Is there any research being done on lysosomes for something like cancer or other diseases? Can you give me info about this research?
What are some current research on lysosomes??
If cancer cells can be tricked into producing lysosomes and triggered to self destruct the cancer cell there could be applications. They can break down almost any macromolecules
lysosomes and peroxisomes are kewl. They are the garbage disposal system for the multitude of toxic chemistry's that are the by products of life.
In cancer treatment the dead Cancer cells resulting from successful treatment can be very toxic and have to be disposed of. Many cancer treatments are themselves very toxic. These little organelles are forced to clean it all up.
In endocytosis, the cell engulfs some of its extracellular fluid (ECF) including material dissolved or suspended in it. A portion of the plasma membrane is invaginated and pinched off forming a membrane-bounded vesicle called an endosome.
Phagocytosis ("cell eating"):
results in the ingestion of particulate matter (e.g., bacteria) from the ECF.
The endosome is so large that it is called a phagosome or vacuole.
Phagocytosis occurs only in certain specialized cells (e.g., neutrophils, macrophages, the amoeba), and
occurs sporadically.
This electron micrograph (courtesy of Dr. Robert J. North) shows a guinea phagocyte ingesting polystyrene beads. Several beads are already enclosed in phagosomes while the others are in the process of being engulfed.
In due course, phagosomes deliver their contents to lysosomes. The membranes of the two organelles fuse. Once inside the lysosome, the contents of the phagosome, e.g. ingested bacteria, are destroyed by the degradative enzymes of the lysosome.
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