my mother has cancer, her mother had cancer.... I wonder if I will get cancer. curious if there is anyone out there that has history of cancer in their family and if they are active in doing anything such as eating better, taking supplements or anything else they may have researched.... and do you get regular checkups to see that you are cancer free, in the area that your family has a history of cancer?
Are you afraid of getting cancer, do you do anything hoping to prevent it?
My mother and brother died from cancer when I was very young and I was afraid of also dying from it for many years. However, one day my husband said to me, "If you stand looking out of the window long enough, you will see it rain." That was day I really understood that my fear was causing me to miss out on all the joys of living, and that if I was going to be any good for my husband and my children, I had to live each day with joy instead of worrying about the future and when and how I was going to die. We are all going to die eventually, and all any of us have is this particular moment in time--no one is guaranteed tomorrow let alone next week, next month, or next year.
The point is, God will walk with us through every step of our lives and He will give us the grace to face whatever we are challenged with WHEN we are challenged with it. In the meantime, the way I see it, our "job" is to LIVE JOYOUSLY and to try to make this world a better and happier place for those we come in contact with.
Having said that, I also try to make wise decisions for myself as far as my health goes. I exercise regularly, eat nutritiously and moderately, see my doctor for annual physicals, and follow through with whatever cancer screening tests she thinks are appropriate. For example, my mother had breast cancer and later died from ovarian cancer. I do monthly self breast exams, have a yearly mammogram, and see my doctor immediately if I find any suspicious lumps. I also have an annual CA125 blood test to screen for ovarian cancer. Other than that, I try to live one day at a time as well as I can to the honor and glory of my God.
Good luck--I am praying that you will put your faith and trust in God,--take your fears and worries to Him and leave them with Him--make wise health choices for yourself, and go out there and LIVE LIFE UNAFRAID AND TO THE FULLEST :-).
Reply:Go ahead and buy a cancer insurance policy just in case. My wife has similar history in her family and we have a policy for her that would help with the medical bills if she ever gets cancer.
Reply:In my family there is a strong history of all kinds of cancer. All that you have to do to prevent it is eat right!!! My GREAT-GRAND MOTHER is still very energetic today, and cancer-free, and she is a vegetarian.
Reply:We have a lot of different types of cancers in our family history. I use to be so afraid of it until I had kidney failure (Along with diabetes, blindness etc etc etc..) and now I'm on dialysis. I sit next to a women during dialysis that goes for cancer treatments on Wednesday %26amp; Fridays and the other days to dialysis. NOW I don't concern myself with cancer or anything else I just thank God Im alive and get to have time with my family on my non-dialysis days.
Enjoy what ever you have now, take care of yourself the best you can and what will be will be.
Reply:Ok I will help you. You can turn this around but you will have to have the courage strength and desire.
Start on these steps right away!!!
First 1. Call 877-teach-me. And order the free tape and book!!!
2. Order Sam Biser's Book Resurrection at
3. This one is tough but start on a juice fast for 30 days. Just buy the juice man jr for about $50 bucks. Or go here for more info
4. Watch this movie trailer!
Then buy it
5. If you need a coach with the steps to help guide you along the way, order the Sam Biser videos on ebay!!! -12 Videos- it’s called (save your life course). Order these tapes and watch them.
7. JUST DO IT !!!
And remember I have seen people with 90% bone cancer Survive!!!
Read this
In our life’s we see people go through alot of pain, where they did not seem to really know where there going, so we searched for answers in health, relationships, and long life success. We went to the depth of the earth for cold hard facts. We care for all people and I want them to know the truth. Well all I can say is Kevin Trudeau is right on track with his books. My research does come from years of looking into the health field and I will say there our many others like Kevin Trudeau that have not come out of the closet maybe because of fear? Here are a few websites for you to look at. I will not give the websites out here but what I will do is give the name of the website and you can go to a search engine and find them right on top.
(The homeostasis protocol), (Sam Biser), (Dr Richard Schultz), (sanoviv) (hippocratesinst)
The success stories of these people are just amazing.
I believe one thing!!! All of these masters on health agree on one thing DO NOT CHASE A DISEASE!!! Because you’ll lose like millions have done already (Death). The way to knock out the disease is to give it an environment that it can’t stand to live in, like a fish out of water. Take care of your self and remember to pass this information on to the people you love and see in pain. Please take care of your self and your love ones. This time on earth is very short for all of us.
Contact me by email when you completed these steps...
God Bless
Have a Wonderful Day... Keep your head up and don’t quit!!!!!!
Reply:It all depends on what type of cancer. Most likely, you are predisposed to the same type of cancer as your mother but that doesn't imply you're going to get it. If I were you, I'd look at the type of cancer online and find out the recommendations on diet to minimize your risk.
If you really need to know, genetic testing is something of an option. It will tell you whether you had a predisposition to that type of cancer.
Reply:sorry to hear that about your mother hope all will be well will pray for your family and yes skin cancer runs on both sides of my family dad has it keeps getting it burnt off or cut out his dad died from it and his mom lost half an ear from it his sister has got some took off her face and my grandpa and aunt on my mothers side have had it very scary try to stay out of the sun or sun block all the time
Reply:The answer to curing cancer has been found in preventing it in the first place. U.S. law 103-417 has shown that over 20,000 studies conclude we can prevent disease such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis, 2 of the 3 biggies, by proper healthful diets. Here is a link to the FDA's website and law
The problem is, who's going to advertise it? Not the pharmaceutical industry as that will put them out of business. Not the disease associations, Cancer Inst. Diabetes Assoc... as that will put them out of business. Of course we keep supporting them because we want "the cure". Diabetes magazine, a national publication, wrote an article how drug companies are not looking to create cures, they are looking for more ways to treat symptoms. In fact, they are looking forward to the next block buster disease. Diabetes has lancetes, glucose monitors, shoes, socks, insulins, boots, several drugs for circulation, glucose monitoring... and more. The are waiting for a similar disease to create more products and profits. This is why I don't support the "Race for the Cure" or any other like organization.
We all know that eating properly is key but, did you know the FDA raised the servings amount of fruits and vegetables to 9-11 servings everyday? Why? Because our foods do not have the nutritional value they had 50 years ago and we need to eat more to get the same previous value. Who even eats the 3-5? That is why we need to supplement our diets with whole foods nutrition.
This is also why I became a wellness consultant and although I know the task ahead of me is daunting, the reward will be great. I could sure use your help in spreading the word. Thanks.
All I know is that if I had cancer, I would start taking all natural antioxidants, lacctoferrin and eat alkaline foods. I will continue to use my infrared comforter to help me stay alkaline and keep checking my ph level. I'll give it a place it won't like to live!
Reply:If Cancer runs in your family you need to get examined every year
especially colon and ovarian, its a silent cancer.
You need to supply your cells with Oxygen. Drink Oxygenated
water, take blue-green Algae or spirulina supplement.
Eat lots of Veggies, any Veggies and Fruits. Also Fiber is important, if you don't get enough, take fiber disolved in a glass of water, take a 1200 mg. calcium supplement, eat less red meat, increase Fish, if you don't like Fish, take an Omega supplement. Watch your weight, walk walk walk, don't smoke, limit your sugar intake, maybe have a yeast cleanse, and drink 1-2 liter of Water a day.
I go every year for a colonoscopy for colon cancer and a mammogram followed by an ultra sound, plus I have a good yearly check up top to bottom.
Good Luck
Reply:Just be healthy. If it is Skin cancer, Use plenty of sunblock! And If you have odd looking moles, get them removed.
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