Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do Women Ignore their Dads, Sons Who Die From Prostate Cancer While Supporting Breast Cancer?

Prostate cancer kills 1/2 as many people as breast cancer.

Lots of women have dads, sons who either did or will die from prostate cancer. Do those women, if they are married, make sure that their families give equal support to the men in their lives?

Do women care more about their moms and daughters than they care about their dads and sons?

(Breast cancer research gets 10 times as much money as prostate cancer research.)

Do Women Ignore their Dads, Sons Who Die From Prostate Cancer While Supporting Breast Cancer?
It's pretty much a silent disease that most people don't know how to help. For example, ejaculating a minimum of 3x a week is supposed to help keep your prostate healthy. I think people just don't like to talk about it, particularly in the States, because we're a bunch of prudes. (no offense) I mean, look at how poorly Jocelyn Elders was received for promoting masturbation as a safe alternative to sex? Heck, Clinton fired her over it. A candidate promoting regular ejaculation (through sex or masturbation) would certainly be a first.
Reply:How about people that die of Pancreatic Cancer?

It's on the rise in America, and it is a cancer that is TERMINAL AT DIAGNOSIS because there is no way to detect it early or treat it effectively.

Just once I'd like to see a fundaiser on the scale of the Komen race for the cure to raise awareness, and money for badly needed research to stop this horrible disease.


Have you ever watched your mother laying in a hospital bed bed in the ER, completely jaundiced, puking and shitting blood and dead tissue because the tumor had blocked the bile duct and was slowly strangling her intestines?

My mom gave a damn about her health, and she STILL got cancer. There was nothing they could do because it's not detectable until stage 4, and she died a miserable death.

If you men don't want to take some initiative and look after your own health, don't come bitching about the consequences and "women not caring."

Why the hell should we care if you don't give a flying **** about yourselves? You think we live solely to serve your sorry asses?
Reply:Women took up the cause of breast cancer. Spoke out loud about it. Men have the same resposiblity. And Jenny's response says the rest.
Reply:No, more often than not women not only carry the burden of carrying for their own health but their families health as well. That usually includes her parents and his as well. Men as well as women should be aware of their health care needs.

teeth sundance

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