Monday, July 12, 2010

Has the cancer industry given up on truly finding a cure?

If one reads the fine print when donating to "Race For The Cure" promotions, it appears most $$ go to funding "prevention %26amp; awareness" and "care services" efforts rather than research and actually curing cancer once it is diagnosed. So, has the industry given up on truly finding a cure? The actual amount of "cures" we've seen (minimal) might suggest so.

Has the cancer industry given up on truly finding a cure?
No, there is a lot of dedicated hard work going on to find cures; prevention, awareness and care services are vital too.

The problem with finding a cure is that cancer is not a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be.

But quite a few cancers CAN already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx (voice box) are cured with radiotherapy.

Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough - three quarters (75%) of breast cancers found at stage one for example.

Suggestions that there’s an existing cure that’s being kept hidden are nonsense. The cancer cure conspiracy theory is a sort of game played by people who've never had or been close to cancer.

If ther were a 'secret cure'...

In order to prove that any secret, hidden cure worked, or for anyone to know they were ‘getting close’ to a cure, several hundred people would have to have been cured by it (otherwise how would its discoverers know it worked?). Every single one of these people would have to be keeping quiet about it– not a word to the media from any of them, or any of their delighted relatives and friends.

Any drug company discovering a cure would make far more money than they can have dreamed of making up till now – fame and fortune beyond their wildest dreams..

Doctors, scientists, researchers etc would be watching their relatives die and dying themselves (they and their families develop cancer at the same rate as the rest of the population) rather than revealing any existing secret cure

Most unlikely of all, if there were a secret cure, every medical professional in the whole world would have agreed to keep existence of a cure secret. Every single one. One blabbermouth, one disgruntled researcher or sacked nurse and the whole conspiracy’s blown. Newspapers and other media wouldn't have got a sniff of it. Likely? -and is it likely that these people, who went into medicine to help people, would be conspiring to kill them? If they wanted to make a fortune, medicine was a very poor choice of career.

No secret cure then, and no letup in the search for cures and more effective treatments. Next time you're asked to donate, put your hand in your pocket.
Reply:No, they haven't given up, but care is so expensive that people who are diagnosed with cancer are often completely financially ruined by it - even if they have medical insurance.

Prevention and awareness are more cost-effective than a "cure" would be - after all, with a cure, you would have to wait for each person to be diagnosed, then cure them instead of just preventing the mess in the first place.

SO.. when you really put the logic to it, it makes sense to devote a large percentage of proceeds to prevention, awareness, and care.
Reply:Cancer research is live in the Universities. Most Cancers are Genetic and genetic research on cancer treatment or prevention has just begun only less than 2 to 3 years ago. So it is indeed live and well.

RACE FOR CURE Its an organization that publishes pamphlets and distributes them and has a lot of people employed in your state including a group of high paying executives running the non profit group. Its no different than any other non profit. So that alone is a big +++++++

Research and "Cure" by Race For Cure is near ZERO or insignificant thing. The pamplets and counseling and speaches do help the poor and ignorant to get to a doctor before they become so sick treatment is impossible. Nothing else and its a good feeling to donate to a so called "good cause"

Research on cancer is funded thru Universities thru US Grants and private Drug Companies which the public doesnt like and wants all their profits taken away on patent drugs.

First and foremost, Pay yourself then if a few floor sweepings are left dill it out that is the modus operendum for non profit organizatons.
Reply:More money is made off of treatment and not cures. Treatments take months and years. A cure may take days. Why would a corrupt industry care? Imagine the money lost
Reply:Boy it sure IS an "industry".

Those who said we already have cures are right. It is not in the best interests of the greedy pigs who rule our world to give it to us. As has been said, there is an agenda to remove a large number of people due to overpopulation. The stories ....geeze....where some injections contain things like cancer or aids...that aids was created by those same people to rid the world of gays and blacks...

If you can help it, stay away from flu shots or other shots.

When we are told to get an implant, don't. Your freedom will be taken away. You will be controlled totally.

Nothing is as we have been told in this world. Those who have the money are the ones who want to rule and it's just for the power. It's a power trip. Fraught with negative magical rites and human sacrifice.

We have bought in to the mental manipulation fed to us through the media and every other area. TV is one of the worst. Regular news is dictated from government to tell us what they want us to hear.

In all areas...religion was created to control us and cause conflict between us. The Vatican is in cahoots with the Masons, Mafia, you name it...they murder anyone who gets in their way....politics (we don't vote they get put into power by those with power $$) medicine....we are being killed by those we trust to cure us....there is no area of life which has not been tampered with.

The thing is, most of us have way more power than we realize. We can "think" them away. We have to be positive. Create a reality we would prefer instead of handing the wheel to those who would do us harm.
Reply:You said it Industry! they are making too much money off of cancer. A cure will never be found.
Reply:the money is not in the cure, the money is in the medication.
Reply:Countries have found cures for cancers but governments keep it quiet as they make millions from the pharmaceutical companies who produce medications for cancer 'treatments'. I was sent a newspaper report of this from Australia about the covering up of a scientist who had made a miraculous discovery on the cancer cure front. It is wicked but sadly we are at the mercy of the governmentsas far as that is concerned.
Reply:Rumor has it that we have a cure, but the drug industries will not let it happen.As well as the hospitals and treatment centers. They would lose lots of revenue from the sick and dying. But thats just me. Have a nice day.
Reply:there already is a cure for cancer.

the government refuses to release it to the public because we are already overpopulated.


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