my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer and my stepmother is only 48 years old and she has breast cancer. While i have researched that you should start getting mamograms when you are 40years old, i am wondering if i should go earlier? i know some girls my age (18) who have had breast cancer, and who get regular mamograms. what should i do??
Should I get a mammogram at 18 years old, my grandmother had breast cancer, should i take action now?
Breast cancer is a common disease and your grandmother’s may or may not have been hereditary, but only a very small minority of breast cancer cases are– about 5 – 10%. Getting older is the greatest risk factor for breast cancer, around 80% of women who get it are over 50, and she may well have been one of the majority for whom it is a random thing.
Breast cancer that runs in families is thought to be caused by a faulty gene, which can increase your chances of getting breast cancer. You can be tested for this when you are older if your doctor thinks it’s necessary – usually if one of your parents carries it. However, having a faulty gene does not mean you will definitely develop breast cancer.
Just remember – most cases of breast cancer aren’t hereditary. My oncologist was able to reassure me that mine wasn't. Try not to worry without cause.
Mammograms are not normally done on younger women because their breast tissue is too dense for a worthwhile result. Mammograms are not done on request and a doctor will not order one for someone your age unless you have found a lump, in which case you would also have a biopsy and a scan.
Reply:It won't hurt you to start getting them now. Just tell your doctor that you have a serious family history of breast cancer and are concerned about it. They may recommend that you get a mammogram every 2 years or so. But I like that you are worried about it now. Most women don't care until its too late.
Reply:It is hard to do a mammogram on young women because the breast tissue is so firm. Do breast checks on your own to become familiar with how your breast feels. If something changes, you are more likely to notice. When ever you have a concern go see your doctor.
Reply:This is something you need to talk to your doctor about. He or she will be able to tell you exactly how high your risks are, and what action you should be taking.
Reply:its better to be safe than sorry.
If you dont have the mammogram, then you will worry whether you have breast cancer or not.
If you do have the mammogram, then you will have no need to worry and action to fight breast cancer can quickly take place.
my advice is to get it done.
Reply:if it is in the family i spose it good to get checkd
Reply:Your stepmother is of no blood relation to you so her case is irrelevant to yours. Your grandmother (IF she is blood related, if she is your stepmother's mother, then it is of no concern to you either) on the other old was she when she was diagnosed? You should start getting mammograms 10 years prior to her age when she was diagnosed. If she was 35, get one at 25, etc.
Reply:Mayb u should go check...
I bet u won't regret it.
Reply:yes! go get tested, especially if breast cancer runs in your family. it is always best to catch it before it gets too bad. go go go go!
Reply:Just make sure you get your yearly well women check up the doctor will check you's usually not a mammogram and be sure to check yourself as check now and feel whats normal then if you are checking regularly you'll feel if there is a strange lump or not...consult with your doctor about how you feel and they will let you know what's best. I'm sure! Good Luck...Breast Cancer runs in my Fam. too.
Reply:If not now, at least do self breast exams every month. I would start mamograms by the age of 25, and have one yearly.
Reply:The average age for getting a mammograms is age 40. If you have a family history then you should have your first mammogram at the age of 35. There is a test you can have done to find out if you have the gene, it's a blood test. If you are that concerned you might want to talk to a doctor about this and then think hard about if that is right for you. I mean what will you do with the information if it comes out that you do have the gene. It's a hard choice to make, so think hard about it and go talk to a doctor. Good Luck
Reply:my mom also had breast cancer and i turned 18 in july. i got the test done and they said if it was clear i could get one up to every 5 years until 40 then every year. i would to be safe but not every year not until your older. they can be very uncomfortable the larger your breast size is.
Reply:They normally won't do a mammogram on you unless you've noticed a lump during a self-exam or during your gynocologists exam. Do monthly self-exams and look online for directions to make sure you're doing them right. If you feel anything abnormal, don't hesitate to call your gyno to have her check it out and then she will advise you what to do next.
Reply:Well I would get familiar with your breasts, do a BSE (Breast Self Exam) once a month, not around the time of your period. I would also mention your concerns to your family doctor who, when doing your yearly exam, should also be checking your breasts for any masses or lumps. They may feel that in your circumstance with the history of breast cancer, that you should be screened with a mammogram sooner than when most women go around the age of 40-55 on their first one.
Reply:Relax. Don't think about or get obsessed about it. There's no better way to get sick than to think about getting sick all the time.
Reply:Well Im not a doctor or even a female at that but you know what I just happened to read the question n thought it would be a good idea to put my 2 cents in. Yeah being that it runs in your family i dont find it a bad idea at all to get that done. I know people may say o you are worrying to much or whatever but f--- what they say. Its your health and it is better to be safe then sorry I say go ahead and get it done and even do it once a year or whatever is recomended.
Reply:yes go now...if you have not noticed people are now catching cancer at the early stages and you don't want to be caught out there. if there is a chance that breast cancer is running through your family be the first to set an example an stop it now... don't wait it might be to late
Reply:talk to your doctor
see if he thinks it right
but definately talk to him becasue ur better
Reply:it wouldnt hurt to get regular check ups if cancer runs in the family it will help put mind at ease so make appointment when ready .
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