Monday, July 12, 2010

Who can help a youth cancer charity with a website upating impasse?

In 1996, when my only daughter died, aged 17, from a complex mix of four types of cancer, I left teaching to set up a charity in her name and I have never taken any salary. The charity funds research into cancer in adolescents and young adults and helps to improve the quality of life for teenage cancer patients during their time in hospital and in the aftermath of their illness.

Our website was initially created by a volunteer and updated by another, so it was difficult to keep it up to date. It was later re-designed by a high profile, company, completely free of charge. Now, however, I can get no advice from them as to how to update the website and it is written in a complex script which apparently makes updating difficult.

We would also like to have sub-sites coming off the original one, advertising events etc., so one way and another, we must get sorted out, and fast!

We want to be able to maintain the site ourselves - can anyone please advise?

Who can help a youth cancer charity with a website upating impasse?
What is the website?

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