Thursday, August 19, 2010

Do you think that cancer is good business for physicians and clinics?

I mean: Is research intentionally slowed down or even sidetracked to justify expensive treatment. In other words: Does the medical profession gets fatter through expensive, barely useful treatments?

Do you think that cancer is good business for physicians and clinics?
You are totally correct. It is a total medical deception, and all of America has been completely duped. The FDA, pharmaceuticals and oncology "business" and “industry” want to prop up cancer as their main "cash cow". In other words, they have utterly no intention of pursuing a true cure for cancer. Why should they? Afterall, they're making billions of dollars because of cancer. A cure would eradicate the cash cow, the “goose that lays the golden egg”. They see catastrophic healthcare as the driving engine for their wealth generation and agenda. They do not care about American lives. Cures will not be tolerated. That is why any true researcher who attempts to find a cure for the major diseases, like cancer, or does find an alternative remedy of demonstrative promise, once the copyright patents are submitted, then the research is shut down, computers, files, documents and all research is confiscated, and the staff and principle researchers are "intimidated" by government officials. If researchers are not halted in this fashion, then "Plan-B" allows them to go to extremely "stringent" clinical trials where they are "tripped up" by minor details and their trials are nullified and closed down. I've heard case after case of this type of covert agenda by the FDA and the U.S. government.

The oncology therapies and radiation therapies are "psuedo-thearpies". This is how the process "really" and “actually” works:

When one gets a "malignant tumor", it is actually a good thing, indicating that the individual's immune system is fully functional and doing its job of consolidating the cancer cells into compact and isolated locations, the tumors. However, the medical establishment recommends that the patient is immediately put on a radical one year program of "chemotherapy", supposedly, as we are told, this will combat the cancer. This is done at an average cost of $68,000.00 merely for just the medicine alone, excluding physician costs, staff costs, equipment costs, lab costs, and all other peripheral costs.

But what the patient is not told is that the chemotherapy (or radiation therapy) disrupts the proper function of the immune system and literally shuts it completely down. As a result, the immune system can no longer do its job of consolidating the cancer cells into compact locations, creating the isolated tumors. Consequently, the malignant tumor that the patient was originally diagnosed with begins to shrink in size, not at all from the chemotherapy, itself, but from the “disabled immune system” precipitated by the toxicity of the chemotherapy. Eventually, the tumor "vanishes". The oncologist exclaims, "Halleluiah, the chemotherapy worked!" And the cancer goes into remission, and the patient is taken off all the therapies. Unbeknownst to the patient, the cancer cells have merely dispersed to new locations within the patient’s body.

Several months later, to the horror of the patient, the cancer returns with a vengeance! And this time the new invigorating tumors are found in completely new locations. This occurs because once the chemotherapy was terminated, then slowly the patient’s immune system reactivates and rebounds going back to executing its job of gathering and consolidating the dispersed cancer cells into compact locations, thus creating the new tumors.

In addition to this “Medical Cancer Deception”, in order to keep the engines of catastrophic illnesses thriving, the FDA approves products and drugs with “time release degeneration” having negative health affects that cannot be readily and immediately ascertainable, but requires a 10 to 25 year period of an amalgamated consumption before catastrophic health issues surface in the potential patient, primarily cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, neurological diseases, and so on. These include the approval of Aspartame artificial sweetener which causes neurological damage and neuron dysfunction, and grand-mal-seizures; the integration of minute amounts of the poison, mercury, in all vaccinations with the Federal encouragement to get flu vaccinations every winter (mercury never cycles out of the body and thus accumulates to deadly levels as one ages eventually causing degeneration and diseases); growth hormones in dairy products which causes exponential cancer growth; and aluminum, e.g. aluminum cans for beverages which causes Alzheimer’s, which has reached alarming levels amongst the youth demographics, heavy consumers of soft drinks.

Yes, the FDA is not our friend.
Reply:Dr. Loraine Day of San Francisco cured herself of lymphoma cancer, one of the most aggressive, via boosting her immune system by juicing raw vegatables. She is the immunologists that figured out that AIDS is a blood-borne disease: http://www.alternative-cancer-... Report Abuse

Reply:I don't think so.

First of all, it is much more profitable for a drug company to develop an EFFECTIVE drug and outcompete others. This is a free-market economy, best goods-least costs rules. You seem to assume that they cannot sell an effective drug for a high price, which is an obviously false assumption. NIH has been doing a very good job of monitoring the quality of new drugs before licensing, too.

Same is true for the researchers. They have to publish to advance in their careers and a useless piece of research has no chance of being published. I highly recommend the book "Natural Obsessions" by Natalie Angier, a great account of the early years of cancer research.

Furthermore, it is a false assumption that there must be miracle cure for cancer. Perhaps there is, perhaps there is not. Remember that "cancer" is not a single disease. For some cancers, like seminoma (a tumor of testis), the cure rate is already better than 90%. For others, the prognosis is still dismal.

Finally, let me tell you this: I was born into a family of physicians and they HATE to see their patients die. Only a very very sick doctor would wish his patients dead.

To Jon Seisa: Chemo and radiotherapy are relatively recent inventions. So you can look at the cure rate of cancer before 1940s to see if chemo really works. Here are the numbers: before 1940, %26gt;99% of children with leukemia died(without chemo which was not yet invented), today about 20% of children with leukemia die(if they receive chemo). Figure it out! I also don't understand why you could not sell an effective treatment ten times more expensively than an ineffective one. If I were the CEO of a drug company I would strive to develop an effective drug and outcompete my rivals.

To David W: You also seem to assume that there MUST be a miracle cure for cancer. The reality is that humans are MORTAL. The bible says so, and science concurs. The second law of thermodynamics state that the universe tends towards disorder therefore the order of the human body is bound to be disturbed sooner or later. We just have to come to terms with our mortality.
Reply:check you bank book and yours and see who has the most in it. my opion?
Reply:I have always believed that the mainstream medical industry is not interested in finding a cure for cancer because it makes too much profit with its present barbarous methods.

Eventually, I came across a detailed report which agreed with my findings, and I have included it in my web page at

By reading this report, you will also convince yourself that it is best to ignore the mainstream cancer industry, and seek alternative cures. Also you should bear in mind that the medical industry will do anything to protect its profitable position, including disparaging alternative healers or even creating bogus court cases.

I believe that cancer is a whole body thing, which in 80 percent of cases manifests itself by producing symptoms in the weaker parts of the body, and therefore appearing localised. It is this treatment of symptoms instead of cause which creates the profitable, yet non-successful approach of mainstream medicine.

Some cures are listed on the web page too.

It is therefore obvious that a holistic approach is required, based on cleansing, diet, exercise and debugging.
Reply:Cancer seems to be good fat bloated business for everyone including the alternative and complementary health industry, holistic and naturapath practitioners. Anyone can get fat off the cancer business. It's fantastic business for those who advertise and promote cancer 'cures' too by selling books or offering questionable information. It's big business and they are getting rich . . with expensive, barely useful treatments.

So, let's slow down a bit. Cancer is not cheap. It does not matter if you are looking at tradional medicine or thinking of flying down to a clinic in Mexico . . it is EXPENSIVE and there are NO GUARANTEES from any area of the health field - tradional or non-tradional that the treatment will work for you. The only thing a patient can do is their own research and find out what the best treatment will be for them personally. Make the treatment your choice.

Incidentally, my son's treatment will be topping a million dollars, and its been worth every penny. I would give more to his doctors if I could afford to, especially the surgeon who gave him his life back . . his charge to us was $6000 . . seems like a small price to pay for the life of your child. (health insurance eventually was shamed into paying for this too).

My advice is . . buyer beware . . research and make sure the medical professionals understand that they 'work' for you. And, than be damned the cost. Be smart and use all resources available.
Reply:I agree 100% with jon siesa! Billions and billions of dollars have been spent on cancer research and still no cure and there never will be!

The FDA and pharmaceutical companys make billions of dollars on so called "cancer drugs" and treatments.

If they found a cure for cancer.You will never hear about it!

The FDA will never aprove a cancer "cure"ing drug.

But in my opinion there are "natural" cures for cancer, i have done extensive research myself and there are hundreds of books, articles, and alternative ways to cure yourself of cancer.

I am so greatful for Kevin trudeaus "natural cures" book.

Yes, I agree he is just a marketing guru, but alot of what he says in his book is true! and I believe it.

But he started the ball in motion, and has educated alot of people and has probly saved countless many more with his information. Good on ya Kevin!

I hope alot more people read his book become informed as to what "they" are doing to the american population.

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