Sunday, August 22, 2010

Any good fund raising ideas for me and 2 friends?

We want to collect money for the Race For Life (in aid of Cancer Research UK). Any fun and good ideas would be appreciated please, cheers :)

Any good fund raising ideas for me and 2 friends?
one of my favorite ideas is the balloon fund raiser. what you have to do is talk to some nearby resteraunts or stores and get them to donate a gift certificate. doesnt have to be a lot of money. could be just $5.00 or $10.00 and promise them that you will advertise them in your balloon fund raiser.

next step, buy a pack of balloons (from a dollar store or something so that it doesnt cost too much) and blow them up and place a peice of paper inside each one of them. each paper will either say: "sorry try again" or "CONGRATULATIONS! you have won a gift certificate to (fill in the blank here)"

sell your balloons for like $3.00 each and the person that buys it has to pop it. when they pop it they read the paper on the inside and if they have won give them one of the gift certificates.

hope this helps. if you're still a bit unsure as to how the balloon fund raiser works feel free to ask me any questions

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