Friday, July 16, 2010

Do you think a cure will ever be found for cancer?

Cancer has touched the life of someone close to us or someone we know. Billions have been spent on research and yet people are still developing cancer at an alarming rate. There is no doubt that teratogens are playing a big role in the abundance of cancer.

Do you think a cure will ever be found for cancer?
Reply:I actually bookmarked this as I was interested in the answers but to award best to "yes" when folks took time (particularly JC and sharl) is pretty crappy Report Abuse

Reply:Found yes, released no. The government makes too much money on drugs that help you live with cancer.
Reply:yes because our technology is optimistic
Reply:I think there already is a cure for cancer. But since the pharmacutical companies make billions and billions of dollars from people taking concoctions to help with the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and also surgeries. If they were to come out with the cure for cancer, pharmacutical companies would go out of business......Especially if they came out with a cure for AIDS....the same scenario would play. So I think there is cure, but since people are messed up and extremely greedy, we may never see it
Reply:i cant understand why people dont want to use stem cells, yet their are countless people out there like you and me, who have sad stories.

but if docters think that they can make a difference im alll up for it.
Reply:Sooner (hopefully) or later there will be a cure found - one type at a time though I would think. Medicine has come a very long way in 100 years but still has a lot to learn.

I have family that have been taken by this plague and would really like to see it destroyed before my children find out hard way what it is.

Peace out
Reply:sure,with advanced technology and research,it is very possible...
Reply:Yes. There are already many cancers that can be stopped and cured that have killed in the past. The billions of dollars and hours that are spent on research and development will prevail.
Reply:i think cancer to advanced to have a cure
Reply:i personally believe that there may even be a cure right now, but it may be stopped by the government- you know all drugs have to be approved by them anyway- . there are way too many people making money off of sick people with cancer. The pharmacudical company, doctors, treatment centers, research labs- the list can go on for days on who is making money off this.

they make more money off treating people instead of curing them. and as far a preventive means- the only thing widly advertised is non-smoking champains.

i had a friend of mine father pass because of cancer- at the time they found out the doctors gave him only a few months to live. anyway , he started taking a japanese herb- sold from japan - and he lived another seven years taking it (in combination with getting treatments from the doctor). well, one day they get a letter in the mail stating that the company could not longer sell their product (reasons not told) . after that the cancer progressed and he passed away no too long after that.
Reply:I am afraid I will have to disagree with most answers given so far. Actually, I think there is already a cure for cancer. Basically, you have first to identify the causes for cancer, and invariably you will find that they are all in your lifestyle.

So, technology may help, drugs may help, plants and herbs from the Rain Forest and elsewhere may help, but all of this will be useless or will only give temporary relief if there is no real change in lifestyle.

I am not saying that the causes of cancer are simple. Lifestyle is indeed a very complex thing, as you know; it includes the food you eat, the water you drink, the clothes you wear, the job you have, the place where you live, your emotional life, your relations, your heredity, etc. All these factors matter, but different people will have different reactions to each of them. For some people, food is the most important factor; for others, it's your emotional state.

With the exception of your heredity, however, lifestyle is something that can be changed at your discretion. Again, I am not saying it is easy, but that it can be done.

So that is your terrain, your body (mind included). That is where you have to work first to avoid cancer and then to cure it, if you happen to develop it.

Maybe the keyword here is stress. If you want to avoid cancer or if you want to heal cancer, you have to get rid of all the unnecessary stress in your life.
Reply:Bottom line..... There is to much money to be made, no there will never be a cure...

Reply:Hopefully in my lifetime, or before I need it.
Reply:yes, if there isn,t one already their not telling us about.
Reply:I believe there is a cure for cancer, AIDS, all of the terrible diseases people are faced with. However the groups get money for testing and developing cures. If there is a cure then they will lose all the money.
Reply:Someone in my family was recently diagnosed with cancer and I don't know if a cure will ever be found but I hope so.
Reply:Yes, eventually. We are always making advances in technology and bio-technolgy. Certain drugs will be found or created. Also, pay attention to could be the wave of new medical technoogy.

Most importantly, do things to reduce your risk: stop smoking, exercise and eat foods with anti-oxidants like blueberries, grean tea, turmeric, broccoli, etc.

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