I see all these charity events that raise millions and millions of dollars for cancer research and a cure still hasn't been found. I know it's difficult but I was wonder what happens with all the money that is raised? I mean, we're talking about MILLIONS of dollars so how is it used?
Cancer---donations and cure?
The problem with finding a cure is that cancer isn't a single disease, it's an umbrella term for over 200 different diseases. The difficulty with finding a cure is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them They all respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them, so there isn't a magic bullet that cures all cancers and there never will be.
But quite a few cancers CAN already be cured: seven out of ten children are cured of cancer; testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy.
Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough - three quarters (75%) of breast cancers found at stage one for example
And all this is thanks to cancer research.
Yes there’s still a long way to go, but there is much dedicated
hard work going on to find treatments and cures.
Keep donating!
Reply:check out this research group http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/
Reply:My last treatment was a multimil trial. The protocol possibly saved my life, and is helping to make the same treatment available to others. Without those donations, my protocol may never have been invented, my treatment may never have taken place, and others may never get the chance to try it.
Reply:I can tell you that my oncologist has just come up with a drug that is fighting Mantle Cell Lymphoma, it was just approved by the FDA. This is a terrible cancer that upon diagnosis gives you about 3 months to live. His research is cutting edge.
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