Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why does Bush allow 1500 people to die daily in America?

Bush has cut research funds for medical and cancer research! 1500 die of cancer daily, yet when Lance Armstrong went to the White House to ask for one million dollars for cancer research, he was turned down! Yet billions are spent in Iraq every month. And his restriction of embryonic stem cell research is an abomination. The embryos are being discarded instead of used for research. The man has no science background, and really does not care about humanity. How come conservative Christians don't care when the embryos are thrown away? Hypocracy. Bush invades Iraq, spends billions on this unnecessary war, and medical research suffers.people suffer.

Why does Bush allow 1500 people to die daily in America?
George Bush doesn't care about sick people. the President has THAT MUCH POWER? He is now the only person in the world who can provide the cure (or the necessary funds to research a cure) for cancer? What about all those corporations and organizations that are NOT contributing to medical research? The President is not to blame for every single thing that does not go your way. Medical research into a cure for cancer has been going on for DECADES! One president's change in funding is not going to change things. How about all the people studying cancer coming together into one massive research effort? Has that completely occured yet?

People have been suffering in this nation since it's inception. Unfortunately, the quality of people these days is much less than in previous years. We used to help each other out when we were in need. Now all we do is sit back and blame the president. Not the government...just the president. It's a shame.
Reply:He doesn't, money doesn't grow on trees. President Bush is not God and cant take care of every person in the US.
Reply:Oh, and he has that hurricane coming close to Texas so gas will go up again....hmm.
Reply:For the same reason Bill Clinton screwed around on his wife. BECAUSE HE IS ALLOWED TO DO SO!
Reply:I swear to My Deity, This president has to be the most powerful thing in the universe. I think he's more powerful than the "force"
Reply:Don't forget the 450K who die annually in car wrecks. (Bush's fingerprints are all over that too, eh?)

War in Iraq less that 1% gross domestic product.

I voted for bush. I say have at those embryos. Go for it! Whatever! :D
Reply:beause he a dumb *** and people voted for him 2 twice i bet he even had something to do for 9/11 he porblay knew but he was to lazy to do something about it now he letting thoese familes suffer he should just hire someone to boom the moutians and end the war

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