Breast cancer research gets tons more funding than prostate cancer research. Almost every major city has a "Woman's Hospital" yet there is no such thing as a Men's Hospital. Why do you think that the medical needs of men aren't considered a valid and as important as those of women? Is it really any surprise that women live longer?
Why do women get so much better health care than men?
I've had breast cancer before.....and I never thought about this -- but in reality prostate cancer and colon cancer (women can get this too) does not get as much help. The thing is, it depends on WHO starts the foundations....for instance, the Susan Kohman (sp?) foundation is strictly about breast cancer and no one has started foundations for others -- YOU COULD though ......
Reply:One of the reasons is that women go to the doctor and ask for help, men generally avoid the doctor if they can.
Reply:first of all, women are least likely to seek health care. they usually ignore any symptoms until they are really bad.
secondly, women's hospitals are usually geared towards labor and delivery.
thirdly, getting breast cancer can affect very young women and very old women. it can kill you and really affect you if you're diagnosed in your 30s/40s (it happens often). prostate cancer is a very old man's disease (generally) and rarely kills you. you would die from another disease before prostate cancer kills you.
fourth - women live longer than men in africa, asia, etc...where there are no high end "women's hospitals" so there is no validity to your statement about "no wonder women live longer"
Reply:Wow,,,,,what a loaded question!!!
I guess it is because women have more than just breast cancer to be concerned with. Not only are there MANY hormones that change on a monthly basis first to induce the menstrual cycle and then to stop the cycle, (guys have testosterone and a little estrogen); they have a menstrual cycle that can and does go awry; they have ovaries with their various problems including cancer and cysts, they have a uterus which not only gets cancer, but there are other uterine diseases and problems that can occur as well as cervical cancers and problems, and cancers of the vagina. This is all in addition to pregnancies and the many, sometimes life-threatening complications associated with pregnancy. Then there is the problems associated with fertility.
See? The reproductive system of a woman is so very much more complicated than a man's reproductive system. And that is what this is all about.....with regards to "women's hospitals" It just isn't about breast cancer.
If it is breast cancer vs. prostate cancer we are talking about, here goes......many more women get breast cancer and die, than men who get prostate cancer. Many women get breast cancers at a young age to middle age. Some in their old age. Either way, the percentage of death rate is higher. Prostate cancers are nearly always limited to the older man and most often a man will not die of the disease since 99% of prostate cancers occur in very elderly man and it is such a slow growing cancer, generally the man will die of something else instead of prostate cancer, if it is just left alone.
If need be, he can have his prostate removed (TURP) which will render him impotent but cured; but like I said, if he needs this surgery, he generally has been impotent anyway for many years.
The medical needs of men are certainly considered as important as those of women. You just need to make a case for the need for a men's hospital a little stronger than funding for prostate cancer research. Sorry....
I am an RN
Reply:Maybe it's because women do more work to raise money for breast cancer. There are all kinds of fund raisers set up by women. We are more proactive about our health than men are...
If you guys want more funding then you should do more fundraising for your own causes...
Men don't live as long maybe because they are often not as willing to see doctors and to take care of themselves as women are.
Reply:Matt, Women are much more complex then men.As a gentlemen I believe they deserve even more care than they are given now.
Reply:The simple reason for this is that women go to the doctor two or more times per year and men are too macho to go - even when they're sick. Women do have more going on with their bodies than men do, of course. This is likely the reason for so many Women's Hospitals throughout the country. Men don't get yearly exams and women do - they discuss their mamograms and thus raise awareness among other women.
Reply:I don't think it's generally true that woman get better health care but you may have a point about breast cancer specifically. It's a politically charged disease-- like AIDS. There are a lot of special interest groups promoting treatment for it. Anything with a rubber band people wear around their wrists-- ya know? Actually more woman die each year from heart disease but all you hear about is breast cancer.
Reply:sorry women are just better. j/k
Reply:Because we have periods and babies.
Reply:There are more "Men's Health" practices starting to appear, but in general, if women get better health care than men it can often be attributed to women talking more openly and honestly to their doctors. Men have a tendency to put off going to the doctore and even when they are there they often downplay a condition or completely skip discussing it at all. Sometimes it's bravado--guys want to act like they aren't sick, aren't hurt, aren't vulnerable to pain. An admission of a problem is often thought of as a weakness. Men have not figured out, as many women have, that in order for them to provide for their families and be a good parent/spouse they have to take care of themselves--instead many men see this as being wimpy or self-involved.
Reply:im in nursing school, and we were just talking about this in class. we kind of came up with a reason. most men dont like to talk about their health care problems, especially when its a touchy topic such as prostate dieseases and such. and women like to turn to their friends to help and comfort (which most men ive come across dont do this). but it does need to change b/c prostatic cancer is just a big of a deal and deffinately as much of a scare as breast cancer for women.
hope this helped :)
Reply:I think that is because most women are more sensative than men.
Reply:A good doctor is and should always be good to all patients regardless of any factor
Reply:There is much less cancerous danger towards men. It is a much more serious matter for women, and aside from cancer, women have many more health problems. Irregular periods, pregnancy, and infections. Does that answer your question? =)
Reply:Why dont you donate some money to prostate cancer research then?
I think women get better health care on a personal level as well. Mostly because they are more open and communicate better with their doctors than the average guy.
Reply:Women give birth so that the main reason for hospitals. They can get breast cancer also. Women tend to have the desire for plastic surgery, and most men don't.
Reply:Good question. I have come to the theory that men have much higher higher expectations then women. It is not just health care either. It is more acceptable for a women to show her emotions, then it is for a man. If a women crys, she will get comforted hugged etc, whereas if a man was crying, he would get laughed at. Men are expected to be stronger, less emotional and generally deal with things better then women. It is not fair. There is not enough understanding. Although we are not as open as women are, us men have problems and feelings too. Why do you think the suicide rate for men is so much higher compared to the suicide rate for women?
Reply:Because we give birth and have periods and many other things that boys dont have to worry about!
Reply:Because there is a whole lot more things that can happen to a female body ~vs~ a males body.
Reply:Women see their doctors earlier and more often than men. Men do not want to discuss health issues even with their doctor at the onset of symptoms of an illness.
Reply:"Because we have periods and babies"
LOL thats a top answer if ever I saw one, amen to that
Reply:Because men don't go to see a doctor as often as women,%26amp; men don't listen to there doctor as often as women do.
Reply:Women's problems are much more harder to deal with. If prostate cancer is detected early enough it has an over 90% survival rate. There are Men's clinics/health centers in every major city. But, if you really want to know the truth, women are more likely to take care of themselves than men are.
Reply:CUZ WE ARE AWESOME! and guys dont have to have babies being pushed out OUCH!
Reply:says who!
Reply:Probably because women make little human creatures.. So they need to be healthy... maybe..
Reply:because its all an urban myth. i've been trying to tell people for years that the goverments been spewing this right-wing, neo-conservative, hippie- libralism propaganda for years! Wake up people! Smell the coffee! Don't believe everything you hear on TV. I'd rather go see a vegetarian than go to a people hospital any day.
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