Friday, July 16, 2010

What is the origin of Pancreatic Cancer?

I need the genesis of pancreatic cancer. The who what when where why how. Can anyone help me out?

Also, does anyone know what current research and technology is being done on this topic?

What is the origin of Pancreatic Cancer?

Check out this link from John's Hopkins. It is from10 yrs ago but you still might find it helpful

Here is one more current.

Here is something from 2007
Reply:the pancreas
Reply:your pancreas
Reply:It isn't known exactly what causes pancreatic cancer. My aunt died from it (ate a healthy diet, no red meat) and my brother died from it (average healthy diet, he was in good shape and exercised regularly). However, he spent a lot of time working on cars and it is believed that being around petroleum based products can be a cause. It is also thought that firefighters are at risk also since they breath in lots of smoke.

Visit to learn more

Also, see my question about pancreatic cancer.

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