Friday, July 16, 2010

Could Aides,Cancer,Malaria,Heart disease etc. be erased with enough research money?

Does the developing world really want to end these diseases? With Population of the world reaching all time highs? Something to think about.

Could Aides,Cancer,Malaria,Heart disease etc. be erased with enough research money?
They can be erased with enough money and enough time. Regardless of how much money is pledged to research, however, even with the best equipment and the newest cell lines available, it takes time to figure out different patterns of the disease and proper antidotes to these. I think that everyone really wants to end these diseases, but there are few people in the world who actually have the knowledge, money and time to do the research. We can raise all the money in the world, but if we don't have enough scientists who know how to execute the particular experiements and trials, we won't get anything accomplished.
Reply:Money is necessary and it can speed up the process in finding a cure. But there are diseases they are incurable.
Reply:I doubt these disease could be erased with more research money, however more money for research,treatment and education could greatly reduce the scourge of these disease.
Reply:It has been bandied about that HIV was invented by the world health organization to control population.

Be that as it may, until it costs more to cure than it does to treat, these diseases will remain.

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