure you can find it.
Reply:that is a very interesting question, i believe those blood type studies also showed differences in tendency toward disease of all kinds, due to the fact that some blood types were older, that is, were found in populations in older parts of the world.try searching for blood type and disease.
Reply:I doubt it. Besides, there is no such thing as immunity toward cancer. Some people can be more suspectible if they have defective tumor suppressor genes (genes that detect, repair DNA damage and/or commit suicide if the damage is unfixable). Also, a malfunctioning immune system may provide less protection.
If you had a possible cure for Cancer or Aids-Why wouldn't the Research Labs want it out for all to see ?
They do have the cures. Reason they aren't letting us have it is because then people would become well and then the medical industry would take a big hit on profits.
There is more money in sick people, why make them better?
If you had a possible cure for Cancer or Aids-Why wouldn't the Research Labs want it out for all to see ?
It all boils down to money. I am sure that there is already a cure for alot of cancers and for aids, I mean, look at that famous basketball player who developed Aids, and now he is Aids free?
Was it Michael Jordan? Anyway, if it got out that there was a cure, then noboby would be sick and the pharmacutical companies and others would lose alot of money. They would rather see someone suffer and take all of their money, until they die. It could be a way to keep the population in the world down. I could be wrong, but that is my belief. We may never know the facts, but we have to live in a world where alot of things are kept secret and controlled on a regular basis. It upsets me to see all of the suffering in the world, due to disease and cancer.
Reply:Very simple: I has to be tested very precariously, first on animals then on humans. You wouldn't want everybody to be excited and then find out, that the found cure has some side effects. You can only put a medicine on the market when you have followed all the precautions. Most of the found cures for Aids or cancer have not made it through all the tests given by law.
@ jessi:
You have a quite negative opinion on this. I think researchers are very close to finding cures for these illnesses.
There is more money in sick people, why make them better?
If you had a possible cure for Cancer or Aids-Why wouldn't the Research Labs want it out for all to see ?
It all boils down to money. I am sure that there is already a cure for alot of cancers and for aids, I mean, look at that famous basketball player who developed Aids, and now he is Aids free?
Was it Michael Jordan? Anyway, if it got out that there was a cure, then noboby would be sick and the pharmacutical companies and others would lose alot of money. They would rather see someone suffer and take all of their money, until they die. It could be a way to keep the population in the world down. I could be wrong, but that is my belief. We may never know the facts, but we have to live in a world where alot of things are kept secret and controlled on a regular basis. It upsets me to see all of the suffering in the world, due to disease and cancer.
Reply:Very simple: I has to be tested very precariously, first on animals then on humans. You wouldn't want everybody to be excited and then find out, that the found cure has some side effects. You can only put a medicine on the market when you have followed all the precautions. Most of the found cures for Aids or cancer have not made it through all the tests given by law.
@ jessi:
You have a quite negative opinion on this. I think researchers are very close to finding cures for these illnesses.
Does anyone know the cost of breast cancer treatmment and could you back it up with research.?
I had surgery, chemo and radiation. The total that was billed by hospital and doctors comes close to $150,000. The amout paid by the insurance is a little less than half of that since they have a contract with them.
Does anyone know the cost of breast cancer treatmment and could you back it up with research.?
The cost of breast cancer? It varies in countries and counties. It also depends on whether medical insurance is uptodate and gives coverage. There is no one answer to your question.
I can tell you what the cost is if you don't have treatment or tests, but I am sure you don't need any research to to conform that. You need to speak to an oncologist and have details of your medical insurance with you to determine the cost that you will have to meet after insurance.
Just don't leave this matter too long before taking action health is priceless, death and burial costs about $5000.00 to someone responsible for you.
Reply:I did some looking and it said about $10,000 to $15,000 if you get it while the symptoms are at an early stage.hope this helps
Reply:The cost of breast cancer treatment varies from state to state even. Hospital to Hospital. It will depend on weather or not you have insurance, what type of breast cancer you have and what procedures need to be done. there are many state aid programs out there for people with cancer if you don't have insurance or are underinsured.
best of luck to you! :)
Does anyone know the cost of breast cancer treatmment and could you back it up with research.?
The cost of breast cancer? It varies in countries and counties. It also depends on whether medical insurance is uptodate and gives coverage. There is no one answer to your question.
I can tell you what the cost is if you don't have treatment or tests, but I am sure you don't need any research to to conform that. You need to speak to an oncologist and have details of your medical insurance with you to determine the cost that you will have to meet after insurance.
Just don't leave this matter too long before taking action health is priceless, death and burial costs about $5000.00 to someone responsible for you.
Reply:I did some looking and it said about $10,000 to $15,000 if you get it while the symptoms are at an early stage.hope this helps
Reply:The cost of breast cancer treatment varies from state to state even. Hospital to Hospital. It will depend on weather or not you have insurance, what type of breast cancer you have and what procedures need to be done. there are many state aid programs out there for people with cancer if you don't have insurance or are underinsured.
best of luck to you! :)
I am trying to research a lump that was found on my mamagram. there was no sign of cancer. family history high
i need a web site that can answer my question of concern.
I am trying to research a lump that was found on my mamagram. there was no sign of cancer. family history high
My mammo showed a lump also. They did a needle biopsy and it was benign. I really sweated this out before the biopsy even though breast cancer does not run in the family. It is just scary when you hear that they found something. Go and get the biopsy done so you know where you stand. Good Luck!
teeth sundance
I am trying to research a lump that was found on my mamagram. there was no sign of cancer. family history high
My mammo showed a lump also. They did a needle biopsy and it was benign. I really sweated this out before the biopsy even though breast cancer does not run in the family. It is just scary when you hear that they found something. Go and get the biopsy done so you know where you stand. Good Luck!
teeth sundance
Has anyone heard of kidney cancer moving to the esophagus?
My friend is having surgery for his kidney cancer on Monday.
He mentioned that the surgeons were going to work on his esophagus after the kidney. At the moment, I was too upset to ask if the two were related. My online research would indicate this is possible. Does anyone out there have information about this?
Has anyone heard of kidney cancer moving to the esophagus?
cancer spreads can travel through body
Reply:Cancer that moves from one organ to another area is called metastis....This is very possible with her. The cancer may have metasized from the kidney to the esophageous.
Reply:It is possible cancer does spread. My uncle was diagnosed with cancer of the stomach which had spread to his liver.
Reply:It is very likely that the two are related. Though I would guess that the cancer started in the esophagus and spread to the kidney. The liver and kidneys filter the blood removing waste and impurities. Metastasized cancer of the esophagus could easily be filter out of the blood and into the tissue of those organs.
Esophagus cancer is very deadly with a very low percentage of survival. It spreads very easily.
Reply:My wife has stage IV kidney cancer and it has spread thought out her body,but not her esophagus,however it is possible.
He mentioned that the surgeons were going to work on his esophagus after the kidney. At the moment, I was too upset to ask if the two were related. My online research would indicate this is possible. Does anyone out there have information about this?
Has anyone heard of kidney cancer moving to the esophagus?
cancer spreads can travel through body
Reply:Cancer that moves from one organ to another area is called metastis....This is very possible with her. The cancer may have metasized from the kidney to the esophageous.
Reply:It is possible cancer does spread. My uncle was diagnosed with cancer of the stomach which had spread to his liver.
Reply:It is very likely that the two are related. Though I would guess that the cancer started in the esophagus and spread to the kidney. The liver and kidneys filter the blood removing waste and impurities. Metastasized cancer of the esophagus could easily be filter out of the blood and into the tissue of those organs.
Esophagus cancer is very deadly with a very low percentage of survival. It spreads very easily.
Reply:My wife has stage IV kidney cancer and it has spread thought out her body,but not her esophagus,however it is possible.
Why does everyone think marijuana can give you cancer?
Marijuana has never given anyone cancer of any kind. If you don't believe me do the proper research. I had a man come to my school today and lecture us on Marijuana and cigarettes.. he claims that cigarettes have 3 times as much THC in them then marijuana and when i corrected him by saying that "cigarettes contain absolutely no THC" I got In school suspension for 5 days. Marijuana is not addictive and the only real health problem it causes is lowered sperm count.. and i believe that is only the stems in the plant.
Why does everyone think marijuana can give you cancer?
MARIJUANA and CANCER - Marijuana does not lead to cancer always but the general feeling of everyone is that the smoke emitted cause cancer. If not cancer Marijuana leads to many other diseases.
Burning marijuana when smoking releases many other substances than THC. THC does not appear to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing), but some of the other chemicals released by smoking are poisonous. These include tar, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. One known carcinogen, benzopyrene, found in both types of smoke, seems to be greater in marijuana smoke. Another problem with marijuana is that it is almost always smoked without a filter. Using one would cut down on the amount of these chemicals. Consuming pot through a water pipe -- or bong -- would eliminate some of the byproducts of smoking. Currently, it does appear that pot smokers may run an increased risk of cancer, as well as other health problems listed above. Some research has found a connection between pregnant marijuana smokers and rare childhood leukemias in their young children.-
Reply:No doubt, both are same - will kill you.
Reply:Yes, it can give you cancer, just like smoking. Lung damage. So, don't be a pothead and a future cancer patient. Get a better life.
Reply:alot of people just assume it. they used to say that if you ate a potatoe it gave you cancer, and all kind of different thoings.
Reply:Let's see .... "studies" have shown that a lot of things are bad for our health, from food, water to drugs. Who pays for those studies? Really! How could you ever know if something is true or not if you can't find an unbiased, uncompromised study?
I am not pro or against use of marijuana, as i cannot force people to look at life as i do. Personally, i think that every time you inhale any kind of smoke, damage is done to your lungs. Then again, i'd have to go live on an island God knows where to avoid it.
The real problem with marijuana is in my point of view is the problems it causes to you in other levels, like the lack of motivation. You get careless, unmotivated, sometimes even paranoid. What for?
So, eating this and such may cause cancer, doing such and such may cause cancer....i think the real problem here is getting hooked on something that eventually will rule your thoughts and actions, and that is definitely not good.
Reply:i don't know about it causing you cancer but nowadays everything can cause you cancer....
as for saying that marijuana is not addictive I'm afraid you are wrong there it can be highly addictive and can lead to other problems, i know 2 people that are addicted to this and one who says that he isn't addicted however he says that he cant give it up which therefore means that he is addicted!
Reply:i dont believe that....i am a strong believer in the powers of the magical herb =)
Reply:Hi there !
Two wrongs do not make one right...agree ?
Both of them are intoxicants and have habituating and addicting power...agree with me ?
forget about the THC content etc...
Then why debate about cancer incidence etc ..?
If you can spare some time, visit the wards of the leading Cancer hospital near your place of residence...talk to some of the patients undergoing therapy for malignancies of the oral cavity....they will tell you....believe me...their plight is just unbearable.......
or visit the cardiac wards of any leading multispeciality hospital near your city.... talk to some of the patients.....they will tell you.... debate after that....about "whether cigarette / marijuana is good or bad..." agree ? forget about THC or sperm count......let us talk about our life......our survival.........agree with me...?
best wishes......and may god bless you...!
Reply:Reverse the question cause I heard it cures most all diseases and is very good for the mind. But of course too much of anything is definitely not good for anyone. One can abuse marijuana intake thus causing problems especially if they lace it with other chemicals, then it rank 1st class with cigarettes then.
Reply:if marijuana was so bad why do they give it to cancer patients.... its from the earth i dnt smoke it but i kno people dat do and they love it
Reply:Wow, 3 times the THC in cigareetes compared to marijuana?!?! Where the hell does he buy his smokes and what brand?? (Gonna hafta move)
Reply:Many a times with a view to prevent something bad, something extra or may be half truth is said.
Even though, use of marijuana dates back to several thousand years, still it is and was always regarded as an evil.
After unable to find out exact cause of cancer for several centuries, the modern medicine people now believe that cause of cancer can be anything under the sun, including sun. Therefore, marijuana can very well be regarded as cause of cancer.
Reply:What kind of cigarettes is this guy smokin'?
I do not agree with the in school suspension for the simple fact that you had an opinion that differed from what was being said, I would have my parents fight for my freedom of speech and if you were only stating a fact then the school should lighten up on such a harsh punishment for one who has a mind of their own and has done their homework.
I for one think it should be legalized at least for a doctor in all states and countries to be able to prescribe this as a drug for those of whom it will help.
Reply:Someone who smokes marijuana regularly can have many of the same respiratory problems as cigarette smokers. Persistent coughing, symptoms of bronchitis and more frequent chest colds are possible symptoms. There are over 400 chemicals that have been found in marijuana smoke. Benzyprene, a known human carcinogen, is present in marijuana smoke. Regardless of the THC content, the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide are 3 to 5 times higher than in cigarette smoke. This is most likely due to inhaling marijuana more deeply, holding the smoke in the lungs and because marijuana smoke is unfiltered.
Reply:tobacco has no THC. you had that one right. although it seems you got most of the rest of your facts from your supplier. the rest was probable hands on study.
also it is given to some cancer or glaucoma suffers to treat side effects from meds not to cure any thing
Martial Arts Shoes
Why does everyone think marijuana can give you cancer?
MARIJUANA and CANCER - Marijuana does not lead to cancer always but the general feeling of everyone is that the smoke emitted cause cancer. If not cancer Marijuana leads to many other diseases.
Burning marijuana when smoking releases many other substances than THC. THC does not appear to be carcinogenic (cancer-causing), but some of the other chemicals released by smoking are poisonous. These include tar, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. One known carcinogen, benzopyrene, found in both types of smoke, seems to be greater in marijuana smoke. Another problem with marijuana is that it is almost always smoked without a filter. Using one would cut down on the amount of these chemicals. Consuming pot through a water pipe -- or bong -- would eliminate some of the byproducts of smoking. Currently, it does appear that pot smokers may run an increased risk of cancer, as well as other health problems listed above. Some research has found a connection between pregnant marijuana smokers and rare childhood leukemias in their young children.-
Reply:No doubt, both are same - will kill you.
Reply:Yes, it can give you cancer, just like smoking. Lung damage. So, don't be a pothead and a future cancer patient. Get a better life.
Reply:alot of people just assume it. they used to say that if you ate a potatoe it gave you cancer, and all kind of different thoings.
Reply:Let's see .... "studies" have shown that a lot of things are bad for our health, from food, water to drugs. Who pays for those studies? Really! How could you ever know if something is true or not if you can't find an unbiased, uncompromised study?
I am not pro or against use of marijuana, as i cannot force people to look at life as i do. Personally, i think that every time you inhale any kind of smoke, damage is done to your lungs. Then again, i'd have to go live on an island God knows where to avoid it.
The real problem with marijuana is in my point of view is the problems it causes to you in other levels, like the lack of motivation. You get careless, unmotivated, sometimes even paranoid. What for?
So, eating this and such may cause cancer, doing such and such may cause cancer....i think the real problem here is getting hooked on something that eventually will rule your thoughts and actions, and that is definitely not good.
Reply:i don't know about it causing you cancer but nowadays everything can cause you cancer....
as for saying that marijuana is not addictive I'm afraid you are wrong there it can be highly addictive and can lead to other problems, i know 2 people that are addicted to this and one who says that he isn't addicted however he says that he cant give it up which therefore means that he is addicted!
Reply:i dont believe that....i am a strong believer in the powers of the magical herb =)
Reply:Hi there !
Two wrongs do not make one right...agree ?
Both of them are intoxicants and have habituating and addicting power...agree with me ?
forget about the THC content etc...
Then why debate about cancer incidence etc ..?
If you can spare some time, visit the wards of the leading Cancer hospital near your place of residence...talk to some of the patients undergoing therapy for malignancies of the oral cavity....they will tell you....believe me...their plight is just unbearable.......
or visit the cardiac wards of any leading multispeciality hospital near your city.... talk to some of the patients.....they will tell you.... debate after that....about "whether cigarette / marijuana is good or bad..." agree ? forget about THC or sperm count......let us talk about our life......our survival.........agree with me...?
best wishes......and may god bless you...!
Reply:Reverse the question cause I heard it cures most all diseases and is very good for the mind. But of course too much of anything is definitely not good for anyone. One can abuse marijuana intake thus causing problems especially if they lace it with other chemicals, then it rank 1st class with cigarettes then.
Reply:if marijuana was so bad why do they give it to cancer patients.... its from the earth i dnt smoke it but i kno people dat do and they love it
Reply:Wow, 3 times the THC in cigareetes compared to marijuana?!?! Where the hell does he buy his smokes and what brand?? (Gonna hafta move)
Reply:Many a times with a view to prevent something bad, something extra or may be half truth is said.
Even though, use of marijuana dates back to several thousand years, still it is and was always regarded as an evil.
After unable to find out exact cause of cancer for several centuries, the modern medicine people now believe that cause of cancer can be anything under the sun, including sun. Therefore, marijuana can very well be regarded as cause of cancer.
Reply:What kind of cigarettes is this guy smokin'?
I do not agree with the in school suspension for the simple fact that you had an opinion that differed from what was being said, I would have my parents fight for my freedom of speech and if you were only stating a fact then the school should lighten up on such a harsh punishment for one who has a mind of their own and has done their homework.
I for one think it should be legalized at least for a doctor in all states and countries to be able to prescribe this as a drug for those of whom it will help.
Reply:Someone who smokes marijuana regularly can have many of the same respiratory problems as cigarette smokers. Persistent coughing, symptoms of bronchitis and more frequent chest colds are possible symptoms. There are over 400 chemicals that have been found in marijuana smoke. Benzyprene, a known human carcinogen, is present in marijuana smoke. Regardless of the THC content, the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide are 3 to 5 times higher than in cigarette smoke. This is most likely due to inhaling marijuana more deeply, holding the smoke in the lungs and because marijuana smoke is unfiltered.
Reply:tobacco has no THC. you had that one right. although it seems you got most of the rest of your facts from your supplier. the rest was probable hands on study.
also it is given to some cancer or glaucoma suffers to treat side effects from meds not to cure any thing
Martial Arts Shoes
Running for cancer can you help?
just got in from my run and thought id post another plee for sponsors im running race for life for cancer research if you can spare a £1 or a $1 it doesnt matter what country your in you can still help please check out my 360 for my sponsor link please help i have no sponsors will you be my first.. kind regards...kim
Running for cancer can you help?
Hi Kim, well done you i am also doing the run but in Coventry in July. I will sponsor you because people like you make all the difference.
Good luck %26amp; thank you for careing enough to do something.
Reply:Hi! Good for you, I hope you do really well. I've just sponsored my Auntie who's running the race in Aberdeen. I'll hopefully be a volunteer on the day giving out water or whatever.
It's such a good cause.
Reply:im still a student...n im nt earning..so i can pray for u!!!
Reply:Thank you for doing that.
If it wasn't for people like you, I probably wouldn't be alive today.
Running for cancer can you help?
Hi Kim, well done you i am also doing the run but in Coventry in July. I will sponsor you because people like you make all the difference.
Good luck %26amp; thank you for careing enough to do something.
Reply:Hi! Good for you, I hope you do really well. I've just sponsored my Auntie who's running the race in Aberdeen. I'll hopefully be a volunteer on the day giving out water or whatever.
It's such a good cause.
Reply:im still a student...n im nt earning..so i can pray for u!!!
Reply:Thank you for doing that.
If it wasn't for people like you, I probably wouldn't be alive today.
Future research into human cloning could cure cancer, true or false.?
serious answers only please.
Future research into human cloning could cure cancer, true or false.?
Cloning has very little to do with oncology research. Cancer researchers are working on the mechanisms which lead to loss of cell's ability to control and regulate their multiplication as well as expression of adhesion factors and such which go into making a cancer cell. Although cloning requires a knowledge of the same molcular biology which underlies both processes, it is untrue to think that cloning will contribute anything to cancer research.
Reply:Future research into human cloning could spell the END of humankind as we know them!!!! Just watch the movie, "Logan's Run" a sci-fi flick with a really BIG KICK about the TRUTH, and our future on earth if we HUMANS don't take the needed steps to prevent 'human cloning' experimentation NOW!!!!!!
Besides, cloning research is NOT needed for cancer research, for the simple reason that CANCER has many CURES already!!! Cancer CURES like Ozone therapy aren't common knowledge, for the SIMPLE reason that there would be NO future profits for the ones who enjoy making BIG money off cancer research, and I guess seeing people suffer and DIE from CANCER!!!!
See one cure of many for cancer below:
Reply:if we're not careful, things might be like Gattaca...
Reply:False. They are unrelated
Reply:We can't really predict the future, but the study that will be done on the immortal stem cells (they do not age like other cells do. Their telomase -%26lt; i dunno how to spell it - do not get shortened like normal cells and in this respect they are like cancer cells which are similarly immortal) might lead to greater understanding of cancer cells.
Reply:True because they can use stem cells and they have done research on stem cells and how it can possibly help to cure diseases. I don't know the specifics about cancer, but i do know that the cells continue to reproduce in mitosis very rapidly. I don't think they have found anything on stem cell research and cancer. I know there are a lot of ethical issues with this too.
Future research into human cloning could cure cancer, true or false.?
Cloning has very little to do with oncology research. Cancer researchers are working on the mechanisms which lead to loss of cell's ability to control and regulate their multiplication as well as expression of adhesion factors and such which go into making a cancer cell. Although cloning requires a knowledge of the same molcular biology which underlies both processes, it is untrue to think that cloning will contribute anything to cancer research.
Reply:Future research into human cloning could spell the END of humankind as we know them!!!! Just watch the movie, "Logan's Run" a sci-fi flick with a really BIG KICK about the TRUTH, and our future on earth if we HUMANS don't take the needed steps to prevent 'human cloning' experimentation NOW!!!!!!
Besides, cloning research is NOT needed for cancer research, for the simple reason that CANCER has many CURES already!!! Cancer CURES like Ozone therapy aren't common knowledge, for the SIMPLE reason that there would be NO future profits for the ones who enjoy making BIG money off cancer research, and I guess seeing people suffer and DIE from CANCER!!!!
See one cure of many for cancer below:
Reply:if we're not careful, things might be like Gattaca...
Reply:False. They are unrelated
Reply:We can't really predict the future, but the study that will be done on the immortal stem cells (they do not age like other cells do. Their telomase -%26lt; i dunno how to spell it - do not get shortened like normal cells and in this respect they are like cancer cells which are similarly immortal) might lead to greater understanding of cancer cells.
Reply:True because they can use stem cells and they have done research on stem cells and how it can possibly help to cure diseases. I don't know the specifics about cancer, but i do know that the cells continue to reproduce in mitosis very rapidly. I don't think they have found anything on stem cell research and cancer. I know there are a lot of ethical issues with this too.
Do you think cancers can be cured gradually if government spends 100B in research a year?
Cancers are actually worse than world wars in casualty. Or should US, Japan rent China to do this and get the result until they know how to do it alone?
Do you think cancers can be cured gradually if government spends 100B in research a year?
The problem with the cancer cure is that we cant detect the single cancer cell yet. So our research money needs to go into ways to develope that technology first then second to treatment protocols and new meds which seem to be the only thing the American public wants to fund.
Reply:maybe if its used right....check out this research group ....they are looking for a cure......http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
Reply:I think the biggest thing standing in the way of a cure for "cancer" is that "cancer" is not just one disease. Certain types and locations of cancer are already curable and preventable. Other types and locations are not.
I believe that as time goes on, researchers will discover that one person's breast cancer and another person's lung cancer have a lot more in common than the cancer found in the lungs or breast of a third person.
So, I think we will continue to make strides, that people will continue to do self-destructive things (like smoking) that bring cancer on, and while there will be more people cured there will still be some who won't be, no matter how much we spend.
Do you think cancers can be cured gradually if government spends 100B in research a year?
The problem with the cancer cure is that we cant detect the single cancer cell yet. So our research money needs to go into ways to develope that technology first then second to treatment protocols and new meds which seem to be the only thing the American public wants to fund.
Reply:maybe if its used right....check out this research group ....they are looking for a cure......http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
Reply:I think the biggest thing standing in the way of a cure for "cancer" is that "cancer" is not just one disease. Certain types and locations of cancer are already curable and preventable. Other types and locations are not.
I believe that as time goes on, researchers will discover that one person's breast cancer and another person's lung cancer have a lot more in common than the cancer found in the lungs or breast of a third person.
So, I think we will continue to make strides, that people will continue to do self-destructive things (like smoking) that bring cancer on, and while there will be more people cured there will still be some who won't be, no matter how much we spend.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).
Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.
That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.
It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
Improve our patent system to more surely reward the person(s) inventing the cure(s).
Reply:1.To drink scientifically.No strong drinks!!!.No wrongs drinks.2.To eat also in a scientific way.Not too much.3.To maintain the physical condition with exercises.4.Good home conditions.5.Good work conditions.6.Better division of countries Budjet[founds]between citizens.So long,one man spend few billions$ and another man spend few$ will be so.7.Good conditions for sleep.The medicine must help people with drops,not to drink strong drinks,the greatest danger for man.The men is born stupid.Just science may help US.8.To make more money;I understand not to be food,but not to make money.!For the future man,the work it is life,and money like water,but carefully!
Reply:Proper intelligence would save many lives. Unfortunately diversity also breeds disopinion, thus war. Billions could be funneled into medicine instead. Also, the Red Tape from the methods of the FDA make it difficult !
Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.
That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.
It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
Improve our patent system to more surely reward the person(s) inventing the cure(s).
Reply:1.To drink scientifically.No strong drinks!!!.No wrongs drinks.2.To eat also in a scientific way.Not too much.3.To maintain the physical condition with exercises.4.Good home conditions.5.Good work conditions.6.Better division of countries Budjet[founds]between citizens.So long,one man spend few billions$ and another man spend few$ will be so.7.Good conditions for sleep.The medicine must help people with drops,not to drink strong drinks,the greatest danger for man.The men is born stupid.Just science may help US.8.To make more money;I understand not to be food,but not to make money.!For the future man,the work it is life,and money like water,but carefully!
Reply:Proper intelligence would save many lives. Unfortunately diversity also breeds disopinion, thus war. Billions could be funneled into medicine instead. Also, the Red Tape from the methods of the FDA make it difficult !
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).
Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.
That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.
It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
put more money into education.. mathematics combined with biology
Reply:You're underestimating the money being spent on cancer. The NCI doesn't have an exclusive on it. Much of the the NIH's money is allocated to cancer. Things like the human genome program are illuminating important information that cancer researchers are using.
Then add to that private industry--many companies are spending billions of dollars developing therapies for cancer.
Sadly, cancer is not "one" illness. It is potentially hundreds of diseases. In fact, a lot of progress has been made on a few types of cancer. There's still quite a bit more that needs to be learned, but there are hundreds of thousands of people (perhaps millions) working to solve the problem of cancer.
It isn't something that will have one cure, and it won't be something that we solve quickly by "cracking some heads together."
Cancer will be cured not only through developing drugs specific to cancer itself, but will also require much better understanding of biology. That will come through further expansion of human genome projects (there's now a project under discussion to identify the genetic variances in many types of cancer tissues), the proteome, research on inflammation and metabolism, bioinformatic techniques, etc. Things like computer technology, software, microchips, robotics, optics, imaging technology, the Internet--all of those things also contribute to curing cancer, although you might not think of it at first.
Ultimately, the limiting factor isn't money. It's people. At a certain point, throwing more money at cancer doesn't do anything if the scientists don't exist who want to solve the problem. The most important thing we can do to cure cancer, and to meet the challenges of the next few decades is to make things like calculus, writing, biology, physics and chemistry really interesting for people to learn.
Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.
That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.
It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
put more money into education.. mathematics combined with biology
Reply:You're underestimating the money being spent on cancer. The NCI doesn't have an exclusive on it. Much of the the NIH's money is allocated to cancer. Things like the human genome program are illuminating important information that cancer researchers are using.
Then add to that private industry--many companies are spending billions of dollars developing therapies for cancer.
Sadly, cancer is not "one" illness. It is potentially hundreds of diseases. In fact, a lot of progress has been made on a few types of cancer. There's still quite a bit more that needs to be learned, but there are hundreds of thousands of people (perhaps millions) working to solve the problem of cancer.
It isn't something that will have one cure, and it won't be something that we solve quickly by "cracking some heads together."
Cancer will be cured not only through developing drugs specific to cancer itself, but will also require much better understanding of biology. That will come through further expansion of human genome projects (there's now a project under discussion to identify the genetic variances in many types of cancer tissues), the proteome, research on inflammation and metabolism, bioinformatic techniques, etc. Things like computer technology, software, microchips, robotics, optics, imaging technology, the Internet--all of those things also contribute to curing cancer, although you might not think of it at first.
Ultimately, the limiting factor isn't money. It's people. At a certain point, throwing more money at cancer doesn't do anything if the scientists don't exist who want to solve the problem. The most important thing we can do to cure cancer, and to meet the challenges of the next few decades is to make things like calculus, writing, biology, physics and chemistry really interesting for people to learn.
I'm writing my research term paper for Biology on Viruses and Cancer..?
I have to write it in the classic style of a scientific journal review article. Can anyone offer pointers or website that will guide me with examples?
I'm writing my research term paper for Biology on Viruses and Cancer..?
Hi; there are several good papers and websites with useful information on Viruses and Cancer. This article may be a good starting point
and then you could go for PubMed Bookshelf with lots of free, online manuals and books on both viruses and cancer. It is just enough if you write these two words as Keywords and you'll get plenty of literature regarding theses issues
I'm writing my research term paper for Biology on Viruses and Cancer..?
Hi; there are several good papers and websites with useful information on Viruses and Cancer. This article may be a good starting point
and then you could go for PubMed Bookshelf with lots of free, online manuals and books on both viruses and cancer. It is just enough if you write these two words as Keywords and you'll get plenty of literature regarding theses issues
I'm doing Race For The Cure, to raise breast cancer awareness/money for research. How can I get more donations
I have an online website where people can go and make donations. How can I best optimize how much I raise? I'm not doing this for selfish reasons, it's just my first time and I really want to make the most of it!
I'm doing Race For The Cure, to raise breast cancer awareness/money for research. How can I get more donations
Have Car Washes/ Bake Sales/ Garage Sales/ Runs/
Family Friends, Lawn Sales/ Church / etc Make flyers and sent them out. . Sell Candy Bars etc any contact. Best Way it works.
Website/.. Check with computer geeks and ask for tips how to make your website the best/ They will help. They know a lot
or phone a college/ and ask for a student ( who can help) a lot will as they are specializing in computer and may take the challnge
Reply:I will help donatate if you help me please....
very simple for girls only.
Reply:Why not go to your local businesses and see if they would like to help you. Even family members might be able to help you out. Kudos to you for doing something worthwhile. You rock
Reply:You just did it!
As long as answers doesn't have a problem with it.
You have my donation.
I'm doing Race For The Cure, to raise breast cancer awareness/money for research. How can I get more donations
Have Car Washes/ Bake Sales/ Garage Sales/ Runs/
Family Friends, Lawn Sales/ Church / etc Make flyers and sent them out. . Sell Candy Bars etc any contact. Best Way it works.
Website/.. Check with computer geeks and ask for tips how to make your website the best/ They will help. They know a lot
or phone a college/ and ask for a student ( who can help) a lot will as they are specializing in computer and may take the challnge
Reply:I will help donatate if you help me please....
very simple for girls only.
Reply:Why not go to your local businesses and see if they would like to help you. Even family members might be able to help you out. Kudos to you for doing something worthwhile. You rock
Reply:You just did it!
As long as answers doesn't have a problem with it.
You have my donation.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).
Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.
That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.
It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
Unfortunately, each cancer is different. And each set of cancer cells undergoes mutation and natural selection within the patient during the course of tumorigenesis. That is the challenge. It's not like treating a virus or pathogen. These cells are made of the patient's own tissue! Harder, much harder. Still,
the key to managing cancer is as follows:
(1) Synergistic drug combinations to target multiple signaling pathways gone awry in cancer
(2) Targeting drugs to tumor (and not normal tissue) via nanoparticles; use of these nanoparticles for imaging and detecting tumors and metastases as well
(3) Management of a cancer's mutation and natural selection. Simplistically speaking, drive the selection pressure of the cancer in one direction, leaving behind a handfull of selected cells that are resistant to the primary agent but are known to be sensitve to the secondary agent.
Reply:oh you mean by being more than the only nation who even tries to find obscure cures for diseases that only one percent of one percent of the actual population has?
or maybe you mean by researching diseases that less than one percent of one percent of the population will ever even hear about much less experience, such as hypoganagobulinameinia?
see... no one can cure cancer because it is caused by two things... flawed genes, that should not have been passed on and, as a result of some foolish desire to have sex no matter what the cost, lead to the death of the resultant child involved... and in fact to generations of people should the resultant child have managed to mate...
or by exposure to mutanegenic compounds such as, oh say the sun, glow in the dark watches (look up madam curie), or a multitude of modern products that alter dna by the very nature of the tech imployed
Reply:You are referring only to government funding. There is a great deal more coming from the private sector which is much more effective - skips the bureaucracy.
Also, you refer to cancer as if it is a single disease. There are an incredible number of varieties and each requires it's own special solution. The best minds are working on the problems and each solution they find is a step towards eradicating cancer but there is no way to force a scientific breakthrough. Already amazing strides have been made in understanding, preventing and curing so many kinds of cancer.
So, what can we do? Each of us can do our part - become educated about lifestyle changes we can make to reduce our chances of getting cancer. Wear sunscreen and give up tanning to prevent skin cancer. Protect yourself and get tested for HPV to prevent cervical cancer. Stop smoking to prevent lung, mouth, and throat cancer. Do regular breast or prostate exams. Eat a diet high in antioxidants. Share what you know with others and encourage them to do the same. Be there for your friend who is fighting for their life against cancer. Support your preferred cancer research foundation. Participate in the Susan G Koman Race for the Cure and other awareness activities.
But whatever you do, don't expect the government to be able to fund a team of super-scientists to come up with a magic cure. That only happens in Hollywood.
Reply:Ban Viagra and Cialis. Sue the companies that made them for causing the increase in STD's in the elderly. Force them to donate all their proceeds to Cancer Research. Perhaps the brilliant geniuses who did r and d on those drugs will gravitate toward cancer research.
skin itching
Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.
That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.
It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.
What can we do to BETTER concentrate our financial and intellectual resources towards the cure for cancer?
Unfortunately, each cancer is different. And each set of cancer cells undergoes mutation and natural selection within the patient during the course of tumorigenesis. That is the challenge. It's not like treating a virus or pathogen. These cells are made of the patient's own tissue! Harder, much harder. Still,
the key to managing cancer is as follows:
(1) Synergistic drug combinations to target multiple signaling pathways gone awry in cancer
(2) Targeting drugs to tumor (and not normal tissue) via nanoparticles; use of these nanoparticles for imaging and detecting tumors and metastases as well
(3) Management of a cancer's mutation and natural selection. Simplistically speaking, drive the selection pressure of the cancer in one direction, leaving behind a handfull of selected cells that are resistant to the primary agent but are known to be sensitve to the secondary agent.
Reply:oh you mean by being more than the only nation who even tries to find obscure cures for diseases that only one percent of one percent of the actual population has?
or maybe you mean by researching diseases that less than one percent of one percent of the population will ever even hear about much less experience, such as hypoganagobulinameinia?
see... no one can cure cancer because it is caused by two things... flawed genes, that should not have been passed on and, as a result of some foolish desire to have sex no matter what the cost, lead to the death of the resultant child involved... and in fact to generations of people should the resultant child have managed to mate...
or by exposure to mutanegenic compounds such as, oh say the sun, glow in the dark watches (look up madam curie), or a multitude of modern products that alter dna by the very nature of the tech imployed
Reply:You are referring only to government funding. There is a great deal more coming from the private sector which is much more effective - skips the bureaucracy.
Also, you refer to cancer as if it is a single disease. There are an incredible number of varieties and each requires it's own special solution. The best minds are working on the problems and each solution they find is a step towards eradicating cancer but there is no way to force a scientific breakthrough. Already amazing strides have been made in understanding, preventing and curing so many kinds of cancer.
So, what can we do? Each of us can do our part - become educated about lifestyle changes we can make to reduce our chances of getting cancer. Wear sunscreen and give up tanning to prevent skin cancer. Protect yourself and get tested for HPV to prevent cervical cancer. Stop smoking to prevent lung, mouth, and throat cancer. Do regular breast or prostate exams. Eat a diet high in antioxidants. Share what you know with others and encourage them to do the same. Be there for your friend who is fighting for their life against cancer. Support your preferred cancer research foundation. Participate in the Susan G Koman Race for the Cure and other awareness activities.
But whatever you do, don't expect the government to be able to fund a team of super-scientists to come up with a magic cure. That only happens in Hollywood.
Reply:Ban Viagra and Cialis. Sue the companies that made them for causing the increase in STD's in the elderly. Force them to donate all their proceeds to Cancer Research. Perhaps the brilliant geniuses who did r and d on those drugs will gravitate toward cancer research.
skin itching
Are there any survivors of Inflammatory Breast Cancer?
My mother got diagnosed last year in november with (IBC)! She has gone through so many rounds of chemotherapy and radiation but it seems like it keeps growing. She has a doctor from M.D. Anderson and they have a research study. She is starting a new experimental chemo for just IBC. But i was wondering if anyone survived this type of breast cancer?
Are there any survivors of Inflammatory Breast Cancer?
Seek out support groups for this type of breast cancer in order to find out information and the best resources . . they will help you:
IBC Support
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation
About IBC
IBC Survivors
Reply:my grandma had it 27 years ago and her 2 it was a experimental chemo she is now 27 years cancer free and my mom and sister are doing the three day walk to raise $$$$$
she might get really sick,vomit loose her hair but its normal i hope all goes well i am now thinking of her
Are there any survivors of Inflammatory Breast Cancer?
Seek out support groups for this type of breast cancer in order to find out information and the best resources . . they will help you:
IBC Support
Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research Foundation
About IBC
IBC Survivors
Reply:my grandma had it 27 years ago and her 2 it was a experimental chemo she is now 27 years cancer free and my mom and sister are doing the three day walk to raise $$$$$
she might get really sick,vomit loose her hair but its normal i hope all goes well i am now thinking of her
What job is the best for wanting to cure cancer?
My two year old son was diagnosed with cancer and passed away at two years old. I have went back to school and will graduate with a BA in psychology in a year.
Does anyone have advice on what the heck would be the best route as far as what job to take. I am willing to get a masters or maybe a master in public health. The thing is I thought about child life specialist but the potential income growth is not all that much.
Its not the money im worried about but I am going to start my own childhood cancer foundation which I will need to make decent money in order to fund all the start up fees and that stuff.
So I need a job with a modest income, in which I will help children with cancer. It could be as a researcher the problem with that most of the research involves biology, in which I have no training. I thought about research assistant, associate, ect but im looking for maybe a differ view or input. If I am going to grad school I have to start applying soon so Im hoping for info
What job is the best for wanting to cure cancer?
first you should get the degree, then get a job with a charitable organisation, eg. Cancer Council or something. Their scientists are paid modestly for looking for cures and stuff.
Reply:just cuz you dont have bio training doesn't mean you can't go get some. start taking the pre med requirements to get into medical school. and your admissions essay will be pretty inspiring, when you write about your son.
I just want to comend you. you must have a strong will. I would definately need to be psychiatrically hospitalized or worse if my son died.
best of luck. :)
Reply:something in research definitely
Does anyone have advice on what the heck would be the best route as far as what job to take. I am willing to get a masters or maybe a master in public health. The thing is I thought about child life specialist but the potential income growth is not all that much.
Its not the money im worried about but I am going to start my own childhood cancer foundation which I will need to make decent money in order to fund all the start up fees and that stuff.
So I need a job with a modest income, in which I will help children with cancer. It could be as a researcher the problem with that most of the research involves biology, in which I have no training. I thought about research assistant, associate, ect but im looking for maybe a differ view or input. If I am going to grad school I have to start applying soon so Im hoping for info
What job is the best for wanting to cure cancer?
first you should get the degree, then get a job with a charitable organisation, eg. Cancer Council or something. Their scientists are paid modestly for looking for cures and stuff.
Reply:just cuz you dont have bio training doesn't mean you can't go get some. start taking the pre med requirements to get into medical school. and your admissions essay will be pretty inspiring, when you write about your son.
I just want to comend you. you must have a strong will. I would definately need to be psychiatrically hospitalized or worse if my son died.
best of luck. :)
Reply:something in research definitely
Does "microwaved" food lead to cancer? Is there any research done on this?
Is it safe to eat food heated in a microwave?
Does "microwaved" food lead to cancer? Is there any research done on this?
There is certainly alot of debate about this topic. I will give my opinion from a purely physics point of view.
Cancer is initiated from mutations in the DNA. This can occur when radiation of high enough energy strikes an atom in the DNA and changes its chemical structure.
High energy radiation is associated with shorter wavelengths such as gamma rays and ultraviolet light.
Microwaves are on the other end of the spectrum. They have a long wavelength. BTW, microwaves have less energy than visible light which is part of the EMF spectrum too.
So, it would seem that microwaves are a safer form of radiation because they would seem not to have enough energy to mutate cells.
Reply:They do say not to microwave your food on or in a plastic plate or container.
Reply:no , not at all.
Reply:No it does not cause cancer. You ingest smoked and charcoal cooked meats that contain nitrogenous compounds that are linked to cancer. There is no harmful radiation from a microwave oven. Yes there are some containers you should not use in a microwave because the heat from the steam causes harmful chemical releases just as if you heated the plastic container on a electric or gas burner.
Reply:In the reaserches done it is found that microwave oven cooked food many diseases including cancer. Please visit web link- http://www.susanbrennan.com/healthnotes.... from which I have given below the excerpts for information, which speaks for itself.
In Russia, microwave ovens were banned in 1976 because of their negative health consequences and many studies were conducted on their use. Here are some of their findings on Microwaving foods.
1. Microwaved foods lose 60 - 90% of the vital-energy field and Microwaving accelerates the structural disintegration of foods.
2. Microwaving creates cancer-causing agents within milk and cereals.
3. Microwaving elemental food-substances, causing digestive disorders.
4. Microwaving alters food chemistry which can lead to malfunctions in the lymphatic system and degeneration of the body’s ability to protect itself against cancerous growths.
5. Microwaved foods lead to a higher percentage of cancerous cells in the bloodstream.
6. Microwaving altered the breakdown of elemental substances when raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables were exposed for even a very short time and free radicals were formed.
7. Microwaved foods caused stomach and intestinal cancerous growths, a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues, and a gradual breakdown of the digestive and excretive systems in a statistically high percentage of people.
8. Microwaved foods lowered the body's ability to utilize B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics.
9. The microwave field next to a microwave oven caused a slew of health problems as well. -
If you use it, it must be checked from time to time or just do not stand in front of it and watch food cook. A glance is OK.
They are Radio waves and harmful if leaking and will leak after a while. Some do come thur window but not enough to be of problem, if it is a short time exposure.
If you have anything like pace maker then you must keep distance. Have special switch in the other room or far way, set up every thing and close the oven and start it with remote or extension. Hang extra foil on the two sides and start from moving there and pressing the button.
Reply:Not sure at this point, but the food is cooked with radiation and radiation causes cancer. Hopefully someone is doing a study somewhere.
Reply:it has been suggested that food cooked in the microwave are less safe if they are heated in plastic containers. Heating of the plastics supposedly releases carcinogens into the food they contain. The process of microwaving is in itself harmless, so use paper plates or microwave safe glass ware to cook your food and keep plastic out of the microwave.
Does "microwaved" food lead to cancer? Is there any research done on this?
There is certainly alot of debate about this topic. I will give my opinion from a purely physics point of view.
Cancer is initiated from mutations in the DNA. This can occur when radiation of high enough energy strikes an atom in the DNA and changes its chemical structure.
High energy radiation is associated with shorter wavelengths such as gamma rays and ultraviolet light.
Microwaves are on the other end of the spectrum. They have a long wavelength. BTW, microwaves have less energy than visible light which is part of the EMF spectrum too.
So, it would seem that microwaves are a safer form of radiation because they would seem not to have enough energy to mutate cells.
Reply:They do say not to microwave your food on or in a plastic plate or container.
Reply:no , not at all.
Reply:No it does not cause cancer. You ingest smoked and charcoal cooked meats that contain nitrogenous compounds that are linked to cancer. There is no harmful radiation from a microwave oven. Yes there are some containers you should not use in a microwave because the heat from the steam causes harmful chemical releases just as if you heated the plastic container on a electric or gas burner.
Reply:In the reaserches done it is found that microwave oven cooked food many diseases including cancer. Please visit web link- http://www.susanbrennan.com/healthnotes.... from which I have given below the excerpts for information, which speaks for itself.
In Russia, microwave ovens were banned in 1976 because of their negative health consequences and many studies were conducted on their use. Here are some of their findings on Microwaving foods.
1. Microwaved foods lose 60 - 90% of the vital-energy field and Microwaving accelerates the structural disintegration of foods.
2. Microwaving creates cancer-causing agents within milk and cereals.
3. Microwaving elemental food-substances, causing digestive disorders.
4. Microwaving alters food chemistry which can lead to malfunctions in the lymphatic system and degeneration of the body’s ability to protect itself against cancerous growths.
5. Microwaved foods lead to a higher percentage of cancerous cells in the bloodstream.
6. Microwaving altered the breakdown of elemental substances when raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables were exposed for even a very short time and free radicals were formed.
7. Microwaved foods caused stomach and intestinal cancerous growths, a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues, and a gradual breakdown of the digestive and excretive systems in a statistically high percentage of people.
8. Microwaved foods lowered the body's ability to utilize B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics.
9. The microwave field next to a microwave oven caused a slew of health problems as well. -
If you use it, it must be checked from time to time or just do not stand in front of it and watch food cook. A glance is OK.
They are Radio waves and harmful if leaking and will leak after a while. Some do come thur window but not enough to be of problem, if it is a short time exposure.
If you have anything like pace maker then you must keep distance. Have special switch in the other room or far way, set up every thing and close the oven and start it with remote or extension. Hang extra foil on the two sides and start from moving there and pressing the button.
Reply:Not sure at this point, but the food is cooked with radiation and radiation causes cancer. Hopefully someone is doing a study somewhere.
Reply:it has been suggested that food cooked in the microwave are less safe if they are heated in plastic containers. Heating of the plastics supposedly releases carcinogens into the food they contain. The process of microwaving is in itself harmless, so use paper plates or microwave safe glass ware to cook your food and keep plastic out of the microwave.
What is the worst kind of cancer?
I'm writing a book. Someone in the book is going to be diagnosed with cancer (or any other kind of disease).
I don't want him to be immobalized or unable to form words. But for the story to go the way I want, he only has 4-7 months to live...
Can anyone help me? It can be any disease but I don't want to have to research it too much.
What is the worst kind of cancer?
melanoma... type of skin cancer caused mostly by too much exposure to the sun... this type of cancer can lead to all kinds of internal tumors...which makes you suffer.
Lost my mother to this type of cancer...from all the treatments she went thru...it wasn't easy on her at all...and she was only 46yrs old at the time.
Reply:any kind of cancer that is terminal.. maybe a part of the brain that they cannot remove and chemotherapy isnt working or something. or a cancer that is too far advanced for treatment.
Reply:Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst.
Reply:blood cancer it has a nother fancy name but its blood cancer.
Reply:Brain tumors have the most predictability as far as how much time a person has left.
Reply:I think a brain tumor ( an astrocytoma would be good) the lifespan is about right and depending on were it is located it would give what ever symptoms you wanted the character to have.
Reply:Apparently people generally don't have much time left once they're diagnosed with lung cancer (whether they smoke or not). My stepdad was given 3-4 months when they first found out. I've read that that's about average.
Reply:Lung cancer is a pretty harsh thing to have.
Reply:brain cancer
Reply:Pancreatic Cancer is the most deadly due to its fact there are no tests to check for it. People can survive lung cancer but you'd be hard pressed to find people that survive more than a couple years with pancreatic cancer. This is a fact!
Reply:No Offense but, If you don't research your book, no one will want to read it. Do you think James Patterson comes online and asks people stuff like this. The worst kind of cancer is Lukemia... duh. Children suffering and dying at young ages...isn't that the saddest kind there is. Imagine having you legs cut off at 12, only to die at 17. ( Actually happened to a schoolmate of mine). Imagine being 7 months old and in so much pain, and you don't understand why, and the chances of you making it to your second birthday are really low. Why don't you write a book on that? Go to childrens hospitals and interview these courageous children and share their wisdom with the world, before it is to late.
I can't believe 2 people gave my answer a thumbs down. I hope you read this. You are insensitive people, who have never experienced real pain and therefore are ignorant to the needs of our children!
Reply:every cancer is very bad. It depends what level its at. Breast cancer is a very big one. My fiance is going through this with his mother, and its not at the best stage right now, so any cancer can be bad, but the worst is when its at the last stage, where nothing can help it .
Reply:any kind in your body
Reply:the one you don't know about. get checked. they all are because you can die from any number of complications.
Reply:Pancreatic, small cell renal, or metastatic anything, especially lung, although your character might be too short of breath to speak well.
Reply:Pancreatic cancer is a winner if you are looking for something that is very deadly. Its so deadly because it often doesnt show symptoms until it is in later stages. Most of the people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are older so if its a younger character you probably wouldnt choose that.
Leukemia is a blood cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant to survive. This is a cancer that is found in younger people. It isnt that debilitating of a disease in terms of inpairing mental or motor functions. However it isnt normally something that you are given a time range of life expectancy because if you do get a donor it is very survivable.
Your best bet would be to go with something like a testicular cancer that metastasizes and spreads throughout the body. Hodgkins Lymphoma is another option. It is survivable if caught early but it has the ablitity to spread to the entire body and destroy multiple organ systems.
Dont choose melanoma. Melanomas are easily cured by removal before they metastasize throughout the body.
I think a really good one could be AIDS. AIDS is often accompanied by Kaposi's Sarcoma, which is a primarily vascular cancer. It is incurable, especially in AIDS patients who have little to no immune system. Since HIV and AIDS patients are living longer the disease is becoming more and more common.
Reply:Pancreatic Cancer is almost always fatal. It kills you quickly.
adult teeth
I don't want him to be immobalized or unable to form words. But for the story to go the way I want, he only has 4-7 months to live...
Can anyone help me? It can be any disease but I don't want to have to research it too much.
What is the worst kind of cancer?
melanoma... type of skin cancer caused mostly by too much exposure to the sun... this type of cancer can lead to all kinds of internal tumors...which makes you suffer.
Lost my mother to this type of cancer...from all the treatments she went thru...it wasn't easy on her at all...and she was only 46yrs old at the time.
Reply:any kind of cancer that is terminal.. maybe a part of the brain that they cannot remove and chemotherapy isnt working or something. or a cancer that is too far advanced for treatment.
Reply:Pancreatic cancer is one of the worst.
Reply:blood cancer it has a nother fancy name but its blood cancer.
Reply:Brain tumors have the most predictability as far as how much time a person has left.
Reply:I think a brain tumor ( an astrocytoma would be good) the lifespan is about right and depending on were it is located it would give what ever symptoms you wanted the character to have.
Reply:Apparently people generally don't have much time left once they're diagnosed with lung cancer (whether they smoke or not). My stepdad was given 3-4 months when they first found out. I've read that that's about average.
Reply:Lung cancer is a pretty harsh thing to have.
Reply:brain cancer
Reply:Pancreatic Cancer is the most deadly due to its fact there are no tests to check for it. People can survive lung cancer but you'd be hard pressed to find people that survive more than a couple years with pancreatic cancer. This is a fact!
Reply:No Offense but, If you don't research your book, no one will want to read it. Do you think James Patterson comes online and asks people stuff like this. The worst kind of cancer is Lukemia... duh. Children suffering and dying at young ages...isn't that the saddest kind there is. Imagine having you legs cut off at 12, only to die at 17. ( Actually happened to a schoolmate of mine). Imagine being 7 months old and in so much pain, and you don't understand why, and the chances of you making it to your second birthday are really low. Why don't you write a book on that? Go to childrens hospitals and interview these courageous children and share their wisdom with the world, before it is to late.
I can't believe 2 people gave my answer a thumbs down. I hope you read this. You are insensitive people, who have never experienced real pain and therefore are ignorant to the needs of our children!
Reply:every cancer is very bad. It depends what level its at. Breast cancer is a very big one. My fiance is going through this with his mother, and its not at the best stage right now, so any cancer can be bad, but the worst is when its at the last stage, where nothing can help it .
Reply:any kind in your body
Reply:the one you don't know about. get checked. they all are because you can die from any number of complications.
Reply:Pancreatic, small cell renal, or metastatic anything, especially lung, although your character might be too short of breath to speak well.
Reply:Pancreatic cancer is a winner if you are looking for something that is very deadly. Its so deadly because it often doesnt show symptoms until it is in later stages. Most of the people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are older so if its a younger character you probably wouldnt choose that.
Leukemia is a blood cancer that requires a bone marrow transplant to survive. This is a cancer that is found in younger people. It isnt that debilitating of a disease in terms of inpairing mental or motor functions. However it isnt normally something that you are given a time range of life expectancy because if you do get a donor it is very survivable.
Your best bet would be to go with something like a testicular cancer that metastasizes and spreads throughout the body. Hodgkins Lymphoma is another option. It is survivable if caught early but it has the ablitity to spread to the entire body and destroy multiple organ systems.
Dont choose melanoma. Melanomas are easily cured by removal before they metastasize throughout the body.
I think a really good one could be AIDS. AIDS is often accompanied by Kaposi's Sarcoma, which is a primarily vascular cancer. It is incurable, especially in AIDS patients who have little to no immune system. Since HIV and AIDS patients are living longer the disease is becoming more and more common.
Reply:Pancreatic Cancer is almost always fatal. It kills you quickly.
adult teeth
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