Tuesday, July 20, 2010

If you had a possible cure for Cancer or Aids-Why wouldn't the Research Labs want it out for all to see ?

They do have the cures. Reason they aren't letting us have it is because then people would become well and then the medical industry would take a big hit on profits.

There is more money in sick people, why make them better?

If you had a possible cure for Cancer or Aids-Why wouldn't the Research Labs want it out for all to see ?
It all boils down to money. I am sure that there is already a cure for alot of cancers and for aids, I mean, look at that famous basketball player who developed Aids, and now he is Aids free?

Was it Michael Jordan? Anyway, if it got out that there was a cure, then noboby would be sick and the pharmacutical companies and others would lose alot of money. They would rather see someone suffer and take all of their money, until they die. It could be a way to keep the population in the world down. I could be wrong, but that is my belief. We may never know the facts, but we have to live in a world where alot of things are kept secret and controlled on a regular basis. It upsets me to see all of the suffering in the world, due to disease and cancer.
Reply:Very simple: I has to be tested very precariously, first on animals then on humans. You wouldn't want everybody to be excited and then find out, that the found cure has some side effects. You can only put a medicine on the market when you have followed all the precautions. Most of the found cures for Aids or cancer have not made it through all the tests given by law.

@ jessi:

You have a quite negative opinion on this. I think researchers are very close to finding cures for these illnesses.

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