Ok, so I really, really want a career that pertains to studying cancer, researching it and ultimately finding a cure. Should I go to med. school to study Oncology or should I become a Cancer Biologist. Are they even different form e/o? Thanks.
Career in cancer-help me decide?
This website has very comprehensive links of cancer info
The Brain Tumour Society webpage has many good info of brain cancer
Depending on which part of the world you are in, I would suggest you read this article and see if it may help
and some people cannot drink Essiac tea (not sure how true but just for info)
This is a youtube video of Nurse Caisse (4 parts)
I would also encourage you to go to your local video store and hire a DVD called The Secret or at http://www.thesecret.tv
Not sure of your financial situation but I would encourage you attend Anthony Robbins seminars - they are famous for changing people's lives.
Reply:If you want to do research exclusively and not treat patients then you should become a scientist not a medical doctor. Once you get to college sit down with an advisor and find out what courses and major you need to pursue this career.
Best of luck and go find a cure!
Reply:Personally, I think the cure to cancer can be found in nutrition, and it's in nutritional medicine that your efforts may be more substantiated. Lots of organizations, medical training, and forums on cancer are funded by pharmaceutical companies.
You can find more information on that here:
The aspect of big business can not be ignored in the aspect of toting conventional cancer medications. As a medical nutritionist, you would be better suited to helping your cancer patients, in my opinion.
Hope this helps.
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