Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Does Hillary Laugh While Your Dad/Son Dies of Prostate Cancer?

Breast cancer research gets 10 times as much money as prostate cancer research.

Yet, 1/2 as many men will die from PC as women will die of BC.

Have you heard any female congresswomen fight for the men in their lives? Why NOT?????

Is that a sick sign of our culture?

Does Hillary Laugh While Your Dad/Son Dies of Prostate Cancer?
cancer research is NOT mutually exclusive - a cure in breast cancer will lead to great strides in finding a cure for PC

Please don't politicize cancer in this way
Reply:My dad doesn't have prostate cancer
Reply:No. This is such a stupid argument that I keep seeing get posted. Does this mean you really have nothing good to attack her on you have to make up some stupid argument like the fact that as a women she would have the gall to try to fight breast cancer.

The sick sign of our culture is your question.
Reply:as prostrate cancer is a slow growing cancer that is easily detected and treated,i don't see the correlation.I get a PSA test every year and had a prostrate biopsy done last year.No big deal.Mother and grandmother both died of breast cancer;that was a big deal.
Reply:If you didn't use Hillary's name in your question you bring up a valid point.
Reply:No, but look who she is married to...would YOU fight for that? She probably secretly hopes his thing rots off!
Reply:Hillary doesnt know what she is doing! Hillary is just trying to get the woman vote we are currently 2:1 She wants health insurance for people that commited a felony by entering the country HELLO!
Reply:Wow - this is about the most rabid anti-Hillary post yet. They are getting more and more ridiculous as time goes by. It is both scary and Hillary-ious

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