Have been out of college for 7 years now, about to hit 30, and making a good living, but am thinking of going back to my original "gut instinct" career path which is medical research/genetic engineering/etc. Most medical career paths I read about seem to involve very long stays in medical school and the necessary followup. My question is can a good portion of this be done by taking evening/weekend classes or do you have to always be a full time medical student. Second related question is do I even need a medical degree and followup residency/fellowship or is there some other shorter path to start working on my passion such as cancer research, AIDS research, brain research, etc. (ideally working on cures for the major diseases that we face). I have always tested in the top 2-5% of SAT,ACT,GMAT, etc. so I feel I have the aptitude to really contribute to the medical field now that I'm grown up and have an excellent work ethic and know what I want in life.
Can You Go Through Medical School In The Evenings / Weekends In The Chicago Area?
i would think no. you are right that most medical career paths such as genetic engineering, cancer research, etc. require a lot of time and independent research. in order to have those kind of careers you would most likely need to get a Phd. that takes many many years full time and would take triple that amount in weekends/evenings if that's even possible. no offense but its been awhile since you've been in school and it takes a lot of recent work to even be accepted to a program like that. the SAT, ACT, GMAT is trivial compared to the MCAT you would need. if you want to pursue these career possibilities you would need to apply yourself full time - maybe even more. your best bet would be to contact a local medical school or college and ask them. good luck to you. i think its great you are that ambitious. hopefully something will work out for you.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Why is all this money being spent on cancer?
I've heard recently that the V Foundation has raised $80 million dollars for cancer research. But we have 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women who still get cancer. Didn't it used to be much less? Isn't all this money doing any good at all or is it just a profit front? It upsets me that so many people are dying of cancer , at the tune of 553,091 people a year! And we supposedly spent over a trillion dollars on health care 10 years ago! If we're spending all this money shouldn't people be getting better? And why in the world are the oncologists telling people that cancer was caused by chance/fate when everybody knows that's not right? Anybody with half a brain knows it's our affluent lifestyle! Why aren't they telling people that?
Why is all this money being spent on cancer?
different cancers are caused by different things.....I am pretty sure if I was poor I would still have the breast cancer I currently have.
Reply:Yes there are lots of people that die each year from cancer, but you fail to realize that there are many more that survive and live with their cancer. If there weren't all that research, the death number would be much higher.
What's happening now is that more people are dx'ed with cancer b/c of better detection/testing and awareness to name a few.
...and I'm sure it's my lifestyle that gave me a 1000 higher chance of getting a rare cancer that affects .001% of the general population w/o the defective gene I have. Some cancers are caused by lifestyle or might attribute to the cancer developing from a predisposition.
You think people in less affluent countries don't get cancer? They do, but they might die without ever getting dx'ed or treated.
Reply:You need to stand back and look at the big picture. Cancer is an ancient disease . . it's always been around. It is not new at all and has nothing to do with lifestyle . . people thousands of years ago died from cancer . . there are fossilized remains. There are mummified remains of Egyptians with breast cancer. The difference is not that there is more cancer in today's world . . the biggest difference is that due to research and better treatment options more and more people are surviving cancer. That is why you know so many people with cancer! And, yes, people still die from cancer . . but look at their age . . and their overall health as contributing factors. Far more people are living with cancer than they ever were in the past.
And, your comment about having a half a brain is offensive to those of use with children and teens fighting cancer. My son did nothing that caused his type of cancer. He has a rare abdominal sarcoma that presents as multiple tumors within the abdominal cavity. It is a childhood disease that predominately strikes males . . what in the world does that have to do with his lifestyle. He was athletic. Worked weekends. Went to school and was a healthy teen. No one knows exactly what causes his type of cancer but it is suspected that the normal growth spurts that occur during puberty have something to do with it. It has nothing to do with how anyone lives. I know four year old with this disease and it is absolutely devastating.
I could probably fill you in on current research that is taking place with targeted therapy, but I don't think you are interested.
ACS: the history of cancer
Reply:first of all cancer is a business look up how much the docs are makeng on it a year, how do we get cancer well each and ever one of us has the cancer cell in us the difference is that some people don't develope the cancer and others do because of there immune system is low or out of wack. how does this happen well by the thing we eat the cemicals we com in contact, floride in water and toothe paste. we are like sponges. when you combine all those things that cause cancer it adds up, to where our body cant fight off all ofthe negitave effects puts our immune system in overdrive. much so to the point it can't handle the load. and the cancer cell over power our system. look up Transfer Factor Plus.
Reply:Some of us may not be aware of it, but we have a much bigger impact on our health than we'd think. The bottom line is that we do have more than half a million cancer deaths a year, second behind heart disease. There's a reason that's happening.
Many say diet doesn't cause cancer, but that's wrong. The WHO says 30% of cancers in western civilizations could be avoided with diet alone here - http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/... . Tobacco use is the number one cause for cancer.
The book A Cancer Battle Plan quotes Dr. Peter Greenwald, director of cancer prevention and control at the National Cancer Institute on page 47: "The Japanese in Japan have one fifth or one sixth the rate of breast cancer that we do. When they move to Hawaii, the rate goes up."
And on page 33, "Dr. Ernest H. Rosenbaum, M.D., among other things the chief of oncology (the study and treatment of tumors) at French Hospital and Medical Center in San Francisco, wrote, "It appears that our affluence - our 'good' life - is the major contributor to the high death rates we have from cancer, as well as heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and obesity."
And later on page 33, "The great mystery disease of modern humans, the number two killer moving quickly toward number one, is in large part a nightmare that we've brought on ourselves. We are, in effect, poisoning ourselves to death."
Page 33 and 34 - "As the scientists and researchers behind Prevention Magazine Health Books observe, "80 - 90% of all cancers are the result of things we do to ourselves."
Page 34 - "Patrick Quillen, Ph.D, concurs, pointing toward diet as the chief culprit:
New estimates say that 90 percent of all cancer is environmentally caused and hence preventable. Environmental factors include foods, pollutants, sunlight, tobacco, etc. Of these environmental factors, nutrition (diet) is probably the most important. A conservative estimate states that 30 - 60 percent of all cancer is nutrition-related. The U.S. has 500 percent more breast and colon cancer than other areas of the world, and much of this dubious distinction is caused by poor nutrition."
Page 36 says, "Dr. Wheeler goes on to observe that "the ability of your immune system to successfully prevent [or in our case, reverse] cancer is directly dependent on your state of nutrition." In other words, diet has a great deal to do with the strength and well-being of our immune system, which in turn has a great deal to do with how well our bodies are able to fight off the occurrence and spread of cancer cells."
Page 34 says, "There is a cause-and-effect relationship between the environment we've created - the lifestyles and diets we've chosen - and the health problems we're experiencing as a country. When it comes to identifying the chief cause of cancer, we have met the enemy and he is us!"
Later on page 34, "Coming from a family history of breast cancer, I was aware of my increased risk. In light of that, I breast-fed my babies, stayed away from coffee and alcohol, and did all that I knew to do at the time. What I didn't know, however, was the link between cancer and the typical American diet. Unfortunately, cancer does not wait for its potential victims to become educated. In my ignorance I gave it an open door to develop in my body."
I could continue, but I think that's plenty of evidence. Page 45 says, "I had always thought I was eating a good, healthy diet." The key is that a lot of people in the US are eating in such a way that causes disease, and it's not easy to figure out how to eat properly. There's a lot of confusion on the topic of nutrition as well as disease because there's a lot of money to be made on both.
There's other lifestyle causes I identify here from a reliable source - Guyton and Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... .
My name is Ariel, I'm a Nutraceutical Consultant living in FL. One of the reasons I joined this industry is because I am passionate about this subject and at the same time as frustrated as you are. But the truth those figures you referenced will only get bigger. I have many local survivors and current people in Fl doing extremely well on Glutathione enhancers like the bonded cysteine in Immunocal, the protein my company makes. Yet it is 0.05% of a current cancer treatment from diagnosis to full recuperation. The key is "Cellular level control". Doctors can’t usually provide an early enough diagnosis. So the right science is to have your own body do the work, and that's where glutathione comes in. If you have high levels of it, you’re chances of developing cancer are slim to none. It's been called the super-antioxidant. It knows how to neutralize carcinogens before the start the cell mutation through the DNA.
As far as why this is not better preached, well I think you know the answer to that. In the last 5 years there is a great interest from the medical community in Glutathione levels in the cell, and its role in cancer prevention. So things are looking up.
Immunomail@yahoo.com www.immunocall.com
Why is all this money being spent on cancer?
different cancers are caused by different things.....I am pretty sure if I was poor I would still have the breast cancer I currently have.
Reply:Yes there are lots of people that die each year from cancer, but you fail to realize that there are many more that survive and live with their cancer. If there weren't all that research, the death number would be much higher.
What's happening now is that more people are dx'ed with cancer b/c of better detection/testing and awareness to name a few.
...and I'm sure it's my lifestyle that gave me a 1000 higher chance of getting a rare cancer that affects .001% of the general population w/o the defective gene I have. Some cancers are caused by lifestyle or might attribute to the cancer developing from a predisposition.
You think people in less affluent countries don't get cancer? They do, but they might die without ever getting dx'ed or treated.
Reply:You need to stand back and look at the big picture. Cancer is an ancient disease . . it's always been around. It is not new at all and has nothing to do with lifestyle . . people thousands of years ago died from cancer . . there are fossilized remains. There are mummified remains of Egyptians with breast cancer. The difference is not that there is more cancer in today's world . . the biggest difference is that due to research and better treatment options more and more people are surviving cancer. That is why you know so many people with cancer! And, yes, people still die from cancer . . but look at their age . . and their overall health as contributing factors. Far more people are living with cancer than they ever were in the past.
And, your comment about having a half a brain is offensive to those of use with children and teens fighting cancer. My son did nothing that caused his type of cancer. He has a rare abdominal sarcoma that presents as multiple tumors within the abdominal cavity. It is a childhood disease that predominately strikes males . . what in the world does that have to do with his lifestyle. He was athletic. Worked weekends. Went to school and was a healthy teen. No one knows exactly what causes his type of cancer but it is suspected that the normal growth spurts that occur during puberty have something to do with it. It has nothing to do with how anyone lives. I know four year old with this disease and it is absolutely devastating.
I could probably fill you in on current research that is taking place with targeted therapy, but I don't think you are interested.
ACS: the history of cancer
Reply:first of all cancer is a business look up how much the docs are makeng on it a year, how do we get cancer well each and ever one of us has the cancer cell in us the difference is that some people don't develope the cancer and others do because of there immune system is low or out of wack. how does this happen well by the thing we eat the cemicals we com in contact, floride in water and toothe paste. we are like sponges. when you combine all those things that cause cancer it adds up, to where our body cant fight off all ofthe negitave effects puts our immune system in overdrive. much so to the point it can't handle the load. and the cancer cell over power our system. look up Transfer Factor Plus.
Reply:Some of us may not be aware of it, but we have a much bigger impact on our health than we'd think. The bottom line is that we do have more than half a million cancer deaths a year, second behind heart disease. There's a reason that's happening.
Many say diet doesn't cause cancer, but that's wrong. The WHO says 30% of cancers in western civilizations could be avoided with diet alone here - http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/... . Tobacco use is the number one cause for cancer.
The book A Cancer Battle Plan quotes Dr. Peter Greenwald, director of cancer prevention and control at the National Cancer Institute on page 47: "The Japanese in Japan have one fifth or one sixth the rate of breast cancer that we do. When they move to Hawaii, the rate goes up."
And on page 33, "Dr. Ernest H. Rosenbaum, M.D., among other things the chief of oncology (the study and treatment of tumors) at French Hospital and Medical Center in San Francisco, wrote, "It appears that our affluence - our 'good' life - is the major contributor to the high death rates we have from cancer, as well as heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and obesity."
And later on page 33, "The great mystery disease of modern humans, the number two killer moving quickly toward number one, is in large part a nightmare that we've brought on ourselves. We are, in effect, poisoning ourselves to death."
Page 33 and 34 - "As the scientists and researchers behind Prevention Magazine Health Books observe, "80 - 90% of all cancers are the result of things we do to ourselves."
Page 34 - "Patrick Quillen, Ph.D, concurs, pointing toward diet as the chief culprit:
New estimates say that 90 percent of all cancer is environmentally caused and hence preventable. Environmental factors include foods, pollutants, sunlight, tobacco, etc. Of these environmental factors, nutrition (diet) is probably the most important. A conservative estimate states that 30 - 60 percent of all cancer is nutrition-related. The U.S. has 500 percent more breast and colon cancer than other areas of the world, and much of this dubious distinction is caused by poor nutrition."
Page 36 says, "Dr. Wheeler goes on to observe that "the ability of your immune system to successfully prevent [or in our case, reverse] cancer is directly dependent on your state of nutrition." In other words, diet has a great deal to do with the strength and well-being of our immune system, which in turn has a great deal to do with how well our bodies are able to fight off the occurrence and spread of cancer cells."
Page 34 says, "There is a cause-and-effect relationship between the environment we've created - the lifestyles and diets we've chosen - and the health problems we're experiencing as a country. When it comes to identifying the chief cause of cancer, we have met the enemy and he is us!"
Later on page 34, "Coming from a family history of breast cancer, I was aware of my increased risk. In light of that, I breast-fed my babies, stayed away from coffee and alcohol, and did all that I knew to do at the time. What I didn't know, however, was the link between cancer and the typical American diet. Unfortunately, cancer does not wait for its potential victims to become educated. In my ignorance I gave it an open door to develop in my body."
I could continue, but I think that's plenty of evidence. Page 45 says, "I had always thought I was eating a good, healthy diet." The key is that a lot of people in the US are eating in such a way that causes disease, and it's not easy to figure out how to eat properly. There's a lot of confusion on the topic of nutrition as well as disease because there's a lot of money to be made on both.
There's other lifestyle causes I identify here from a reliable source - Guyton and Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... .
My name is Ariel, I'm a Nutraceutical Consultant living in FL. One of the reasons I joined this industry is because I am passionate about this subject and at the same time as frustrated as you are. But the truth those figures you referenced will only get bigger. I have many local survivors and current people in Fl doing extremely well on Glutathione enhancers like the bonded cysteine in Immunocal, the protein my company makes. Yet it is 0.05% of a current cancer treatment from diagnosis to full recuperation. The key is "Cellular level control". Doctors can’t usually provide an early enough diagnosis. So the right science is to have your own body do the work, and that's where glutathione comes in. If you have high levels of it, you’re chances of developing cancer are slim to none. It's been called the super-antioxidant. It knows how to neutralize carcinogens before the start the cell mutation through the DNA.
As far as why this is not better preached, well I think you know the answer to that. In the last 5 years there is a great interest from the medical community in Glutathione levels in the cell, and its role in cancer prevention. So things are looking up.
Immunomail@yahoo.com www.immunocall.com
Death's from human research just at Albany VA revealed; Is this a travesty of justice for all Veterans?
Independent audit of Stratton (VA) research program: "Subjects were consented, enrolled, and examined by an individual posing as a medical doctor.... The Internal Review Board did not adequately protect the rights and welfare of human subjects."
Quintiles Consulting, an independent clinical site auditor hired by Stratton, discovers fraud in 70 percent of Stratton's cancer research patients' files. The confidential report concludes the hospital's human experiments "lack adequate oversight" and that an Institutional Review Board, which monitors research protocols, "did not adequately protect the rights and welfare of human subjects."
A federal grand jury hands up a 48-count indictment against Kornak, including charges of negligent homicide.
2005: Under a plea and cooperation agreement, Kornak pleads guilty to three felony counts and is sentenced to 71 months in federal prison.
2007: Holland pleads guilty in federal court to a misdemeanor count of failing to keep accurate records on research patients. He continues to practice medicine. His sentencing is pending.
Full story here;
Death's from human research just at Albany VA revealed; Is this a travesty of justice for all Veterans?
It is a travesty, many unreported deaths result due to the way we Veterans are treated at VA hospitals.
Reply:According to your latest findings, it seems to be.
Reply:Pacer, this is a travesty of justice. It is a clear case of their great lawyers keeping the VA from spending possibly 1 billion in lawsuit damages in a civil court.
Reply:Take out the part that it was a VA hospital...one would think it was regular pharmaceutical testing...was there no oversight by the drug companies that were supplying the drugs...I think to date the nuclear testing on soldiers was the real tragedy.
Reply:if it is true they deserve to catch a bullet in the brainbox
Quintiles Consulting, an independent clinical site auditor hired by Stratton, discovers fraud in 70 percent of Stratton's cancer research patients' files. The confidential report concludes the hospital's human experiments "lack adequate oversight" and that an Institutional Review Board, which monitors research protocols, "did not adequately protect the rights and welfare of human subjects."
A federal grand jury hands up a 48-count indictment against Kornak, including charges of negligent homicide.
2005: Under a plea and cooperation agreement, Kornak pleads guilty to three felony counts and is sentenced to 71 months in federal prison.
2007: Holland pleads guilty in federal court to a misdemeanor count of failing to keep accurate records on research patients. He continues to practice medicine. His sentencing is pending.
Full story here;
Death's from human research just at Albany VA revealed; Is this a travesty of justice for all Veterans?
It is a travesty, many unreported deaths result due to the way we Veterans are treated at VA hospitals.
Reply:According to your latest findings, it seems to be.
Reply:Pacer, this is a travesty of justice. It is a clear case of their great lawyers keeping the VA from spending possibly 1 billion in lawsuit damages in a civil court.
Reply:Take out the part that it was a VA hospital...one would think it was regular pharmaceutical testing...was there no oversight by the drug companies that were supplying the drugs...I think to date the nuclear testing on soldiers was the real tragedy.
Reply:if it is true they deserve to catch a bullet in the brainbox
Is there any kind of supplement that can slow down the spread of cancer?
Something that has research to back it up? I appreciate your help.
Is there any kind of supplement that can slow down the spread of cancer?
No there's no supplement, herb or food that has been proven to have any effect on the progress of cancer.
There are however unscrupulous charlatans who will exploit the desperation of cancer patients and their families by selling them ineffective and sometimes dangerous 'cures' and 'treatments'. A non-existent vitamin called B17 - that is, apricot seeds which contain cyanide - seems to be a popular scam for these people at the moment; desperate people invest money, hope and, worst of all, time (which a cancer patient can't afford to waste) on these products while their tumours go on growing.
Please be wary of unsubstantiated testimonials claiming miracle cures and treatments - you have no way of knowing whether the person ever had cancer at all, much less whether they are cured.
If you are tempted to try any alternatives - and remember in this context 'alternative' means 'unproven' - please do a search on this site first: http://www.quackwatch.org/
Reply:This is something to help slow down cancer and get rid of it in the long term.The only research is, it has worked on people, but medical/scientific trials are yet to take place.You will know in a few months whether to continue.
This is the free alternative to chemotherapy for cancer patients.Do it and you will know from the future test results.You can also do it alongside any medical treatment.
Cancer hates oxygen and cannot live in a high-oxygen environment.If you want to supplement the medical treatment you receive(or not receive) with some alternative therapy then this is for you. You need to help your body to build up your immune system.The breathing exercises - pranayam is a holistic approach creating extra oxygen supply in the body and will slowly help with the health problem.Do the pranayam to see the benefits.Build up your timing slowly and after four weeks at the suggested maximum duration you will start to notice benefits gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy,stop and resume later.
What is known: pranayam helps the body heal itself. How it works in the body is not known – but people may build their own theory. You have to do it yourself for your benefit.
The small print: Keep doing pranayam after you are better for minimum 30 minutes a day for rest of life to maintain health.
People who have been treated successfully, should do pranayam as well, as there is a chance of recurrence.
The pranayam techniques:
Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose.Duration upto 5 minutes.
Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day.(Max 60 min/day) Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.
Anulom Vilom - Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril
then -keeping the left nostril closed deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day(maximum 60 minutes in one day).
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.
Bhramri Pranayam -Close eyes. Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three fingers on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in through nose. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.
Duration : 5 to 10 times
Only by doing you will benefit and will feel good that you can do something to help the body.Copy and print this to improve your technique and stay focused.This is simplified pranayam for everyone and you do not have to go to classes to learn. This is for life, unlike short term classes where you do it in the class then stop when classes are over.
Reply:My husband was interested in "complementary" therapy to be used with chemo..not alternative therapy. Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, and NCI have alternative/complementary websites. We are using Avemar...a fermented wheat germ extract with lots of documentations for the adverse side effects of chemo. But, some beneficial tumor regressions have been seen too. I guess we will never know if it is helping but after 6 rounds of Folfox, he is amazing and tumor markers normal. Mind over matter??? I have also heard about Japanese mushrooms...there are 6 of them that show promise. They are made into pills. One company calls them ImmPower. There have to be answers from plants with our immune system. I wish you the very best! Lynda
Reply:not that i know of. as far as cancer, there are 4 stages of it. if someone has cancer their oncologist will tell them what stage they have, and what options are available for treatment. i work with a nurse who's friend just found out she has stage 4 cancer, and she is immediately undergoing chemo-its the only thing she can try at this point. so i have been reading up alot on cancer.
i dont know of any supplements or herbal stuff that can cure cancer-it just seems to far fetched and risky.
Reply:Hello Amy,
I am sorry to hear about your family member with cancer. There are several nutritional and herbal ways to halt and control cancer. The spice Turmeric will help stop the progression as will the mineral Selenium, but the selenium must be taken with vit. E. I've had great sucess in controlling the growth of my own cancer.
at home teeth whitening
Is there any kind of supplement that can slow down the spread of cancer?
No there's no supplement, herb or food that has been proven to have any effect on the progress of cancer.
There are however unscrupulous charlatans who will exploit the desperation of cancer patients and their families by selling them ineffective and sometimes dangerous 'cures' and 'treatments'. A non-existent vitamin called B17 - that is, apricot seeds which contain cyanide - seems to be a popular scam for these people at the moment; desperate people invest money, hope and, worst of all, time (which a cancer patient can't afford to waste) on these products while their tumours go on growing.
Please be wary of unsubstantiated testimonials claiming miracle cures and treatments - you have no way of knowing whether the person ever had cancer at all, much less whether they are cured.
If you are tempted to try any alternatives - and remember in this context 'alternative' means 'unproven' - please do a search on this site first: http://www.quackwatch.org/
Reply:This is something to help slow down cancer and get rid of it in the long term.The only research is, it has worked on people, but medical/scientific trials are yet to take place.You will know in a few months whether to continue.
This is the free alternative to chemotherapy for cancer patients.Do it and you will know from the future test results.You can also do it alongside any medical treatment.
Cancer hates oxygen and cannot live in a high-oxygen environment.If you want to supplement the medical treatment you receive(or not receive) with some alternative therapy then this is for you. You need to help your body to build up your immune system.The breathing exercises - pranayam is a holistic approach creating extra oxygen supply in the body and will slowly help with the health problem.Do the pranayam to see the benefits.Build up your timing slowly and after four weeks at the suggested maximum duration you will start to notice benefits gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy,stop and resume later.
What is known: pranayam helps the body heal itself. How it works in the body is not known – but people may build their own theory. You have to do it yourself for your benefit.
The small print: Keep doing pranayam after you are better for minimum 30 minutes a day for rest of life to maintain health.
People who have been treated successfully, should do pranayam as well, as there is a chance of recurrence.
The pranayam techniques:
Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose.Duration upto 5 minutes.
Kapalbhati -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day.(Max 60 min/day) Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.
Anulom Vilom - Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril
then -keeping the left nostril closed deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day(maximum 60 minutes in one day).
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.
Bhramri Pranayam -Close eyes. Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three fingers on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in through nose. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.
Duration : 5 to 10 times
Only by doing you will benefit and will feel good that you can do something to help the body.Copy and print this to improve your technique and stay focused.This is simplified pranayam for everyone and you do not have to go to classes to learn. This is for life, unlike short term classes where you do it in the class then stop when classes are over.
Reply:My husband was interested in "complementary" therapy to be used with chemo..not alternative therapy. Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, and NCI have alternative/complementary websites. We are using Avemar...a fermented wheat germ extract with lots of documentations for the adverse side effects of chemo. But, some beneficial tumor regressions have been seen too. I guess we will never know if it is helping but after 6 rounds of Folfox, he is amazing and tumor markers normal. Mind over matter??? I have also heard about Japanese mushrooms...there are 6 of them that show promise. They are made into pills. One company calls them ImmPower. There have to be answers from plants with our immune system. I wish you the very best! Lynda
Reply:not that i know of. as far as cancer, there are 4 stages of it. if someone has cancer their oncologist will tell them what stage they have, and what options are available for treatment. i work with a nurse who's friend just found out she has stage 4 cancer, and she is immediately undergoing chemo-its the only thing she can try at this point. so i have been reading up alot on cancer.
i dont know of any supplements or herbal stuff that can cure cancer-it just seems to far fetched and risky.
Reply:Hello Amy,
I am sorry to hear about your family member with cancer. There are several nutritional and herbal ways to halt and control cancer. The spice Turmeric will help stop the progression as will the mineral Selenium, but the selenium must be taken with vit. E. I've had great sucess in controlling the growth of my own cancer.
at home teeth whitening
Does st judes childrens hospital offer any significant natural cancer treatments???
why dont they at least offer many proven natural treatments like oasisofhope.com in new mexico??? i know what it is like to care for cancer patients and i know traditional medicine is big business... many times the traditional treatments cause the death of the patient... the cancer society will quote deceptive figures to make it appear that they are making headway in cancer research and treatment ... this is bogus... there is no guarantee that natural treatments will get you back to health or keep you from dying but i can tell you your chances of a better life are better with natural treatment...under the care of really knowledgeable medical doctors... i hate to see those children receiving only treatments that are cancer causing in themselves as well as destructive to the immune system... i am a nurse and have done extensive research...
Does st judes childrens hospital offer any significant natural cancer treatments???
If you are truly a nurse, you spent little time actually paying attention to what happens to patients who pursue alternative therapies for cancer. Yes, the standard treatments can be harsh and life threatening, but they are usually less harsh and life-threatening than the disease they are fighting. Nobody says it is a great trade-off, but it is the best there is. To suggest all of those hard-working, compassionate researchers and caregivers are caring for those kids with only profit motives in mind (protecting their business, you know) is insulting, degrading, and frankly ignorant.
People believe what they want to believe; there can still be a right and wrong in any case. Your "extensive research" is wrong. How do I know? Because I know how to interpret the data. This is not arrogance on my part; this is anger at irresponsible remarks that 1) I am sure most folks recognize for what they are, but 2) may influence some uninformed but well-intentioned information seekers who will then do the wrong thing, perhaps make a life-threatening mistake.
Reply:Just as there are laws in the physical, (the world we see), that say a one hundred thousand ton aircraft carrier can float or a one hundred ton jet can fly, but only with the proper knowledge, there are also laws in the spiritual, (the world we don't see), that a person can use to eliminate Aids, MS, malaria, heart disease, cancer, blindness...etc. from their body. http://www.sheep2lion.com/ will help you obtain the knowledge about those laws and more.
Does st judes childrens hospital offer any significant natural cancer treatments???
If you are truly a nurse, you spent little time actually paying attention to what happens to patients who pursue alternative therapies for cancer. Yes, the standard treatments can be harsh and life threatening, but they are usually less harsh and life-threatening than the disease they are fighting. Nobody says it is a great trade-off, but it is the best there is. To suggest all of those hard-working, compassionate researchers and caregivers are caring for those kids with only profit motives in mind (protecting their business, you know) is insulting, degrading, and frankly ignorant.
People believe what they want to believe; there can still be a right and wrong in any case. Your "extensive research" is wrong. How do I know? Because I know how to interpret the data. This is not arrogance on my part; this is anger at irresponsible remarks that 1) I am sure most folks recognize for what they are, but 2) may influence some uninformed but well-intentioned information seekers who will then do the wrong thing, perhaps make a life-threatening mistake.
Reply:Just as there are laws in the physical, (the world we see), that say a one hundred thousand ton aircraft carrier can float or a one hundred ton jet can fly, but only with the proper knowledge, there are also laws in the spiritual, (the world we don't see), that a person can use to eliminate Aids, MS, malaria, heart disease, cancer, blindness...etc. from their body. http://www.sheep2lion.com/ will help you obtain the knowledge about those laws and more.
Adenocarcinoma / Cancer Charities to Donate in Honor of a loved one?
Hi, I have been looking for Cancer Research centers specifically, for Adenocarcinoma, to start donation and the best one I have currently found is in the UK which offers to make a personal page about a loved one that you have lost from cancer and have money donated in honor of that person lost. I was wondering if you could recommend any sites that offer this kind of service thats in the US?-- The UK site is for UK residents only--here is the website link--https://donateinmemory.cancerresearchuk....
Adenocarcinoma / Cancer Charities to Donate in Honor of a loved one?
do a search for adrenal cortical carcinoma and find there research lab I believe that they have a program like that.
Adenocarcinoma / Cancer Charities to Donate in Honor of a loved one?
do a search for adrenal cortical carcinoma and find there research lab I believe that they have a program like that.
Where can I find source of information about cancer and possible I would like to have a free ebook on cancer.?
Need cancer information for research.
Where can I find source of information about cancer and possible I would like to have a free ebook on cancer.?
You can go to http://www.YourCancerGuide.com for one source of Cancer information. They also offer you free ebook to download and you can get various type of cancer, mens cancer, women cancer. They also offer free newsletter on cancer information. Hope that help.
Reply:try american cancer society .com , or just go under webmd
Reply:just go to the American Cancer Society web site, it has all kinds of information
Reply:just search on the internet and theres a lot of ebook there to download. goodluck.
Where can I find source of information about cancer and possible I would like to have a free ebook on cancer.?
You can go to http://www.YourCancerGuide.com for one source of Cancer information. They also offer you free ebook to download and you can get various type of cancer, mens cancer, women cancer. They also offer free newsletter on cancer information. Hope that help.
Reply:try american cancer society .com , or just go under webmd
Reply:just go to the American Cancer Society web site, it has all kinds of information
Reply:just search on the internet and theres a lot of ebook there to download. goodluck.
How do you research the origins of the land in your neighborhood? (see details pls)?
We have an interesting situation in my mom's neighborhood of what we believe is a cancer cluster, in addition to some very odd behavior in the outlying region. My father, his neighbor to the right and left, in addition to the 3 men across the street, all had different forms of cancer and died. That's 6 men in a row, and not a single female.
I'm interested in researching the origins of that little portion of land, but don't know how to go about doing it. I want to go back even further than the origin of the county's records, into history to find out what's under the land there.
How do you research the origins of the land in your neighborhood? (see details pls)?
It has nothing to do with the origins of the land, but how it was used. Check with the county assessor's office to see who the previous owners were such as a chemical plant, oil refinery, nursery or other industry. It may not be in the soil, but in the water as well and genetically linked to whatever chemical may be present.
Reply:The way to start finding out would be to check the US Geological Survey maps of your area. That might help. I don't know whether this would lead you to the cause of a cancer cluster. It might be something much more recent.
Reply:Please do it....it will save men in the future.
Reply:Well, maybe since what you are talking about deals with cancer, try looking up radiation usage and such in your town or area. See if anything turns up, you could actually end up saving lives
Reply:If you live in the United States, you live in a political subdivision called a County. In that county is a County Seat, a town that serves as the center of government for the County. One of the governmental agencies in the County Seat is the Revenue Section. Also, there exists in most County Governments the County Clerks Office. Both of these County agencies have a records section that is public record. That means that anyone may access these County records. Each set of records will have recordings pertinent to each piece of property located in the County. They use a particular type of language to identify many of the properties. A review of these records will provide you with every piece of information concerning the properties you are concerned with from the date that the County government began compiling records. A long task you seek, but maybe a rewarding one.
Reply:scary theory
Primary Teeth
I'm interested in researching the origins of that little portion of land, but don't know how to go about doing it. I want to go back even further than the origin of the county's records, into history to find out what's under the land there.
How do you research the origins of the land in your neighborhood? (see details pls)?
It has nothing to do with the origins of the land, but how it was used. Check with the county assessor's office to see who the previous owners were such as a chemical plant, oil refinery, nursery or other industry. It may not be in the soil, but in the water as well and genetically linked to whatever chemical may be present.
Reply:The way to start finding out would be to check the US Geological Survey maps of your area. That might help. I don't know whether this would lead you to the cause of a cancer cluster. It might be something much more recent.
Reply:Please do it....it will save men in the future.
Reply:Well, maybe since what you are talking about deals with cancer, try looking up radiation usage and such in your town or area. See if anything turns up, you could actually end up saving lives
Reply:If you live in the United States, you live in a political subdivision called a County. In that county is a County Seat, a town that serves as the center of government for the County. One of the governmental agencies in the County Seat is the Revenue Section. Also, there exists in most County Governments the County Clerks Office. Both of these County agencies have a records section that is public record. That means that anyone may access these County records. Each set of records will have recordings pertinent to each piece of property located in the County. They use a particular type of language to identify many of the properties. A review of these records will provide you with every piece of information concerning the properties you are concerned with from the date that the County government began compiling records. A long task you seek, but maybe a rewarding one.
Reply:scary theory
Primary Teeth
If my longest run to date has been 14miles, will it be possible to finish the marathon?
It's on in 2 weeks. I would say I'm fit but I havn't put in a 20 mile run to date. Is there any hope??? I really want to be able to finish it as I've collect money for cancer research. Any last minute tips, what should I do over the next two weeks? Thanks...
If my longest run to date has been 14miles, will it be possible to finish the marathon?
Yes. They say that you can race three times as far as you train. But I might get a sixteen or eighteen just to be safe.
Reply:It's a sort of "on any given Sunday" sort of thing. The answer is YES, you can, but it really depends on how you're feeling that day, how you mentally prepare over the next two weeks, and how you take care of yourself.
Try to get in ONE long run THIS week but no closer than 10 days before the 'thon. REAL conditioning would have you do a 30-miler, but that's too extreme for you right now. See if you can do a 20.
But just get it in your mind that you are running to finish, running to advance cancer research... NOT to set the road on fire.
Good luck!
Reply:I am sure you will finish, but you may hurt yourself due to the 10mile gain in mileage that week. Take it easy and don't plan on setting records.
If you think you can run for over 3 hours, give it a try.
Reply:It depends on how much you have been averaging for how long.
Just because you have not done a long run doesn't mean you can't finish the marathon.
You have 2 weeks so if you want to do a 20 miler it needs to be now.
If you have averaged 8 miles per day for the last 2 to 3 months you can finish the marathon.
Run your pace don't go to fast. If finishing is your goal, incorporate walking during the race.
Every 20 minutes, walk for 5 minutes.
Drink plenty of water.
Over the next 2 weeks relax and run easy, you can not get into shape in 2 weeks but you can injure yourself.
Finishing is your goal, and that is possible if you take your time, don't go out too fast, take the walk breaks, drink water, protect yourself from the sun, and have some friends meet you during the race to run or walk with you a few miles at a time, especially the last half of the race.
Reply:Yes, but you may have to do a combination of running and walking to finish. If you've run 14 miles you can probably run 20 miles. However, if you haven't done a few 20+ mile runs, your body most likely hasn't had the stimulus to needed to run 26 miles without bonking. My recomendation is to start slow and stop at every aid station. That way you are running 13 2 mile jogs with breaks. Definitely don't look at the clock.
As far as traing for the next two weeks, continue with the training schedule you are using. It's too late now to increase or change your training.
If my longest run to date has been 14miles, will it be possible to finish the marathon?
Yes. They say that you can race three times as far as you train. But I might get a sixteen or eighteen just to be safe.
Reply:It's a sort of "on any given Sunday" sort of thing. The answer is YES, you can, but it really depends on how you're feeling that day, how you mentally prepare over the next two weeks, and how you take care of yourself.
Try to get in ONE long run THIS week but no closer than 10 days before the 'thon. REAL conditioning would have you do a 30-miler, but that's too extreme for you right now. See if you can do a 20.
But just get it in your mind that you are running to finish, running to advance cancer research... NOT to set the road on fire.
Good luck!
Reply:I am sure you will finish, but you may hurt yourself due to the 10mile gain in mileage that week. Take it easy and don't plan on setting records.
If you think you can run for over 3 hours, give it a try.
Reply:It depends on how much you have been averaging for how long.
Just because you have not done a long run doesn't mean you can't finish the marathon.
You have 2 weeks so if you want to do a 20 miler it needs to be now.
If you have averaged 8 miles per day for the last 2 to 3 months you can finish the marathon.
Run your pace don't go to fast. If finishing is your goal, incorporate walking during the race.
Every 20 minutes, walk for 5 minutes.
Drink plenty of water.
Over the next 2 weeks relax and run easy, you can not get into shape in 2 weeks but you can injure yourself.
Finishing is your goal, and that is possible if you take your time, don't go out too fast, take the walk breaks, drink water, protect yourself from the sun, and have some friends meet you during the race to run or walk with you a few miles at a time, especially the last half of the race.
Reply:Yes, but you may have to do a combination of running and walking to finish. If you've run 14 miles you can probably run 20 miles. However, if you haven't done a few 20+ mile runs, your body most likely hasn't had the stimulus to needed to run 26 miles without bonking. My recomendation is to start slow and stop at every aid station. That way you are running 13 2 mile jogs with breaks. Definitely don't look at the clock.
As far as traing for the next two weeks, continue with the training schedule you are using. It's too late now to increase or change your training.
Is anyone else as sick of the commercials from Truth slagging the tobacco companies?
Only a complete fool takes a drag of a cigarette and doesn't know it's bad for you.Why don't they shut up and spend all of this money on cancer research?They talk about all of the money that the tobacco companies needlessly spend.They are just as guilty.Nobody quits smoking because of these commercials.And it's up to parents to make sure that their children don't start!
Is anyone else as sick of the commercials from Truth slagging the tobacco companies?
yeah what you said
Reply:Yesss...I agree with THEE!!
Is anyone else as sick of the commercials from Truth slagging the tobacco companies?
yeah what you said
Reply:Yesss...I agree with THEE!!
Cysts On My Ovaries? I'm to scared to go to the doctor cuz Ovarian Cancer runs in our family?
Imagine going threw puberty dealing with normaly body changes as well as growing a full beard. As I struggled with trying to figure out why I have a beard or why I have chest hair, my family just told me don't worry about it nothing is wrong. After years of asking questions and tearful research I find out that Ovarian Cancer runs in our family, and my aunt even has it. Knowing this my family never took me to a doctor. I had all the symptom of both Polycystic Ovaries and Ovarian cancer,(excessive hair, no longer getting periods, obesity etc). This cause my situation to get worse and now that Im old enuff I'm finally taking my health into my own hand. Why would my family let me search aimlessly for the answers they already know and put my health in jeopardy instead of just telling me what runs in the family. Now my self-esteem is s low cuz I have hair growing on my chest, breast and all over my face.Am I wrong for being angry at my family?
Cysts On My Ovaries? I'm to scared to go to the doctor cuz Ovarian Cancer runs in our family?
Calm down, take a deep breath. I am not going to tell you you are wrong for being angry at your family, but I am going to tell you they did not 'give' you this.
As for them 'knowing' are you sure? Are you 100% positive they KNEW that you had PCOS or cancer? I doubt they would have let you search for a cause instead of getting a cure for cancer, and as for PCOS, it wasn't really the first thought until the last 15 years or so.
Rather than worry about what they 'did' to you I would worry about getting a dx immediatly, especially since you have the cysts, acne, hirsutism and IR (obesity) that comes with PCOS.
It can be treated, it can be managed, and you can live a fairly normal life. From what you describe it sounds more like PCOS than cancer. Since you have done much research, as you state, I am not going to go into the other things it could be, it sounds like you might have ruled them out on your own
Follow the links below for one of my favorite PCOS forums. You are not alone!!!
Make and appt with your OB/GYN and take control. Forgive those in your family who may have wronged your through ignorance.
Reply:Yes, you have every right to be angry with your family, this is something you needed to know. But, now that you do know, you need to go to the doctor to be on the safe side. If it is ovarian cancer 9 time out of 10 they can get rid of it and you'll be fine. I may be dealing with the same issue myself except I don't have excessive hair. Please go to the doctor and take care of yourself.
Reply:NO, not wrong. But do not let this get the best of you! I know easier said than done. I too have cysts on my ovaries and it isn't the end of the world. Painful but really they burst and then go away. The cancer part, very scar but something you need to deal with. It is good you are taking your health into you own hands, after all it is your body. But no need to over react. This whole growing hair thing sounds like an imbalance of hormones and that can be fixed. Also if you are old enough to take care of yourself, then you can get a job and pay for laser hair removal. It is hard to understand shy some parents (care takers %26amp; family members) do what they do but fallow your heart and just except them for who they are. You will be just fine if you stay strong!
Reply:What you're describing is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), not Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian Cancer is fast-growing and almost always fatal and not at all related to PCOS.
Please visit your physician because while there is no cure for PCOS, there are many ways to treat and manage symptoms and health conditions associated with it. Read more here: http://www.4woman.gov/faq/pcos.htm
Your family sounds poorly informed about treatment for this condition and while it's sad, it appears that they have given you little information from ignorance, not from trying to be cruel. I think they probably wanted to spare you the knowledge that you might have problems with fertility and probably didn't want to discourage you about your future by explaining the conditions that you might face as you became older.
In no way am I saying this was right... but I know that even with diabetes, people (especially African-Americans living in rural communitites) just accept the fact that they will "have a little sugar" and they do not treat the disease. Amputation and blindness and kidney failure are just accepted as a fate for each of them. It is difficult to change the mindset of a family who has known generations of a condition or disorder.
It's okay to be angry... but be angry while you are receiving treatment. Show them (and all your siblings, cousins, neices etc) that you CAN receive treatment and that it will improve your life. Be strong. Someone has to be the first generation to challenge a condition like this. Let it be you. Let it start here and now.
Once you're empowered... once you've taken your power for your own health back... once you're on the right track with treatment... you'll begin to let go of your anger. And you must, because this is your family and they didn't keep anything from you with malice... they actually did it with love. They mistakenly thought they could somehow reduce your suffering by leaving you in the dark. Let them know it was painful and that you wish you'd been told. Tell them you're going to take care of it now. Tell them how you feel... but then forgive them for their ignorance on the subject.
For many years we had no idea how to treat this condition and it was just accepted. Unless your family is full of professionals in the field of treatment of reproductive disorders, chance are they just did not know.
You'll be fine. You'll take charge. You'll hug your mother and say "I know you were only doing what you thought was best for me and I love you for that."
Best to you...
Reply:First things first. Go to the doctor. I had female cancer and the sooner you go the higher likely hood you will survive.
Next, it also sounds like you have a hormone imbalance. Possibly too much testosterone??? If you want to take matters into your own hands, then do so, immediately. Besides these issues are ones that you shouldn't wait to go have taken care of.
Reply:Sorry for this anavoidable situation but remmember we can always dwell on the past and asking too many whys which will not revoke the current situation. Ialso have a problem of excessive hair growth but i find ways of dealing with it for if not it causes one to be very catious and sometimes have a low self esteem. you can try waxing or lotions to remove excessive hair but please visit a doctor for the cyct case for i believe you are a sweet person who is worth of living life to the fullest. Istrongly believe going to the doctor as early as now will save you alot of pain or doubts that you may be having. Also try to forgive the your family members for maybe they with held that inforamtion thinking that they are saving you from a lot of harm and worries not knowing that this will create issue in the future.You can also confront them and tell them how you feel about them for i usually think this helps alot in terms of therapy. Good luck in all your endevours
Reply:we are all scared of doctors, but if we follow that fear, that is when we end up really sick. you should really go, then if it is something and they catch it early enough, you'll be glad you went. especially if it runs in your family, go now!
Reply:How could your family not tell you about this? Yeh i think its perfectly normal to be angry and please get yourself to a doctor straight away!
Reply:Being angry is normal. especially when you feel that your family didnt tell you the truth or show genuine concern. I know the feeling, my mom was a nurse for 18 years and when i had symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, she said it was probably just a cyst. I went to the hospital and found out that i was right. I was hurt and a little upset that she would "blow" me off like that, but i had to look at it as maybe she didnt want to believe that this could be happening to her baby. You are in control of your life. I know you are scared, but you should really see a doctor and get tested. The sooner you find out, the better the chance is that it can be helped. Good luck.
Cysts On My Ovaries? I'm to scared to go to the doctor cuz Ovarian Cancer runs in our family?
Calm down, take a deep breath. I am not going to tell you you are wrong for being angry at your family, but I am going to tell you they did not 'give' you this.
As for them 'knowing' are you sure? Are you 100% positive they KNEW that you had PCOS or cancer? I doubt they would have let you search for a cause instead of getting a cure for cancer, and as for PCOS, it wasn't really the first thought until the last 15 years or so.
Rather than worry about what they 'did' to you I would worry about getting a dx immediatly, especially since you have the cysts, acne, hirsutism and IR (obesity) that comes with PCOS.
It can be treated, it can be managed, and you can live a fairly normal life. From what you describe it sounds more like PCOS than cancer. Since you have done much research, as you state, I am not going to go into the other things it could be, it sounds like you might have ruled them out on your own
Follow the links below for one of my favorite PCOS forums. You are not alone!!!
Make and appt with your OB/GYN and take control. Forgive those in your family who may have wronged your through ignorance.
Reply:Yes, you have every right to be angry with your family, this is something you needed to know. But, now that you do know, you need to go to the doctor to be on the safe side. If it is ovarian cancer 9 time out of 10 they can get rid of it and you'll be fine. I may be dealing with the same issue myself except I don't have excessive hair. Please go to the doctor and take care of yourself.
Reply:NO, not wrong. But do not let this get the best of you! I know easier said than done. I too have cysts on my ovaries and it isn't the end of the world. Painful but really they burst and then go away. The cancer part, very scar but something you need to deal with. It is good you are taking your health into you own hands, after all it is your body. But no need to over react. This whole growing hair thing sounds like an imbalance of hormones and that can be fixed. Also if you are old enough to take care of yourself, then you can get a job and pay for laser hair removal. It is hard to understand shy some parents (care takers %26amp; family members) do what they do but fallow your heart and just except them for who they are. You will be just fine if you stay strong!
Reply:What you're describing is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), not Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian Cancer is fast-growing and almost always fatal and not at all related to PCOS.
Please visit your physician because while there is no cure for PCOS, there are many ways to treat and manage symptoms and health conditions associated with it. Read more here: http://www.4woman.gov/faq/pcos.htm
Your family sounds poorly informed about treatment for this condition and while it's sad, it appears that they have given you little information from ignorance, not from trying to be cruel. I think they probably wanted to spare you the knowledge that you might have problems with fertility and probably didn't want to discourage you about your future by explaining the conditions that you might face as you became older.
In no way am I saying this was right... but I know that even with diabetes, people (especially African-Americans living in rural communitites) just accept the fact that they will "have a little sugar" and they do not treat the disease. Amputation and blindness and kidney failure are just accepted as a fate for each of them. It is difficult to change the mindset of a family who has known generations of a condition or disorder.
It's okay to be angry... but be angry while you are receiving treatment. Show them (and all your siblings, cousins, neices etc) that you CAN receive treatment and that it will improve your life. Be strong. Someone has to be the first generation to challenge a condition like this. Let it be you. Let it start here and now.
Once you're empowered... once you've taken your power for your own health back... once you're on the right track with treatment... you'll begin to let go of your anger. And you must, because this is your family and they didn't keep anything from you with malice... they actually did it with love. They mistakenly thought they could somehow reduce your suffering by leaving you in the dark. Let them know it was painful and that you wish you'd been told. Tell them you're going to take care of it now. Tell them how you feel... but then forgive them for their ignorance on the subject.
For many years we had no idea how to treat this condition and it was just accepted. Unless your family is full of professionals in the field of treatment of reproductive disorders, chance are they just did not know.
You'll be fine. You'll take charge. You'll hug your mother and say "I know you were only doing what you thought was best for me and I love you for that."
Best to you...
Reply:First things first. Go to the doctor. I had female cancer and the sooner you go the higher likely hood you will survive.
Next, it also sounds like you have a hormone imbalance. Possibly too much testosterone??? If you want to take matters into your own hands, then do so, immediately. Besides these issues are ones that you shouldn't wait to go have taken care of.
Reply:Sorry for this anavoidable situation but remmember we can always dwell on the past and asking too many whys which will not revoke the current situation. Ialso have a problem of excessive hair growth but i find ways of dealing with it for if not it causes one to be very catious and sometimes have a low self esteem. you can try waxing or lotions to remove excessive hair but please visit a doctor for the cyct case for i believe you are a sweet person who is worth of living life to the fullest. Istrongly believe going to the doctor as early as now will save you alot of pain or doubts that you may be having. Also try to forgive the your family members for maybe they with held that inforamtion thinking that they are saving you from a lot of harm and worries not knowing that this will create issue in the future.You can also confront them and tell them how you feel about them for i usually think this helps alot in terms of therapy. Good luck in all your endevours
Reply:we are all scared of doctors, but if we follow that fear, that is when we end up really sick. you should really go, then if it is something and they catch it early enough, you'll be glad you went. especially if it runs in your family, go now!
Reply:How could your family not tell you about this? Yeh i think its perfectly normal to be angry and please get yourself to a doctor straight away!
Reply:Being angry is normal. especially when you feel that your family didnt tell you the truth or show genuine concern. I know the feeling, my mom was a nurse for 18 years and when i had symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, she said it was probably just a cyst. I went to the hospital and found out that i was right. I was hurt and a little upset that she would "blow" me off like that, but i had to look at it as maybe she didnt want to believe that this could be happening to her baby. You are in control of your life. I know you are scared, but you should really see a doctor and get tested. The sooner you find out, the better the chance is that it can be helped. Good luck.
Do Women Ignore their Dads, Sons Who Die From Prostate Cancer While Supporting Breast Cancer?
Prostate cancer kills 1/2 as many people as breast cancer.
Lots of women have dads, sons who either did or will die from prostate cancer. Do those women, if they are married, make sure that their families give equal support to the men in their lives?
Do women care more about their moms and daughters than they care about their dads and sons?
(Breast cancer research gets 10 times as much money as prostate cancer research.)
Do Women Ignore their Dads, Sons Who Die From Prostate Cancer While Supporting Breast Cancer?
It's pretty much a silent disease that most people don't know how to help. For example, ejaculating a minimum of 3x a week is supposed to help keep your prostate healthy. I think people just don't like to talk about it, particularly in the States, because we're a bunch of prudes. (no offense) I mean, look at how poorly Jocelyn Elders was received for promoting masturbation as a safe alternative to sex? Heck, Clinton fired her over it. A candidate promoting regular ejaculation (through sex or masturbation) would certainly be a first.
Reply:How about people that die of Pancreatic Cancer?
It's on the rise in America, and it is a cancer that is TERMINAL AT DIAGNOSIS because there is no way to detect it early or treat it effectively.
Just once I'd like to see a fundaiser on the scale of the Komen race for the cure to raise awareness, and money for badly needed research to stop this horrible disease.
Have you ever watched your mother laying in a hospital bed bed in the ER, completely jaundiced, puking and shitting blood and dead tissue because the tumor had blocked the bile duct and was slowly strangling her intestines?
My mom gave a damn about her health, and she STILL got cancer. There was nothing they could do because it's not detectable until stage 4, and she died a miserable death.
If you men don't want to take some initiative and look after your own health, don't come bitching about the consequences and "women not caring."
Why the hell should we care if you don't give a flying **** about yourselves? You think we live solely to serve your sorry asses?
Reply:Women took up the cause of breast cancer. Spoke out loud about it. Men have the same resposiblity. And Jenny's response says the rest.
Reply:No, more often than not women not only carry the burden of carrying for their own health but their families health as well. That usually includes her parents and his as well. Men as well as women should be aware of their health care needs.
teeth sundance
Lots of women have dads, sons who either did or will die from prostate cancer. Do those women, if they are married, make sure that their families give equal support to the men in their lives?
Do women care more about their moms and daughters than they care about their dads and sons?
(Breast cancer research gets 10 times as much money as prostate cancer research.)
Do Women Ignore their Dads, Sons Who Die From Prostate Cancer While Supporting Breast Cancer?
It's pretty much a silent disease that most people don't know how to help. For example, ejaculating a minimum of 3x a week is supposed to help keep your prostate healthy. I think people just don't like to talk about it, particularly in the States, because we're a bunch of prudes. (no offense) I mean, look at how poorly Jocelyn Elders was received for promoting masturbation as a safe alternative to sex? Heck, Clinton fired her over it. A candidate promoting regular ejaculation (through sex or masturbation) would certainly be a first.
Reply:How about people that die of Pancreatic Cancer?
It's on the rise in America, and it is a cancer that is TERMINAL AT DIAGNOSIS because there is no way to detect it early or treat it effectively.
Just once I'd like to see a fundaiser on the scale of the Komen race for the cure to raise awareness, and money for badly needed research to stop this horrible disease.
Have you ever watched your mother laying in a hospital bed bed in the ER, completely jaundiced, puking and shitting blood and dead tissue because the tumor had blocked the bile duct and was slowly strangling her intestines?
My mom gave a damn about her health, and she STILL got cancer. There was nothing they could do because it's not detectable until stage 4, and she died a miserable death.
If you men don't want to take some initiative and look after your own health, don't come bitching about the consequences and "women not caring."
Why the hell should we care if you don't give a flying **** about yourselves? You think we live solely to serve your sorry asses?
Reply:Women took up the cause of breast cancer. Spoke out loud about it. Men have the same resposiblity. And Jenny's response says the rest.
Reply:No, more often than not women not only carry the burden of carrying for their own health but their families health as well. That usually includes her parents and his as well. Men as well as women should be aware of their health care needs.
teeth sundance
Have you been touched by cancer?
I'm a high school student and having been personally touched by cancer, I have been dramatically affected by it. This year, I'm joining the Relay for Life, a 24-hour walk to raise awareness about cancer, with my school and I'm trying to raise money in support of cancer research.
I'm asking for help by sponsoring me. You can do that here: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayF...
All donations go to the American Cancer Society. Any amount helps -- five dollars, fifty cents, or even a penny.
On behalf of all those touched by cancer, I thank you.
Have you been touched by cancer?
I lost my aunt due to cancer the day after boxing day after christmas, seeing my aunt like that in the hospital broke my heart. and my other aunt had breast cancer too but survived it. %26amp; i do the relay for life every year, im going again this summer on june 13th. :)!
Im raising money myself, i already have over 200 for my relay team :)!
I have been a victim of the horrific impact that cancer causes, as my father was diagnosed in February of 2007 with non small cell lung cancer. He lived for 1 year and 2 months, too pass away on April 29 , just last week. There is no disease worse than camcer. During his struggle with the disease the hardest part was seeing him breathing from oxygen tubes and taking more medicine than your local pharmacy has on stock. During the advanced stages, his sickness prevented him from doing a variety of things. Our family would meet for a barbecue and he couldn't get out of the hospital bed to join us outside because he didn't have the energy to do so. That was very hard for us as my father loved to barbecue and would have been right there if he could. The morning of April 29 he woke up unable to breathe and they put him on straight morphine, his condition was too much and he passed away that afternoon. In summation I ht to rattle on, especially about personal stuff, but I can relate to your situation. There is no direct words of comfort for such a situation, as only time heals those wounds. I too have donated extensively, just recently too St. Judes Children's Hospital.
Reply:I am a cancer Survivor Breast and lymph node stage I will be in the relay for life but I will not be able to walk as I am in a wheel chair now And have now way to get my chair there it is electric but I will be there
Reply:Last year I was diagnosed with NHL. And 1 1/2 years ago my sister in law had breast cancer. About the same time her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer also. But I 'm a happy to say that everyone is doing great and will be participating in the Relay For Life.
Reply:Yes. My mother died from bone cancer three years ago. My wife's sister died from vaginal cancer. My sister in law is being treated for breast cancer.
Sorry about being unable to sponsor you at this time, we recently sent our donation to the American Cancer Society.
I applaud you effort, thank you.
Reply:Yes i have but I'd like to keep the personal information to myself. I'm already donating money to a couple of my friends in the relay for life.
Reply:I think everyone has in some way.
It's just the way life goes.
Reply:Unfortunately I have. My boyfriends mom died of cancer recently. I really wish we could all be celebrating as cancer survivors she would have really loved that. You are doing a great thing. ^.^
I'm asking for help by sponsoring me. You can do that here: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayF...
All donations go to the American Cancer Society. Any amount helps -- five dollars, fifty cents, or even a penny.
On behalf of all those touched by cancer, I thank you.
Have you been touched by cancer?
I lost my aunt due to cancer the day after boxing day after christmas, seeing my aunt like that in the hospital broke my heart. and my other aunt had breast cancer too but survived it. %26amp; i do the relay for life every year, im going again this summer on june 13th. :)!
Im raising money myself, i already have over 200 for my relay team :)!
I have been a victim of the horrific impact that cancer causes, as my father was diagnosed in February of 2007 with non small cell lung cancer. He lived for 1 year and 2 months, too pass away on April 29 , just last week. There is no disease worse than camcer. During his struggle with the disease the hardest part was seeing him breathing from oxygen tubes and taking more medicine than your local pharmacy has on stock. During the advanced stages, his sickness prevented him from doing a variety of things. Our family would meet for a barbecue and he couldn't get out of the hospital bed to join us outside because he didn't have the energy to do so. That was very hard for us as my father loved to barbecue and would have been right there if he could. The morning of April 29 he woke up unable to breathe and they put him on straight morphine, his condition was too much and he passed away that afternoon. In summation I ht to rattle on, especially about personal stuff, but I can relate to your situation. There is no direct words of comfort for such a situation, as only time heals those wounds. I too have donated extensively, just recently too St. Judes Children's Hospital.
Reply:I am a cancer Survivor Breast and lymph node stage I will be in the relay for life but I will not be able to walk as I am in a wheel chair now And have now way to get my chair there it is electric but I will be there
Reply:Last year I was diagnosed with NHL. And 1 1/2 years ago my sister in law had breast cancer. About the same time her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer also. But I 'm a happy to say that everyone is doing great and will be participating in the Relay For Life.
Reply:Yes. My mother died from bone cancer three years ago. My wife's sister died from vaginal cancer. My sister in law is being treated for breast cancer.
Sorry about being unable to sponsor you at this time, we recently sent our donation to the American Cancer Society.
I applaud you effort, thank you.
Reply:Yes i have but I'd like to keep the personal information to myself. I'm already donating money to a couple of my friends in the relay for life.
Reply:I think everyone has in some way.
It's just the way life goes.
Reply:Unfortunately I have. My boyfriends mom died of cancer recently. I really wish we could all be celebrating as cancer survivors she would have really loved that. You are doing a great thing. ^.^
Why is testicular cancer more prevalent in younger males?
I've done a little research.. pretty much the only thing i've gathered so far is that it has something to do when you're still in the embryonic stage or an undescended testical.. Could another factor be that younger males tend to be more sexually active?
Why is testicular cancer more prevalent in younger males?
testicular cancer is also more prevalent in upper middle class white males
Reply:Because our planet is polluted and our environment is killing us. The pesticides in foods, the chemicals in water, the mercury in the air...young people are more vulnerable and thats why they have epidemic forms of cancers, autism, and other health ramifications. This didnt happen a century ago.
Reply:Because sleeping with a lot of girls means greater chance of getting cooties. In this case, potentially fatal cooties.
Thought Cancer in general sucks, Testicular Cancer in particular is cool because it's Nature's way of saying "F*** You" to Players and Jocks on behalf of all the Nice Guys who didn't get much poon tang.
Reply:cuz we use them more
Martial Arts Shoes
Why is testicular cancer more prevalent in younger males?
testicular cancer is also more prevalent in upper middle class white males
Reply:Because our planet is polluted and our environment is killing us. The pesticides in foods, the chemicals in water, the mercury in the air...young people are more vulnerable and thats why they have epidemic forms of cancers, autism, and other health ramifications. This didnt happen a century ago.
Reply:Because sleeping with a lot of girls means greater chance of getting cooties. In this case, potentially fatal cooties.
Thought Cancer in general sucks, Testicular Cancer in particular is cool because it's Nature's way of saying "F*** You" to Players and Jocks on behalf of all the Nice Guys who didn't get much poon tang.
Reply:cuz we use them more
Martial Arts Shoes
Research brief?
A lady with a clipboard stopped me in the street the other day. She said,
"Can you spare a few minutes for cancer research?"
I said, "All right, but we're not going to get much done."
Research brief?
i had the barnados lady asking my sister for donations but she wouldn't accept her three kids.
Reply:ah good old jimmy (moonface) carr.
Reply:Ha ha ha.!!!
Reply:A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her.
She goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment unexpectedly and sure enough, she opens the door and finds him in the arms of a redhead.
Well, now she's angry!
She opens her purse to take out the gun but as she does so, she is overcome with grief. She takes the gun and points to her head.
The boyfriend yells, "No, honey, don't do it!!"
"Shut up," she says, "You're next."
What do you call an eternity?
Four blondes in four cars at a four way stop.
Why do blondes have TGIF written on their shoes?
Toes Go In First
Three blondes were driving to Disneyland. After being in the car for four hours, they saw a sign that said "Disneyland left." So they turned around and went home.
What do smart blondes and UFOs have in common?
You always hear about them but never see them.
What did the blonde say when she opened a box of Cheerios?
Oh,look, Daddy....doughnut seeds!
Why did the blonde stare at the can of frozen orange juice?
Because it said concentrate.
Why do blondes always smile during lightning storms?
They think their picture is being taken.
How can you tell when a blonde sends you a fax?
It has a stamp on it.
Why can't blondes dial 911?
They can't find the 11 on the phone.
What do you do if a blonde throws a pin at you?
Run, she's got a grenade in her mouth!
How can you tell if a blonde's been using your computer?
There is white-out all over the monitor.
Why shouldn't blondes have coffee breaks?
It takes too long to retrain them.
A blonde and a brunnette were walking outside when the brunnette said,"Oh, look at the dead bird." The blonde looked skyward and said, "Where? Where?"
How do you drown a blonde?
Put a scratch and sniff sticker on the bottom of a pool.
Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?
You have to hollow out the head.
How do you get a twinkle in a blonde's eye?
Shine a flashlight in her ear.
Hear about the blonde who got an AM radio?
Took her a month to figure out she could play it at night.
What happened to the blonde Ice Hockey team?
They drowned during spring training.
What did the blonde say when she saw the sign in front of the YMCA?
"Duh! Look! They spelled Macy's wrong!"
How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?
Tell her a joke on Tuesday.
A Blonde says to a brunette, ''Excuse me, but each time I sip my coffee, my eye seems to hurt.''The brunette says, ''Well maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup.''
A blonde was having sharp pains in her side.
The doctor examined her and said, ''You have acute appendicitis.''
The blond yelled at the doctor...
''I came here to get medical help, not get a stupid compliment!!''
A blonde got a dent in her car and took it in to the repair shop.
The repairman, noticing that the woman was a blonde, decided to have a wee bit of fun.
So he told her all she had to was take it home and blow in the tailpipe until the dent popped itself out.
After 15 minutes of this, the blonde's blonde friend came over and asked what she was doing.
"I'm trying to pop out this dent, but it's not really working."
"Duh. You have to roll up the windows first!"
Three women go down to Mexico one night, get drunk, and wake up in jail, only to find that they are to be executed in the morning, though none of them can remember what they did the night before.
The first one, a redhead, is strapped in the electric chair, and is asked if she has any last words. She says, "I am from Grace University, and believe in the almighty power of God to intervene on the behalf of the innocent," They throw the switch and nothing happens.
They all immediately prostrate themselves; beg for her forgiveness, and release her.
The second one, a brunette, is strapped in and gives her last words, "I am from the Creighton School of Law and I believe in the power of justice to intervene on the part of the innocent." They throw the switch and again, nothing happens.
Again, they all immediately prostrate themselves; beg for her forgiveness, and release her.
The last one, a blonde, is strapped in and says, "Well, I'm from the University of Alabama, Huntsville and just graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering, and I'll tell you right now, you ain't gonna electrocute nobody if you don't plug this thing in."
Passing an office building late one night, a blonde saw a sign that said, "Press bell for night watchman."
She did so, and after several minutes she heard the watchman clomping down the stairs.
The uniformed man proceeded to unlock first one gate, then another, shut down the alarm system, and finally made his way through the revolving door.
"Well," he snarled at the blonde, "what do you want?"
"I just want to know why you can't ring the bell for yourself?"
Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease?
A: Her IQ goes up!
Q: What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel?
A: An air bag.
A blonde walks into a barber shop one day and asks the man if she can get her hair cut. The man says "Well ma'am, I can't cut your hair with those head-phones on. You're going to have to take them off."
She shakes her head vigorously and replies "No, if I take them off, I will die." He put his hands on his hips and ripped them off of her head. She fell to the floor and died. He was extremely surprised and picked up the head-phones.
All he heard was "Breathe in, breathe out, breath in...
Q: What is the diffrence between a smart blonde and bigfoot?
A: Bigfoot has been seen.
A noted psychiatrist was a guest at a blonde gathering, and his hostess naturally broached the subject in which the doctor was most at ease.
"Would you mind telling me, Doctor," she asked, "how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?"
"That's easy," he replied. "You ask them a simple question which everyone should be able to answer with no trouble. If they hesitate, that puts you on the right track."
"What sort of question would you ask Doctor?"
"Well, you might ask them..."
"Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them.
Which one?"
The blonde thought a moment, then said with a nervous laugh -
"You wouldn't happen to have another example would you?"
"I must confess I don't know much about history."
A blonde's house is on fire. She calls 911 and says, "My house is on
fire." The dispatcher says, "Well, can you tell me how we get there?"
"Duhhhh, in the big red trucks, of course!"
"Can you spare a few minutes for cancer research?"
I said, "All right, but we're not going to get much done."
Research brief?
i had the barnados lady asking my sister for donations but she wouldn't accept her three kids.
Reply:ah good old jimmy (moonface) carr.
Reply:Ha ha ha.!!!
Reply:A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her.
She goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment unexpectedly and sure enough, she opens the door and finds him in the arms of a redhead.
Well, now she's angry!
She opens her purse to take out the gun but as she does so, she is overcome with grief. She takes the gun and points to her head.
The boyfriend yells, "No, honey, don't do it!!"
"Shut up," she says, "You're next."
What do you call an eternity?
Four blondes in four cars at a four way stop.
Why do blondes have TGIF written on their shoes?
Toes Go In First
Three blondes were driving to Disneyland. After being in the car for four hours, they saw a sign that said "Disneyland left." So they turned around and went home.
What do smart blondes and UFOs have in common?
You always hear about them but never see them.
What did the blonde say when she opened a box of Cheerios?
Oh,look, Daddy....doughnut seeds!
Why did the blonde stare at the can of frozen orange juice?
Because it said concentrate.
Why do blondes always smile during lightning storms?
They think their picture is being taken.
How can you tell when a blonde sends you a fax?
It has a stamp on it.
Why can't blondes dial 911?
They can't find the 11 on the phone.
What do you do if a blonde throws a pin at you?
Run, she's got a grenade in her mouth!
How can you tell if a blonde's been using your computer?
There is white-out all over the monitor.
Why shouldn't blondes have coffee breaks?
It takes too long to retrain them.
A blonde and a brunnette were walking outside when the brunnette said,"Oh, look at the dead bird." The blonde looked skyward and said, "Where? Where?"
How do you drown a blonde?
Put a scratch and sniff sticker on the bottom of a pool.
Why does it take longer to build a blonde snowman than a regular one?
You have to hollow out the head.
How do you get a twinkle in a blonde's eye?
Shine a flashlight in her ear.
Hear about the blonde who got an AM radio?
Took her a month to figure out she could play it at night.
What happened to the blonde Ice Hockey team?
They drowned during spring training.
What did the blonde say when she saw the sign in front of the YMCA?
"Duh! Look! They spelled Macy's wrong!"
How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?
Tell her a joke on Tuesday.
A Blonde says to a brunette, ''Excuse me, but each time I sip my coffee, my eye seems to hurt.''The brunette says, ''Well maybe you should take the spoon out of the cup.''
A blonde was having sharp pains in her side.
The doctor examined her and said, ''You have acute appendicitis.''
The blond yelled at the doctor...
''I came here to get medical help, not get a stupid compliment!!''
A blonde got a dent in her car and took it in to the repair shop.
The repairman, noticing that the woman was a blonde, decided to have a wee bit of fun.
So he told her all she had to was take it home and blow in the tailpipe until the dent popped itself out.
After 15 minutes of this, the blonde's blonde friend came over and asked what she was doing.
"I'm trying to pop out this dent, but it's not really working."
"Duh. You have to roll up the windows first!"
Three women go down to Mexico one night, get drunk, and wake up in jail, only to find that they are to be executed in the morning, though none of them can remember what they did the night before.
The first one, a redhead, is strapped in the electric chair, and is asked if she has any last words. She says, "I am from Grace University, and believe in the almighty power of God to intervene on the behalf of the innocent," They throw the switch and nothing happens.
They all immediately prostrate themselves; beg for her forgiveness, and release her.
The second one, a brunette, is strapped in and gives her last words, "I am from the Creighton School of Law and I believe in the power of justice to intervene on the part of the innocent." They throw the switch and again, nothing happens.
Again, they all immediately prostrate themselves; beg for her forgiveness, and release her.
The last one, a blonde, is strapped in and says, "Well, I'm from the University of Alabama, Huntsville and just graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering, and I'll tell you right now, you ain't gonna electrocute nobody if you don't plug this thing in."
Passing an office building late one night, a blonde saw a sign that said, "Press bell for night watchman."
She did so, and after several minutes she heard the watchman clomping down the stairs.
The uniformed man proceeded to unlock first one gate, then another, shut down the alarm system, and finally made his way through the revolving door.
"Well," he snarled at the blonde, "what do you want?"
"I just want to know why you can't ring the bell for yourself?"
Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease?
A: Her IQ goes up!
Q: What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel?
A: An air bag.
A blonde walks into a barber shop one day and asks the man if she can get her hair cut. The man says "Well ma'am, I can't cut your hair with those head-phones on. You're going to have to take them off."
She shakes her head vigorously and replies "No, if I take them off, I will die." He put his hands on his hips and ripped them off of her head. She fell to the floor and died. He was extremely surprised and picked up the head-phones.
All he heard was "Breathe in, breathe out, breath in...
Q: What is the diffrence between a smart blonde and bigfoot?
A: Bigfoot has been seen.
A noted psychiatrist was a guest at a blonde gathering, and his hostess naturally broached the subject in which the doctor was most at ease.
"Would you mind telling me, Doctor," she asked, "how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?"
"That's easy," he replied. "You ask them a simple question which everyone should be able to answer with no trouble. If they hesitate, that puts you on the right track."
"What sort of question would you ask Doctor?"
"Well, you might ask them..."
"Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them.
Which one?"
The blonde thought a moment, then said with a nervous laugh -
"You wouldn't happen to have another example would you?"
"I must confess I don't know much about history."
A blonde's house is on fire. She calls 911 and says, "My house is on
fire." The dispatcher says, "Well, can you tell me how we get there?"
"Duhhhh, in the big red trucks, of course!"
Side Effects of Radiation For Prostate Cancer?
I am doing research for a friend who is considering having elective radiation after a radical prostatectomy. I am hoping for those who have had radiation done for prostate cancer to share their experience about the whole treatment and what were some of the side effects you experienced.
Side Effects of Radiation For Prostate Cancer?
There are two types of radiation therapy treatments for Prostate Cancer. I am giving them below with the side effect of these treatments-
1.External beam radiation treatment uses high-powered X-rays to kill cancer cells. This type of radiation is effective at destroying cancerous cells, but it can also scar adjacent healthy tissue.
Side effects -
* Urinary problems. The most common signs and symptoms are urgency to urinate and frequent urination. These problems usually are temporary and gradually diminish in a few weeks after completing treatment. Long-term problems are uncommon.
* Loose stools, rectal bleeding, discomfort during bowel movements or a sense of needing to have a bowel movement (rectal urgency). In some cases these problems persist for months after treatment, but they improve on their own in most men. If you do have long-term rectal symptoms, medications can help. Rarely, men develop persistent bleeding or a rectal ulcer after radiation. Surgery may be necessary to alleviate these problems.
* Sexual side effects. Radiation therapy doesn't usually cause immediate sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction, but some men who've had the treatment have sexual problems later in life.
2. Radioactive seeds implanted into the prostate have gained popularity in recent years as a treatment for prostate cancer. The implants, also known as brachytherapy, deliver a higher dose of radiation than do external beams, but over a substantially longer period of time. The therapy is generally used in men with smaller or moderate-sized prostates with small and lower grade cancers.
Side effects -
* Urinary problems. The procedure causes urinary signs and symptoms such as frequent, slow and painful urination in nearly all men. You may require medication to treat these signs and symptoms. Some men need medications or the use of intermittent self-catheterization to help them urinate. Urinary symptoms tend to be more severe and longer lasting with seed implants than with external beam radiation.
* Sexual problems. Some men experience erectile dysfunction due to radioactive seed implants.
* Rectal symptoms. Sometimes this treatment causes loose stools, discomfort during bowel movements or other rectal symptoms. However, rectal symptoms from radioactive seed implants are generally less severe than with external beam radiation.-
Reply:I had prostate cancer 3 years ago. I had Proton Radiation at Loma Linda Universty Medical Center in Loma Linda California.. Proton Radiation is relatively new, but very successfull.. It has little to no side effects... and about a 90% cure rate. Which is as good if not better than other treatment options. I feel it is the very best prostate cancer treatment available today.. The reason it has no side effects is due to the fact that 90% of the treatment energy is released at the exact point of treatment.. Therefore it does not destroy surrounding tissue and organs like conventional radiation does.. The folks at Loma Linda have been so successful with it that other hospitals are beginning to offer it.. MD Anderson in Houston started in May of this year.. also offering it are hospitals in Indiana, Florida and Mass,... the one at Harvard I think.. I had mine in California.. and would do it again...They have been doing it so much longer.. Lots of Doctors wont recommend it... because they dont know about it, consider it expermental or they dont benefit financially by sending patients elsewhere..
If you are interested, there is a website called Proton Bob... that gives much more information.. be sure and read the testmonial section of former patients,... also there is now a book recently published by a prostate cancer survivor Robert J. Marckini.. the book is titled... YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER.. It outlines all treatment options available plus gives pros and cons..
When I was at Loma Linda getting my treatments, I met several patients who had radical surgery that did not work, many who had the seeds that didnt work.. I would be willing to bet that they were all cured by Proton Radiation.,..they were sure sold on it.. All of them were wishing that they would have had Proton Radiaton instead of what ever they had in the past. If you would like more information, feel free to email me and I will share my info with you via email or phone.. best of luck... I really think this is probably the route your friend should take..Im sure sold on it!!! My computer keeps cutting me off.. 3 rd time Ive done this dang thing.. so no spell check, plus i did it fast... hope you can tell what im trying to say~~!!!!!!!!
Side Effects of Radiation For Prostate Cancer?
There are two types of radiation therapy treatments for Prostate Cancer. I am giving them below with the side effect of these treatments-
1.External beam radiation treatment uses high-powered X-rays to kill cancer cells. This type of radiation is effective at destroying cancerous cells, but it can also scar adjacent healthy tissue.
Side effects -
* Urinary problems. The most common signs and symptoms are urgency to urinate and frequent urination. These problems usually are temporary and gradually diminish in a few weeks after completing treatment. Long-term problems are uncommon.
* Loose stools, rectal bleeding, discomfort during bowel movements or a sense of needing to have a bowel movement (rectal urgency). In some cases these problems persist for months after treatment, but they improve on their own in most men. If you do have long-term rectal symptoms, medications can help. Rarely, men develop persistent bleeding or a rectal ulcer after radiation. Surgery may be necessary to alleviate these problems.
* Sexual side effects. Radiation therapy doesn't usually cause immediate sexual side effects such as erectile dysfunction, but some men who've had the treatment have sexual problems later in life.
2. Radioactive seeds implanted into the prostate have gained popularity in recent years as a treatment for prostate cancer. The implants, also known as brachytherapy, deliver a higher dose of radiation than do external beams, but over a substantially longer period of time. The therapy is generally used in men with smaller or moderate-sized prostates with small and lower grade cancers.
Side effects -
* Urinary problems. The procedure causes urinary signs and symptoms such as frequent, slow and painful urination in nearly all men. You may require medication to treat these signs and symptoms. Some men need medications or the use of intermittent self-catheterization to help them urinate. Urinary symptoms tend to be more severe and longer lasting with seed implants than with external beam radiation.
* Sexual problems. Some men experience erectile dysfunction due to radioactive seed implants.
* Rectal symptoms. Sometimes this treatment causes loose stools, discomfort during bowel movements or other rectal symptoms. However, rectal symptoms from radioactive seed implants are generally less severe than with external beam radiation.-
Reply:I had prostate cancer 3 years ago. I had Proton Radiation at Loma Linda Universty Medical Center in Loma Linda California.. Proton Radiation is relatively new, but very successfull.. It has little to no side effects... and about a 90% cure rate. Which is as good if not better than other treatment options. I feel it is the very best prostate cancer treatment available today.. The reason it has no side effects is due to the fact that 90% of the treatment energy is released at the exact point of treatment.. Therefore it does not destroy surrounding tissue and organs like conventional radiation does.. The folks at Loma Linda have been so successful with it that other hospitals are beginning to offer it.. MD Anderson in Houston started in May of this year.. also offering it are hospitals in Indiana, Florida and Mass,... the one at Harvard I think.. I had mine in California.. and would do it again...They have been doing it so much longer.. Lots of Doctors wont recommend it... because they dont know about it, consider it expermental or they dont benefit financially by sending patients elsewhere..
If you are interested, there is a website called Proton Bob... that gives much more information.. be sure and read the testmonial section of former patients,... also there is now a book recently published by a prostate cancer survivor Robert J. Marckini.. the book is titled... YOU CAN BEAT PROSTATE CANCER.. It outlines all treatment options available plus gives pros and cons..
When I was at Loma Linda getting my treatments, I met several patients who had radical surgery that did not work, many who had the seeds that didnt work.. I would be willing to bet that they were all cured by Proton Radiation.,..they were sure sold on it.. All of them were wishing that they would have had Proton Radiaton instead of what ever they had in the past. If you would like more information, feel free to email me and I will share my info with you via email or phone.. best of luck... I really think this is probably the route your friend should take..Im sure sold on it!!! My computer keeps cutting me off.. 3 rd time Ive done this dang thing.. so no spell check, plus i did it fast... hope you can tell what im trying to say~~!!!!!!!!
How can I assess the quality of research papers/studies ?
I need to discuss the strengths and limitations of different epidemiological studies that have been employed to investigate the association between dietary fibre intake and colorectal cancer.
I really need a few pointers!
How can I assess the quality of research papers/studies ?
You need to refeer to good journals, with an Impact factor higher than 6-7
The best gastroenterology journal is called (guess?)
But Gut is also good.
An easy way of doing it, is to go to "Pubmed" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query...
and type your key words and see what comes up!
I work in a Gastro lab. If you need any leading papers, I might be able to send them to you.
Good luck
Reply:I found this paper:
Diet and colorectal cancer: current evidence for etiology and prevention.
* Campos FG,
* Logullo Waitzberg AG,
* Kiss DR,
* Waitzberg DL,
* Habr-Gama A,
* Gama-Rodrigues J.
Department of Gastroenterologoy, Colorectal Surgery Unit, Hospital das Clinicas, University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Brazil. fgcampos@osite.com.br
The etiology of colorectal cancer (CRC) involves the interaction of cell molecular changes and environmental factors, with a great emphasis on diet components. But the paths connecting lifestyle characteristicas and the colorectal carcinogenesis remain unclear. Several risk factors are commonly found in western diets, such as high concentrations of fat and animal protein, as well as low amounts of fiber, fruits and vegetables. A large number of experimental studies have found a counteractive effect of fiber on neoplasia induction, especially in relation to fermentable fiber (wheat bran and cellulose). Epidemiological correlation studies have also indicated that a greater ingestion of vegetables, fruit, cereal and seeds is associated to a lower risk for colorectal neoplasia. Moreover, beneficial properties of fiber (especially from vegetable sources) were documented in more than half of case-control studies. Nevertheless, recent epidemiological data from longitudinal and randomized trials tended not to support this influence. Future research should evaluate what sources of fiber provide effective anti-neoplasic protection, carrying out interventional studies with specific fibers for longer periods. Red meat, processed meats, and perhaps refines carbohydrates are also implicated in CRC risk. Recommendantions to decrease red meat intake are well accepted, although the total amount and composition of specific fatty acids may have distinct roles in this setting. Current evidence favors the substitution of long and medium-chain fatty acids and arachidonic acid for short-chain fatty acids and eicosapentaenoic acid. Excess boy weight and excess energy intake inducing hyperinsulinemia have been also associated to CRC, as well as personal habits such as physical inactivy, high alcohol consumption, smoking and low consumption of folate and methionine. Thus, current recommendations for decreasing the risk of CRC include dietary measures such as increased plant food intake; the consumption of whole grains, vegetables and fruits; and reduced red meat intake.
published in Nutr Hosp. 2005 Jan-Feb;20(1):18-25.
Hope it helps
Reply:You need to understand the different types of medical studies:
case series
single blind
double blind
controlled trials
As well as the term "peer reviewed"
Google is your friend
Reply:A few pointers...
Find out leading researchers in the field (Profs etc). Search for articles on their names. Generally only leading scientists have reviews accepted or are asked to do reviews in the better journals.
Assess which are the leading journals in the field of interest. Rank articles from the leading journals downwards. For example, 'Entomologist monthly' may be better than 'you and your moth weekly'
Only use peer-reviewed articles. Last thing you want is to use information that is someones opinion rather than solid research based upon facts.
You could also look at the 'Impact Factors' for the journals where the reviews are published. In general, the higher the impact factor, the better the journal and harder it is to publish in that journal. It is therefore more likely that the harder-to-publish-in journals are better.
Reply:well I know nothing about the topic, but you need reliable sources right? You have to find peer-edited journals. I am assuming you are in college. Your university should have a library page.. for example my school's is lib.wayne.edu. You should be able to find yours. from there, log in and you should have a link to different journals. The problem is, you really are not supposed to be able to access them unless you are in a library or logged on to a library's site, so I don't know how else you could get them.
I really need a few pointers!
How can I assess the quality of research papers/studies ?
You need to refeer to good journals, with an Impact factor higher than 6-7
The best gastroenterology journal is called (guess?)
But Gut is also good.
An easy way of doing it, is to go to "Pubmed" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query...
and type your key words and see what comes up!
I work in a Gastro lab. If you need any leading papers, I might be able to send them to you.
Good luck
Reply:I found this paper:
Diet and colorectal cancer: current evidence for etiology and prevention.
* Campos FG,
* Logullo Waitzberg AG,
* Kiss DR,
* Waitzberg DL,
* Habr-Gama A,
* Gama-Rodrigues J.
Department of Gastroenterologoy, Colorectal Surgery Unit, Hospital das Clinicas, University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Brazil. fgcampos@osite.com.br
The etiology of colorectal cancer (CRC) involves the interaction of cell molecular changes and environmental factors, with a great emphasis on diet components. But the paths connecting lifestyle characteristicas and the colorectal carcinogenesis remain unclear. Several risk factors are commonly found in western diets, such as high concentrations of fat and animal protein, as well as low amounts of fiber, fruits and vegetables. A large number of experimental studies have found a counteractive effect of fiber on neoplasia induction, especially in relation to fermentable fiber (wheat bran and cellulose). Epidemiological correlation studies have also indicated that a greater ingestion of vegetables, fruit, cereal and seeds is associated to a lower risk for colorectal neoplasia. Moreover, beneficial properties of fiber (especially from vegetable sources) were documented in more than half of case-control studies. Nevertheless, recent epidemiological data from longitudinal and randomized trials tended not to support this influence. Future research should evaluate what sources of fiber provide effective anti-neoplasic protection, carrying out interventional studies with specific fibers for longer periods. Red meat, processed meats, and perhaps refines carbohydrates are also implicated in CRC risk. Recommendantions to decrease red meat intake are well accepted, although the total amount and composition of specific fatty acids may have distinct roles in this setting. Current evidence favors the substitution of long and medium-chain fatty acids and arachidonic acid for short-chain fatty acids and eicosapentaenoic acid. Excess boy weight and excess energy intake inducing hyperinsulinemia have been also associated to CRC, as well as personal habits such as physical inactivy, high alcohol consumption, smoking and low consumption of folate and methionine. Thus, current recommendations for decreasing the risk of CRC include dietary measures such as increased plant food intake; the consumption of whole grains, vegetables and fruits; and reduced red meat intake.
published in Nutr Hosp. 2005 Jan-Feb;20(1):18-25.
Hope it helps
Reply:You need to understand the different types of medical studies:
case series
single blind
double blind
controlled trials
As well as the term "peer reviewed"
Google is your friend
Reply:A few pointers...
Find out leading researchers in the field (Profs etc). Search for articles on their names. Generally only leading scientists have reviews accepted or are asked to do reviews in the better journals.
Assess which are the leading journals in the field of interest. Rank articles from the leading journals downwards. For example, 'Entomologist monthly' may be better than 'you and your moth weekly'
Only use peer-reviewed articles. Last thing you want is to use information that is someones opinion rather than solid research based upon facts.
You could also look at the 'Impact Factors' for the journals where the reviews are published. In general, the higher the impact factor, the better the journal and harder it is to publish in that journal. It is therefore more likely that the harder-to-publish-in journals are better.
Reply:well I know nothing about the topic, but you need reliable sources right? You have to find peer-edited journals. I am assuming you are in college. Your university should have a library page.. for example my school's is lib.wayne.edu. You should be able to find yours. from there, log in and you should have a link to different journals. The problem is, you really are not supposed to be able to access them unless you are in a library or logged on to a library's site, so I don't know how else you could get them.
Does Breast Cancer get more press than it should?
The question from Hillery Clinton concerning Breast Cancer has got more responses (5100) than the number of women who will die from Breast Cancer this year (approx. 4100 expected for 2006). America is currently spending about $10 in research money for each person who will face this disease this year.
10 times as many women(41,000) will die this year from Heart Disease every year but we spend only dedicate about $3.00 per occurance in research money.
This seems a little out-of whack to me. Shouldn't we be spending the most to cure the diseases that kill the most?
Does Breast Cancer get more press than it should?
Breast cancer does not get more press than it should. Heart disease gets LESS press than it should. You don't have to take away from one to benefit the other. People just need to be made aware that heart disease is by far the number one killer of women, and that research in male heart disease does not necessarily apply to heart disease in women. It isn't only research money that is at stake, it's knowledge. Women can identify potentially cancerous masses through self exams, through annual mammograms, through regular visits to the doctor. We all know at least that basic information, thanks in large part to the money that is being spent on education, not just research. And because of that, brease cancer is treatable, with an over 90% five-year survival rate if it's caught early. We need to do the same with heart disease because that survival rate is only around 40%. We need to educate people, not only in the drastically higher chance of having heart disease, but in the steps we can take to prevent and identify it. We also need to focus on the basic differences in the disease between men and women. Doctors have only recently discovered that heart disease in women is very different from heart disease in men. We are still learning about the different symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment for female heart disease.
Breast cancer is largely a woman's disease, and so women rally behind it. Heart disease has long been thought to be a man's disease, so women have not been concerned about developing it.
As far as spending the most to cure the disease that kills the most, it's a bit of a popularity game. A great deal of the funding for research is from private donations, and people donate to charities that have meaning to them. Until heart disease education and research has the support of the people, it won't get the money. Steps are being taken to bring it to our attention, including the Red Dress Project. You've seen how the pink ribbon has helped draw attention to breast cancer - here's a symbol that can do the same for heart disease.
Reply:Yes it does.
Reply:hmmm....if you had watched your mother die a miserable death from breast cancer I don't think you'd think anything was out of whack. I think the fact that one penny was spent on "E.D." rather than saving lives...THAT is out of what. Know one ever died from not getting a stiffie.
Reply:my grandma has breast cancer and i feel that what they are doing is not enough for BOTH. i mean they are both really bad killers in women but by asking this you are going to get answers like mine ill go with breast cancer and somebody who knows somebody with heart problem will go with that one. your question is too hard to answer but hopefully we will find cure for both.
Reply:No, there needs to be more press on it. People need to hear more about it, the warnings and everything that goes along with it. Women need to know all they can, causes, cures, treatments, EVERYTHING.
Reply:Cancer kills a lot of people. In fact, I think, but don't quote me on it, it is the second leading cause of death in the US. I think the more press it gets the better. "The More You Know"! You know?
Reply:Both should be on the top of the list. Both are attacking women. Now more than ever people are letting us know what to look for when it comes to a heart attack. Before it was known i had a heart attact. I used common sense and went to the hospital and got treatment. I am fine now. They have to keep letting women know what they have to do to prevent this and what to do if you symptoms. Really the public is aware now about this so it is up to them to do the research about the preventable measures.
10 times as many women(41,000) will die this year from Heart Disease every year but we spend only dedicate about $3.00 per occurance in research money.
This seems a little out-of whack to me. Shouldn't we be spending the most to cure the diseases that kill the most?
Does Breast Cancer get more press than it should?
Breast cancer does not get more press than it should. Heart disease gets LESS press than it should. You don't have to take away from one to benefit the other. People just need to be made aware that heart disease is by far the number one killer of women, and that research in male heart disease does not necessarily apply to heart disease in women. It isn't only research money that is at stake, it's knowledge. Women can identify potentially cancerous masses through self exams, through annual mammograms, through regular visits to the doctor. We all know at least that basic information, thanks in large part to the money that is being spent on education, not just research. And because of that, brease cancer is treatable, with an over 90% five-year survival rate if it's caught early. We need to do the same with heart disease because that survival rate is only around 40%. We need to educate people, not only in the drastically higher chance of having heart disease, but in the steps we can take to prevent and identify it. We also need to focus on the basic differences in the disease between men and women. Doctors have only recently discovered that heart disease in women is very different from heart disease in men. We are still learning about the different symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment for female heart disease.
Breast cancer is largely a woman's disease, and so women rally behind it. Heart disease has long been thought to be a man's disease, so women have not been concerned about developing it.
As far as spending the most to cure the disease that kills the most, it's a bit of a popularity game. A great deal of the funding for research is from private donations, and people donate to charities that have meaning to them. Until heart disease education and research has the support of the people, it won't get the money. Steps are being taken to bring it to our attention, including the Red Dress Project. You've seen how the pink ribbon has helped draw attention to breast cancer - here's a symbol that can do the same for heart disease.
Reply:Yes it does.
Reply:hmmm....if you had watched your mother die a miserable death from breast cancer I don't think you'd think anything was out of whack. I think the fact that one penny was spent on "E.D." rather than saving lives...THAT is out of what. Know one ever died from not getting a stiffie.
Reply:my grandma has breast cancer and i feel that what they are doing is not enough for BOTH. i mean they are both really bad killers in women but by asking this you are going to get answers like mine ill go with breast cancer and somebody who knows somebody with heart problem will go with that one. your question is too hard to answer but hopefully we will find cure for both.
Reply:No, there needs to be more press on it. People need to hear more about it, the warnings and everything that goes along with it. Women need to know all they can, causes, cures, treatments, EVERYTHING.
Reply:Cancer kills a lot of people. In fact, I think, but don't quote me on it, it is the second leading cause of death in the US. I think the more press it gets the better. "The More You Know"! You know?
Reply:Both should be on the top of the list. Both are attacking women. Now more than ever people are letting us know what to look for when it comes to a heart attack. Before it was known i had a heart attact. I used common sense and went to the hospital and got treatment. I am fine now. They have to keep letting women know what they have to do to prevent this and what to do if you symptoms. Really the public is aware now about this so it is up to them to do the research about the preventable measures.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
Ok, so I really, really want a career that pertains to studying cancer, researching it and ultimately finding a cure. Should I go to med. school to study Oncology or should I become a Cancer Biologist. Are they even different form e/o? Thanks.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
This website has very comprehensive links of cancer info
The Brain Tumour Society webpage has many good info of brain cancer
Depending on which part of the world you are in, I would suggest you read this article and see if it may help
and some people cannot drink Essiac tea (not sure how true but just for info)
This is a youtube video of Nurse Caisse (4 parts)
I would also encourage you to go to your local video store and hire a DVD called The Secret or at http://www.thesecret.tv
Not sure of your financial situation but I would encourage you attend Anthony Robbins seminars - they are famous for changing people's lives.
Reply:If you want to do research exclusively and not treat patients then you should become a scientist not a medical doctor. Once you get to college sit down with an advisor and find out what courses and major you need to pursue this career.
Best of luck and go find a cure!
Reply:Personally, I think the cure to cancer can be found in nutrition, and it's in nutritional medicine that your efforts may be more substantiated. Lots of organizations, medical training, and forums on cancer are funded by pharmaceutical companies.
You can find more information on that here:
The aspect of big business can not be ignored in the aspect of toting conventional cancer medications. As a medical nutritionist, you would be better suited to helping your cancer patients, in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
This website has very comprehensive links of cancer info
The Brain Tumour Society webpage has many good info of brain cancer
Depending on which part of the world you are in, I would suggest you read this article and see if it may help
and some people cannot drink Essiac tea (not sure how true but just for info)
This is a youtube video of Nurse Caisse (4 parts)
I would also encourage you to go to your local video store and hire a DVD called The Secret or at http://www.thesecret.tv
Not sure of your financial situation but I would encourage you attend Anthony Robbins seminars - they are famous for changing people's lives.
Reply:If you want to do research exclusively and not treat patients then you should become a scientist not a medical doctor. Once you get to college sit down with an advisor and find out what courses and major you need to pursue this career.
Best of luck and go find a cure!
Reply:Personally, I think the cure to cancer can be found in nutrition, and it's in nutritional medicine that your efforts may be more substantiated. Lots of organizations, medical training, and forums on cancer are funded by pharmaceutical companies.
You can find more information on that here:
The aspect of big business can not be ignored in the aspect of toting conventional cancer medications. As a medical nutritionist, you would be better suited to helping your cancer patients, in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
Ok, so I really, really want a career that pertains to studying cancer, researching it and ultimately finding a cure. Should I go to med. school to study Oncology or should I become a Cancer Biologist. Are they even different form e/o? Thanks.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
Personally, I think the cure to cancer can be found in nutrition, and it's in nutritional medicine that your efforts may be more substantiated. Lots of organizations, medical training, and forums on cancer are funded by pharmaceutical companies.
You can find more information on that here:
The aspect of big business can not be ignored in the aspect of toting conventional cancer medications. As a medical nutritionist, you would be better suited to helping your cancer patients, in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
Reply:If you want to do research exclusively and not treat patients then you should become a scientist not a medical doctor. Once you get to college sit down with an advisor and find out what courses and major you need to pursue this career.
Best of luck and go find a cure!
Reply:This website has very comprehensive links of cancer info
The Brain Tumour Society webpage has many good info of brain cancer
Depending on which part of the world you are in, I would suggest you read this article and see if it may help
and some people cannot drink Essiac tea (not sure how true but just for info)
This is a youtube video of Nurse Caisse (4 parts)
I would also encourage you to go to your local video store and hire a DVD called The Secret or at http://www.thesecret.tv
Not sure of your financial situation but I would encourage you attend Anthony Robbins seminars - they are famous for changing people's lives.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
Personally, I think the cure to cancer can be found in nutrition, and it's in nutritional medicine that your efforts may be more substantiated. Lots of organizations, medical training, and forums on cancer are funded by pharmaceutical companies.
You can find more information on that here:
The aspect of big business can not be ignored in the aspect of toting conventional cancer medications. As a medical nutritionist, you would be better suited to helping your cancer patients, in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
Reply:If you want to do research exclusively and not treat patients then you should become a scientist not a medical doctor. Once you get to college sit down with an advisor and find out what courses and major you need to pursue this career.
Best of luck and go find a cure!
Reply:This website has very comprehensive links of cancer info
The Brain Tumour Society webpage has many good info of brain cancer
Depending on which part of the world you are in, I would suggest you read this article and see if it may help
and some people cannot drink Essiac tea (not sure how true but just for info)
This is a youtube video of Nurse Caisse (4 parts)
I would also encourage you to go to your local video store and hire a DVD called The Secret or at http://www.thesecret.tv
Not sure of your financial situation but I would encourage you attend Anthony Robbins seminars - they are famous for changing people's lives.
Bill Gates said he would step up funding for AIDS prevention research?
A cream, gel or pill that women can use to protect themselves from the AIDS virus is key to stopping the AIDS pandemic, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who has given hundreds of millions of dollars to HIV programs, said on Sunday.................
It looks like pple are encouraging sex.....and not just that ,want to legalise prostitution...governament policies are so funny...tobaco industry is growing and the tax money is poured into cancer research.....what is ur openion about this????????????
Bill Gates said he would step up funding for AIDS prevention research?
I think it would be better to spend the money to discover the true cause of Aids. Many people are convinced that Aids is not passed on by sex, but by other causes, such as maybe vaccination. Is it coincidence that the highest incidences of aids occur in the highest vaccinated areas?
Aids prevention is better than cure, but is sex the cause, and the only cause?
Reply:i think bill gates has me addicted to his inferior product. i think he has stolen hundreds of dollars from me. so i am glad to see hes doing something good with it.
Reply:I'm not sure what your point is, but the US government has more money invested in HIV/AIDS than any other disease. The ironic thing is that AIDS, while awful, does not kill nearly as many people as heart disease, cancer, etc., but it is the politically correct disease of the day, so that's where the funding is focused.
Reply:My opinion about Bill Gates is better since he announced the millions he would give for AIDS. People are not necessarily encouraging sex but making it more safe for people who would do it anyway.
If prostitution was legal, no more minors could be hired or pay to have sex! Better information could be provided to prevent diseases.
The growth of the tobacco industry is another thing, a really sad thing indeed. I'm glad I live in the province of Quebec were it was illegal to smoke in public places such as malls and since May it`s illegal to smoke in bars and restaurants. People can smoke at home, in their cars and outside and some are thinking of making it illegal in the cars since it monopolizes one hand for it's use!
It looks like pple are encouraging sex.....and not just that ,want to legalise prostitution...governament policies are so funny...tobaco industry is growing and the tax money is poured into cancer research.....what is ur openion about this????????????
Bill Gates said he would step up funding for AIDS prevention research?
I think it would be better to spend the money to discover the true cause of Aids. Many people are convinced that Aids is not passed on by sex, but by other causes, such as maybe vaccination. Is it coincidence that the highest incidences of aids occur in the highest vaccinated areas?
Aids prevention is better than cure, but is sex the cause, and the only cause?
Reply:i think bill gates has me addicted to his inferior product. i think he has stolen hundreds of dollars from me. so i am glad to see hes doing something good with it.
Reply:I'm not sure what your point is, but the US government has more money invested in HIV/AIDS than any other disease. The ironic thing is that AIDS, while awful, does not kill nearly as many people as heart disease, cancer, etc., but it is the politically correct disease of the day, so that's where the funding is focused.
Reply:My opinion about Bill Gates is better since he announced the millions he would give for AIDS. People are not necessarily encouraging sex but making it more safe for people who would do it anyway.
If prostitution was legal, no more minors could be hired or pay to have sex! Better information could be provided to prevent diseases.
The growth of the tobacco industry is another thing, a really sad thing indeed. I'm glad I live in the province of Quebec were it was illegal to smoke in public places such as malls and since May it`s illegal to smoke in bars and restaurants. People can smoke at home, in their cars and outside and some are thinking of making it illegal in the cars since it monopolizes one hand for it's use!
Why do liberals think that owning a gun is bad yet think that Stem Cell research is great?
Owning a gun has saved my life twice and the only thing embriotic stem cell research has done is cause cancer in mice?
Why do liberals think that owning a gun is bad yet think that Stem Cell research is great?
Why do they support abortion but abhor the death penalty? Probably the same answer.
Reply:I have no problem with people owning guns, as long as they take the responsibility to use and store them properly, according to their local, state, and the federal laws.
It's the idiots, drug dealers and gang bangers that ruin it for the responsible owners.
And if you ban stem cell research, how will we find out if there is something that works better and comes from a less controversial source?
I'm all for using it to find an ALTERNATIVE.
Reply:You aren't well. Please see a psychiatrist very soon. Also do some reading on Stem Cell Research. Can you read?
Reply:I don't know either. I'm a REPUBLICAN.
When you know the answer.
Please let me and everybody else know the answer.
Reply:Chocko 11. I'm sorry to tell you that your mother has cancer. We've done everything we could, but I'm afraid the only option now is a stem cell transplant. It could save her life, but you don't believe in it. Are you sure you don't want to save your mother's life? We're just going to throw this stem cell away anyway? No? Ok then. We'll leave you alone while you say your goodbyes.
Reply:I think both should be legal, and that liberals should be outlawed.
That would kill more mice and help save human lives.
Reply:I'm a "liberal" and I don't think owning a gun is bad. I think there should be reasonable limits in place. And while I clearly do not have the depth of knowledge that you command when it comes to embryonic stem cell research (nice spelling by the way), I would imagine my feelings would be similar when it comes to that topic as well.
Reply:I am a conservative. I don't believe gun control works. But I do believe that stem cell research will help find a cure for my disease, neurofibromatosis. A genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow on the nerve endings all over the body, internally and externally. The disease begins in the embryo stage. Thus stem cell research is needed to help find a cure. and if you really want to know how serious neurofibromatosis really is, either look it up on a search engine, go to www.nfinc.org or go to www.ctf.org.
Find out the facts.
Reply:I'm not against people owning guns - my husband has three. What I am against is any idiot who doesn't know how to use them having access to guns. I personally should never own a gun - someone would take it away from me and shoot me with it because I'm not competent with it. However, my husband is a Marine and more than able to use it effectively if it became necessary. If your gun has saved your life, you probably know what you're doing, too. Guns are not inherently bad, but guns in the hands of idiots are. As far as stem cell research, as much as it sucks, abortions happen. No one has an abortion for the sole purpose of donating stem cells. Why not let some good come out of it? And if you think the only thing stem cell research has done is give Cancer to mice, you are grossly uninformed. A friend of mine had a 3-year-old girl with brain cancer. She had surgery, then had chemo treatments as well as stem cell treatments to try to regrow damaged tissue. A year later, they can't find a trace of the cancer. She's not out of the woods yet, since she still has to get rechecked every few months. But 12 months ago she was only given a 55% chance of survival. Tell that little girl and her parents that those embryos should have been thrown away instead of being used to develop that treatment for her.
Reply:I am liberal and would buy a gun in a New York Minute if I felt I needed one.
Therapies from adult and embryonic stem cell research. To date, adult stem cell research, which is federally-funded, has resulted in the development of a variety of therapeutic treatments for diseases. Although embryonic stem cell research has not yet produced similar results, many scientists believe embryonic stem cell research holds promise over time because of the capacity of embryonic stem cells to develop into any tissue in the human body.
So instead of comparing apples and oranges.
Why don't you just move to safer neighborhood?
Reply:Where did you get a notion like that ? I am a Liberal and own several guns.
As far as Stem Cell Research, you NEED to do more research yourself !!
Reply:Did owning a gun save your life from someone else who had a gun? Chances are the person was aiming at you with a gun that was legal to begin with, then ended up in the wrong hands--perhaps stricter gun control laws could have prevented this.
I'm a liberal who is not in favor of stem cell research--humans do enough damage to the world and stem cells are just another way for us to prolong more human lives, destroying the natural selection process.
Reply:I think it is too easy to get a gun. Guns are things but guns in the wrong hands can kill people. Also, if you did more research you would discover that stem cell research has done more than what you say it has done. I am so tired of people who read one line of information and decide they are right about everything. You're probably fine with in-vitro and you are probably fine with all the to be babies just being thrown out when the mother gets pregnant. Those extras at the in-vitro lab could be used with stem cell research, but I bet you would rather them just be thrown out too. Lets just waste them because that would be better than actually picking up a book or a scientific journal and seeing what is actually going on in the scientific world.
Reply:My apologies to those who have answered as being self proclaimed liberal but are not for more gun control. I personally think you are not liberals as gun control is one of the very best litness test to determine if you are a liberal or not.
The answer to the question however is that liberals typically "don't think", they feel. The just "feel" that stem cell research might help someone, while they also "feel" that guns are bad because all they know about them comes from other liberals on the nightly news. They have also dislike the notion that one person may have an advantage over another one and a gun gives that person and advantage. Liberals also tend to dislike independence. (If you think this is not correct, just wait and see how many are quick to demonize someone that disagrees with them)
Reply:I'm going to give you a pass on your spelling, since so *many* other poor spellers post questions and answers and one of the other answerers has already chided you about it; but, as you said there have been absolutely *no* good benefits from the use of embryonic stem cells. In fact, the Chi-Coms and the Brits have already found that embryonic stem cells have caused mutated, malformed, useless, organs in humans, as well as extra legs and organs in lesser animals, etc. Whereas, umbilical and adult stem cells have been proven to provide good, sometimes, excellent, results!
The Libs' have an agenda against guns because they want to turn America into a Socialist State and private gun owners stand in their way. Embryonic stem cell research is primarily just another lie in their arsenal against President George W. Bush, and by association, all Republicans and conservatives! But, NEWSFLASH, Libs, "W" is not running this year *or* next!
Reply:Well, let's see. The most common use for a handgun is people blowing their own brains out.
The big promise of Stem Cell research is to replace damaged brain tissue.
Seems like a no brainer to me.
skin itching
Why do liberals think that owning a gun is bad yet think that Stem Cell research is great?
Why do they support abortion but abhor the death penalty? Probably the same answer.
Reply:I have no problem with people owning guns, as long as they take the responsibility to use and store them properly, according to their local, state, and the federal laws.
It's the idiots, drug dealers and gang bangers that ruin it for the responsible owners.
And if you ban stem cell research, how will we find out if there is something that works better and comes from a less controversial source?
I'm all for using it to find an ALTERNATIVE.
Reply:You aren't well. Please see a psychiatrist very soon. Also do some reading on Stem Cell Research. Can you read?
Reply:I don't know either. I'm a REPUBLICAN.
When you know the answer.
Please let me and everybody else know the answer.
Reply:Chocko 11. I'm sorry to tell you that your mother has cancer. We've done everything we could, but I'm afraid the only option now is a stem cell transplant. It could save her life, but you don't believe in it. Are you sure you don't want to save your mother's life? We're just going to throw this stem cell away anyway? No? Ok then. We'll leave you alone while you say your goodbyes.
Reply:I think both should be legal, and that liberals should be outlawed.
That would kill more mice and help save human lives.
Reply:I'm a "liberal" and I don't think owning a gun is bad. I think there should be reasonable limits in place. And while I clearly do not have the depth of knowledge that you command when it comes to embryonic stem cell research (nice spelling by the way), I would imagine my feelings would be similar when it comes to that topic as well.
Reply:I am a conservative. I don't believe gun control works. But I do believe that stem cell research will help find a cure for my disease, neurofibromatosis. A genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow on the nerve endings all over the body, internally and externally. The disease begins in the embryo stage. Thus stem cell research is needed to help find a cure. and if you really want to know how serious neurofibromatosis really is, either look it up on a search engine, go to www.nfinc.org or go to www.ctf.org.
Find out the facts.
Reply:I'm not against people owning guns - my husband has three. What I am against is any idiot who doesn't know how to use them having access to guns. I personally should never own a gun - someone would take it away from me and shoot me with it because I'm not competent with it. However, my husband is a Marine and more than able to use it effectively if it became necessary. If your gun has saved your life, you probably know what you're doing, too. Guns are not inherently bad, but guns in the hands of idiots are. As far as stem cell research, as much as it sucks, abortions happen. No one has an abortion for the sole purpose of donating stem cells. Why not let some good come out of it? And if you think the only thing stem cell research has done is give Cancer to mice, you are grossly uninformed. A friend of mine had a 3-year-old girl with brain cancer. She had surgery, then had chemo treatments as well as stem cell treatments to try to regrow damaged tissue. A year later, they can't find a trace of the cancer. She's not out of the woods yet, since she still has to get rechecked every few months. But 12 months ago she was only given a 55% chance of survival. Tell that little girl and her parents that those embryos should have been thrown away instead of being used to develop that treatment for her.
Reply:I am liberal and would buy a gun in a New York Minute if I felt I needed one.
Therapies from adult and embryonic stem cell research. To date, adult stem cell research, which is federally-funded, has resulted in the development of a variety of therapeutic treatments for diseases. Although embryonic stem cell research has not yet produced similar results, many scientists believe embryonic stem cell research holds promise over time because of the capacity of embryonic stem cells to develop into any tissue in the human body.
So instead of comparing apples and oranges.
Why don't you just move to safer neighborhood?
Reply:Where did you get a notion like that ? I am a Liberal and own several guns.
As far as Stem Cell Research, you NEED to do more research yourself !!
Reply:Did owning a gun save your life from someone else who had a gun? Chances are the person was aiming at you with a gun that was legal to begin with, then ended up in the wrong hands--perhaps stricter gun control laws could have prevented this.
I'm a liberal who is not in favor of stem cell research--humans do enough damage to the world and stem cells are just another way for us to prolong more human lives, destroying the natural selection process.
Reply:I think it is too easy to get a gun. Guns are things but guns in the wrong hands can kill people. Also, if you did more research you would discover that stem cell research has done more than what you say it has done. I am so tired of people who read one line of information and decide they are right about everything. You're probably fine with in-vitro and you are probably fine with all the to be babies just being thrown out when the mother gets pregnant. Those extras at the in-vitro lab could be used with stem cell research, but I bet you would rather them just be thrown out too. Lets just waste them because that would be better than actually picking up a book or a scientific journal and seeing what is actually going on in the scientific world.
Reply:My apologies to those who have answered as being self proclaimed liberal but are not for more gun control. I personally think you are not liberals as gun control is one of the very best litness test to determine if you are a liberal or not.
The answer to the question however is that liberals typically "don't think", they feel. The just "feel" that stem cell research might help someone, while they also "feel" that guns are bad because all they know about them comes from other liberals on the nightly news. They have also dislike the notion that one person may have an advantage over another one and a gun gives that person and advantage. Liberals also tend to dislike independence. (If you think this is not correct, just wait and see how many are quick to demonize someone that disagrees with them)
Reply:I'm going to give you a pass on your spelling, since so *many* other poor spellers post questions and answers and one of the other answerers has already chided you about it; but, as you said there have been absolutely *no* good benefits from the use of embryonic stem cells. In fact, the Chi-Coms and the Brits have already found that embryonic stem cells have caused mutated, malformed, useless, organs in humans, as well as extra legs and organs in lesser animals, etc. Whereas, umbilical and adult stem cells have been proven to provide good, sometimes, excellent, results!
The Libs' have an agenda against guns because they want to turn America into a Socialist State and private gun owners stand in their way. Embryonic stem cell research is primarily just another lie in their arsenal against President George W. Bush, and by association, all Republicans and conservatives! But, NEWSFLASH, Libs, "W" is not running this year *or* next!
Reply:Well, let's see. The most common use for a handgun is people blowing their own brains out.
The big promise of Stem Cell research is to replace damaged brain tissue.
Seems like a no brainer to me.
skin itching
Tony Snow's liver cancer?
Anyone who has bothered to read my answers and questions knows I am true, dyed in the wool Democratic Party faithful.
But what you don't know is I know cancer. I, for one, (one of many, I suspect) put the mundane game of politics aside and stop and say a prayer for Tony Snow' s fight with cancer. He is showing great courage in this fight over this evil disease and needs all our support. (As does John Edwards' wife and the millions of Americans and folks world wide afflicted with this terrible disease.)
If you are going to add pork to a bill, add pork (but it isn't pork) in the form of more federal support for cancer research.
So fight hard, Tony. We need to see your smiling face back up there.
Tony Snow's liver cancer?
It's good to see two people with differing Political Views? Have at least one mutual agreement. I have lost three Familty Members to the varying forms of Cancer. One, just like what Mr. Snow is dianosed with. My Prayers are out for him and his Family. My Hat is off to you, my Democratic FRIEND. Thanks!
Reply:I'd take that pork. amen, and thank you.
Reply:It doesn't matter which side of the aisle you're on...Tony Snow is one of the good guys. I've admired his work for many years and hope to for many more. Get well soon and may God bless you.
Reply:I'm praying for him,Mrs. Edwards and all who suffer from this horrible disease. That's very sweet of you.
Reply:I pray for both Tony Snow and Elizabeth Edwards to a speedy recovery. Cancer knows no political parties.
Reply:Tony Snow has my best wishes on a fast and full recovery as does Mrs. Edwards. Politics should be set aside and we should all pray or send our best wishes to both of them.
Reply:Right on,dude! Full recoveries to Tony and Mrs. Edwards,plus anyone else who suffers from cancer..
Reply:It shouldn't matter who has cancer as long as they fight well and beat the disease.
Good luck, Tony ... I wish you well.
Reply:If we didn't have all these wasteful welfare programs, we would have money for cancer research.
Reply:I agree. No one deserves cancer. It's an insidious disease. I lost a father to testicular cancer.
Reply:I have already held a prayer vigil of sorts on this forum...and have been highly criticised for being a 'leftist'. I was happy to finally be bashed for having religion, instead of being called 'godless'. he is in my prayers, along with Elizabeth and all others sufferirng from this terrible disease.
Reply:God Bless and heal quickly, Tony.
Reply:I agree wholeheartedly. God be with you Tony and Elizabeth. I hope all goes well.
Reply:God bless you! I am much like you that the cancer has been with loved ones. As a humane and human thing to do we indeed whis Tony Snow a speedy recovery.
Tony, to quote a fine American founding father, Mr. Patrick Henry "Although I disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it". Get well and may God Bless.
Reply:Nice to see the partisian bickering put aside for Tony Snow and Liz Edwards. I am a conservative and I wish them both well and I am one who is happy to see Edwards stay in the race.
But what you don't know is I know cancer. I, for one, (one of many, I suspect) put the mundane game of politics aside and stop and say a prayer for Tony Snow' s fight with cancer. He is showing great courage in this fight over this evil disease and needs all our support. (As does John Edwards' wife and the millions of Americans and folks world wide afflicted with this terrible disease.)
If you are going to add pork to a bill, add pork (but it isn't pork) in the form of more federal support for cancer research.
So fight hard, Tony. We need to see your smiling face back up there.
Tony Snow's liver cancer?
It's good to see two people with differing Political Views? Have at least one mutual agreement. I have lost three Familty Members to the varying forms of Cancer. One, just like what Mr. Snow is dianosed with. My Prayers are out for him and his Family. My Hat is off to you, my Democratic FRIEND. Thanks!
Reply:I'd take that pork. amen, and thank you.
Reply:It doesn't matter which side of the aisle you're on...Tony Snow is one of the good guys. I've admired his work for many years and hope to for many more. Get well soon and may God bless you.
Reply:I'm praying for him,Mrs. Edwards and all who suffer from this horrible disease. That's very sweet of you.
Reply:I pray for both Tony Snow and Elizabeth Edwards to a speedy recovery. Cancer knows no political parties.
Reply:Tony Snow has my best wishes on a fast and full recovery as does Mrs. Edwards. Politics should be set aside and we should all pray or send our best wishes to both of them.
Reply:Right on,dude! Full recoveries to Tony and Mrs. Edwards,plus anyone else who suffers from cancer..
Reply:It shouldn't matter who has cancer as long as they fight well and beat the disease.
Good luck, Tony ... I wish you well.
Reply:If we didn't have all these wasteful welfare programs, we would have money for cancer research.
Reply:I agree. No one deserves cancer. It's an insidious disease. I lost a father to testicular cancer.
Reply:I have already held a prayer vigil of sorts on this forum...and have been highly criticised for being a 'leftist'. I was happy to finally be bashed for having religion, instead of being called 'godless'. he is in my prayers, along with Elizabeth and all others sufferirng from this terrible disease.
Reply:God Bless and heal quickly, Tony.
Reply:I agree wholeheartedly. God be with you Tony and Elizabeth. I hope all goes well.
Reply:God bless you! I am much like you that the cancer has been with loved ones. As a humane and human thing to do we indeed whis Tony Snow a speedy recovery.
Tony, to quote a fine American founding father, Mr. Patrick Henry "Although I disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it". Get well and may God Bless.
Reply:Nice to see the partisian bickering put aside for Tony Snow and Liz Edwards. I am a conservative and I wish them both well and I am one who is happy to see Edwards stay in the race.
Animal research positions in Australia for a US biologist?
I have a masters degree in biology and I am working in the field of cancer research in the US. Although I have plans to enter medical school in September 2009, I have always been interested in zoology and animal conservation. I figure now is my last chance to decide which direction to take.
I would like to spend 6 to 9 months of the following year in Australia working on animal research and conservation of native species. The perfect experience would be a combination of laboratory and field work in genetics, evolution or a similar discipline, possibly at a university or similar institution.
How do I find out about research positions in Australia and what would be the best way to actually get involved in something like this? Do they have 6-9 month contract positions and do they ever accept international employees?
Also, is it difficult to get a work visa, since I am looking for employment, not student research? Would I have more luck if I applied for a paid internship?
Thank you!
Animal research positions in Australia for a US biologist?
Try www.seek.com.au for employment...the CSIRO...Universities....National Parks and Wildlife...you could end up anywhere...Don't know about visa/job stuff..visit Australian Immigration.Do your homework or you may end up shite creek without a paddle..True.
Reply:Sorry cannot help but perhaps it maybe worthwhile to contact the following:-
You can apply for working holiday visa if you are young, under 30 and tertiary educated. Restricted number of visa each year though.
May take some effort but perhaps you will find what you are after. Good luck,
I would like to spend 6 to 9 months of the following year in Australia working on animal research and conservation of native species. The perfect experience would be a combination of laboratory and field work in genetics, evolution or a similar discipline, possibly at a university or similar institution.
How do I find out about research positions in Australia and what would be the best way to actually get involved in something like this? Do they have 6-9 month contract positions and do they ever accept international employees?
Also, is it difficult to get a work visa, since I am looking for employment, not student research? Would I have more luck if I applied for a paid internship?
Thank you!
Animal research positions in Australia for a US biologist?
Try www.seek.com.au for employment...the CSIRO...Universities....National Parks and Wildlife...you could end up anywhere...Don't know about visa/job stuff..visit Australian Immigration.Do your homework or you may end up shite creek without a paddle..True.
Reply:Sorry cannot help but perhaps it maybe worthwhile to contact the following:-
You can apply for working holiday visa if you are young, under 30 and tertiary educated. Restricted number of visa each year though.
May take some effort but perhaps you will find what you are after. Good luck,
How does one go about starting a non-profit organization ?
How would I go about starting a non-profit organization ? I would love to start an org. that focuses on women and children and/or women battling cancer... How would I get funding and from whom ? Once apon a time, I used to feed the needy , so that's a cause that's close to me too...
So !!! How do I go about getting funds for my org. so that I/we may further breast cancer research, or purchase clothes for needy women and children, or whatever causes my not- yet- developed org. will help...
How does one go about starting a non-profit organization ?
That site is a great source on what you need. Goodluck!
So !!! How do I go about getting funds for my org. so that I/we may further breast cancer research, or purchase clothes for needy women and children, or whatever causes my not- yet- developed org. will help...
How does one go about starting a non-profit organization ?
That site is a great source on what you need. Goodluck!
I'm planning on doing some fund raising, how can I do this legally?
I'm a student who was recently diagnosed with cancer and now I owe a large amount in medical bills. I decided that I would start to do some fund raising selling t-shirts and holding bake sales to offset some of the costs. I plan on advertising this locally through fliers and other low cost methods. If this is successful it's something I would like to continue with after my medical bills and school. I would also in the future like to donate some of my proceeds to cancer research. So, do I need to start a small business or charity for legal and tax purposes now? Or can I wait? There is the possibility that this could just amount to me selling some t-shirts and cupcakes to my friends and nothing more, so I wouldn't exactly want to start a small business just for that. What should I do?
I'm planning on doing some fund raising, how can I do this legally?
It can amount to NOTHING more thn you just selling cupcakes and t-shirts you personally are not a charity but self employed.
Reply:You can also do a Tupperware Fundraiser. I would send you all the materials you need, and you would sell products from our fundraiser line. you'd make 40% of the profits. If you had others selling it with you, you'd make more.
let me know if you're interested.
adult teeth
I'm planning on doing some fund raising, how can I do this legally?
It can amount to NOTHING more thn you just selling cupcakes and t-shirts you personally are not a charity but self employed.
Reply:You can also do a Tupperware Fundraiser. I would send you all the materials you need, and you would sell products from our fundraiser line. you'd make 40% of the profits. If you had others selling it with you, you'd make more.
let me know if you're interested.
adult teeth
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